A few questions about Doppelganger magic

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A few questions about Doppelganger magic

Unread post by bridgetkeble »

A few questions about the Doppelganger spell (both the Lvl 8 wizard spell and the SoL):

1. Do they need to eat?

2. Do they need to sleep?

3. Do they bleed?

4. If killed, will it leave a corpse behind or vanish?

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Re: A few questions about Doppelganger magic

Unread post by Mersharr »

I can't find the 8th level spell, which book is that in? (Also, may belong in the Fantasy RPG Forum moreso than Rifts)

For my reading of the SoL, the description refers to the Doppelganger as a "clone" that is identical to the original in all aspects except those mentioned in the text, thus I'd say same as the original caster to all four, unless they are killed by Negate Magic or a Power Leech Circle, which will "destroy" the duplicate.
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Re: A few questions about Doppelganger magic

Unread post by Grazzik »

The reference is to the misspelled 8th level spell "Doppleganger" on pg 73 of PFRPG Revised Edition - though it is dropped in PFRPG 2ed.

Either way, I'd point out that there is a time limit on both spells (days/years respectively). Once that time is up... poof... the (properly spelled) doppelganger disappears. So, even if just a pile of bones, it would disappear. There is the chance the SOL Doppleganger (Superior) version will remain permanently, in which case the bones would remain and turn to bone dust in time.

I'd agree that biological functions would be the same ... except one. I'd like to think that they don't naturally age. I have a few reasons, but admit it is a tenuous position easily knocked down.
1. They have "frozen" hit points [note: there was no SDC in PFRPG revised]... there are various rules for dealing with aging characters (i.e. PFRPG 2ed pg 34) where there HP/SDC may decrease over time, but if does this mean frailty doesn't kick in if the HP/SDC is frozen?
2. As a magical construct that is meant to be temporary, even if for a few years, why weave in the need to age as added complexity? Better and easier to make it a static copy.
3. For any "permanent" doppelganger out by its merry self, it adds a bit of storytelling grist when folk realize that Willy the Wiz is really well preserved for 478 years old and doesn't look a day over 50... what must be his secret and can it be stolen?

Not wedded to the idea, just some thoughts.
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