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Techno-Smithy question

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2024 8:14 pm
by 5IronBadger
Hi all,

I could not find an answer to this in all my searching so I was hoping for some feedback.

What is the PPE cost for the Techno-Smithy when using Talisman Creation or Forge Magic Weapons and Armor?
Is it just the cost of the spells they are enchanting the items with? I am assuming they need to spend PPE for those spells (it wasn't specified).

These are two abilities that rely on percentile roll for success. Based on what I am reading it does seem the Techno-Smithy would have to cast Enchant Weapon (minor) when using Forge Magic Weapons and Armor. But then what are "spell like abilities" are those spells? What do they cost PPE wise?
With the Talisman creation; do they have to cast the Talisman spell?

I appreciate any clarity that any of you can offer.
I realize that as the GM I can do whatever I want, but I wanted to understand the authors original intention. Which I don't.

Re: Techno-Smithy question

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2024 9:56 am
by ShadowLogan
Techno-Smithy can be found in DB6: 3G on pg84-5 for those interested.

The PPE cost for the two abilities in question would be as per usual for those instances IMHO.

The talisman is the Spell in Ritual Form, plus the PPE for the spells involved. PERSONALLY I'd just have the character roll when creating a self-recharging talisman given they know the spell itself which doesn't need a skill roll for 1-3x use, so why make it a skill roll in these other instances?

MW&A ability runs into the same issues as above and then some (Enchant spell costs permanent PPE when used for permanent creations). Given the text I think the ritual they perform actually involves forging the item in question (text specifically states they "forge" this stuff). PPE cost is going to be as the spell (they only avoid the permanent PPE cost). For added magic abilities the PPE cost is not likely going to be as the spell, I'd say treat it as a single-use TW item and follow those rules.

What the author/editors original intention is for those abilities I don't know. The M&A ability I'd suggest checking some of the other mystical forgers and see how they handle the issue of creating magic weapons/armor (Mystic Kunzai in Mystic Russia might have something, but I don't own the book so don't know for sure, England might also have something).

Re: Techno-Smithy question

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 4:43 pm
by 5IronBadger
Thank you ShadowLogan.
I was thinking along the same lines as your understanding.
Also, thanks for mentioning Mystic Russia. I will check that out. :)

Re: Techno-Smithy question

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:56 pm
by Shorty Lickens
On page 85 it says they have skill in repairing and creating techno wizard items. I'd probably just use those rules for PPE costs, and money and materials. Not cuz it fits. Cuz I'm lazy.
(RUE page 130 to 132)