This derives from page 8 of the original vampire kingdoms:
- While they require blood as nourishment, they are also psychic vampires that feed on the P.P.E. of their victims,
soaking up the delectable quintessence of life tinged with the tantalizing flavor of terror and/or ecstasy that only a vampire can evoke.
- I find many people do not realize the undead not only drink blood, but are psychic vampires that immerse themselves in dark emotions.
Fear, hate, sorrow, and agony are all sweet nectar to Undead Vampires.
When a vampire kills and feeds, the monster soaks up the delectable quintessence of life tinged with the tantalizing flavor of terror or ecstasy that only a vampire can evoke.
What remains consistence is that this idea of psychic vampirism remains distinct from the blood-drinking. It was an "also" in he original and a "not only" in Reid's words.
As for the connection to PPE and blood, an interesting note about this exists in the Arzno world book on page 142:
The P.P.E. taken from a human sacrifice is not just doubled with the victim' s death,
but also doubled again if the blood from the sacrifice is consumed by the Blood Priest
(increased by a total of four times!) .
From this I think we can discern that beyond the usual 100% PPE that people can interact with (spending for magic and so forth) there exist two distinct pools of normally inaccessible PPE in a person:
- a 100% pool released into the ether upon death (can be captured by Psi-Stalkers and mages doing a ritual execution)
a 200% pool locked in the blood (can be captured by a Blood Priest who drinks it)
I was thinking maybe something like a 50-50 system where half the PPE goes towards the vampire who drinks it (contributing to maintaining their sapience and fighting the regression into a Wild Vampire) while half gets sent to the vampire intelligence?
This resembles the way the "Drain PPE" ability of Reapers (see pg 43 of Nightbane WB4 Shadows of Light) works, as elaborated under the Mircalla description on page 49 - Reapers keep half for their own PPE reserves and send the other half to the Mircalla. Mircalla consume half of that (25% of total) on susetenance and put the other half (also 25%) into their PPE reserver for magic.
I could imagine something like that happening with Vampire Intelligences too. Getting PPE sustenance from vampires would help to explain why vampire intelligences would want to create them - they're creating a network of PPE income to supplement themselves in addition to whatever nexus they happen to be parked on. That way if they have to flee the nexus (or it gets neutralized somehow - there are ley line storms or various spells which can shut down ley lines) they still have a way of meeting their PPE needs.
Of course one of the major holes for vampire intelligences and mircalla alike is despite being told of their reliance on PPE we don't get clear guidelines as to the effects of going without that PPE in terms of gradual power loss or death, which I think would be useful in helping to establish how motivated they are to get that.
VIs also drink blood directly and MUST do so in addition to harm-free PPE leeching like nexus-surfing. We now there is something special about blood-PPE in this sense that can't be substituted, and much is likely the same for the vampires themselves.
This is very unlike the PPE vampirism of the creatures in Dead Reign since they can just get worshipped and given PPE that way to avoid de-aging. That said, there appear to be ways around this, like the Priest of Darkness in Palladium Fantasy can prey to Valt Tegor to get fake blood that will sustain vampires.
Any general ideas on how we go about this? If someone has 200% "blood PPE" and is losing 10% per pint then mechanically is a vampire absorbing 20% of the PPE per pint and splitting it 10% for themselves and 10% for the intelligence?
This could also lead to interesting mechanical effects - someone who just exhausted his PPE via magic (or perhaps prayer to a god) might not be ideal to feed on for a vampire, since even if there is an un-depleteable "blood PPE" if they were able to absorb from the normal PPE pool then it would be empty? This could lead to a vampire capturing someone and helping them "rest" (ie hypnosis / etc) until their PPE recovered making them more ideal blood-drinking victims?