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Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:53 pm
by Reagren Wright
Let's pretend Palladium Books is going to have fantay novels written based
on the Palladium Fantasy world just like another company does that shall
remained unnamed. Which author(s) would you like to see write for the
company. :)

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 6:03 pm
by Dustin Fireblade
Terry Goodkind, Terry Brooks and Michael Stackpole. I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two...

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:54 am
by Rpgpunk
R. A. Salvador

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:49 pm
by count zero
Tad Williams
George R.R. Martin
China Mieville
Guy Gavriel Kay
Michael Moorcock
Chris Wooding

(I don't think any of these fine authors would, in a million years, write something like novels based on an RPG, but a fella can dream, no?)


Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 3:39 am
by Shin Kenshiro
Didn't ever think I'd see you on this board CZ. How's work going?

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:37 am
by Styxx
Well, I'm not a profesional, but I already have the first book of a Palladium trilogy all written. Since they are not accepting any manuscripts right now, I'm out of luck. But, you are right, a person can dream, can't they?

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 8:51 pm
by Shin Kenshiro
I don't know if I'd want Tolkein writing about Palladium Fantasy. Don't get me wrong, he was creative as hell. But he's very much a "me" kind of author, and the whole world would change to be what he wanted it to create, and would have very little to do with anything involving PFRPG

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:48 am
by Cranus
I don't know if I'd want Tolkein writing about Palladium Fantasy. Don't get me wrong, he was creative as hell. But he's very much a "me" kind of author, and the whole world would change to be what he wanted it to create, and would have very little to do with anything involving PFRPG

Problem is not many "name" authors who can function in worlds they didn't create.

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 2:37 pm
by the deific nmi
Being someone who views the Palladium World rather... Different... from other people, I think Jaqueline Carey would be the perfect choice to write a book based on Palladium Fantasy. Kushiel's Dart is like literary crack. She would be best suited to something from the Western Empire or Land of the South Winds, though.

For nearly any other area of the world, I'd probably put someone used to high amounts of detail behind the helm. Robert Jordan, perhaps, or Terry Goodkind. Then again, both of them have been busy writing series I would really like them to finish, so let's not bother them...

Dekrain Kole

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:10 pm
by Reagren Wright
The problem with Terry Brooks would be the an eternal reincarnation of the
same characters. Palladiums creative depth is so vast I hate to think of only having
one particular family being the only ones able to do anything. Besides Terry
Brooks has elves growing beards and living to be about 80 years old. :(
I like his work, but it seems to limited. As for Tolkien, you can't have the godfather
of fantasy writing stories about Palladium. It be like asking Einstein to do your
math homework. Furthermore, Tolkien never really got into magic much,
and that is essential when dealing with Palladium. As for Terry Goodkind and
Robert Jordan, I not very familiar with their work, but from what other appear
to be saying I'm feeling a little bit of a negative vibe from them. Anyway, I'm
glad to see others are wishing for something I would like to see as well. If
Rifts can have novels written about them, its only fair that the Fantasy get
an opportunity too. Those writting such things, keep sending them to the
Rifter, sooner or later maybe a Fantasy story will make it in there.

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 4:23 pm
by count zero
Didn't ever think I'd see you on this board CZ. How's work going?

Really? Hmmmm. . .

I was posting to the PF board first and almost exclusively for a year, year-and-a-half. Then things got relatively uninteresting and I drifted to the BtS board. Actually, things are pretty uninteresting all over the forum these days, so I don't check in or post all that often anymore.

Work is work. "No rest for the wicked," as they say.


We know return you to your regularly scheduled topic.

Re: Let's pretend there are novels

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:24 pm
by churchoftin
Friends .... Harry Turtledove! My god, the man does his home work on everything he writes about (he is a professor of byzantium history)! An awesome author, if you have not read his alternate history series, for shame! He would be an out standing palladium fantasy author.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:00 pm
by Amberjack
Dennis L. McKiernan, Raymond E. Feist, or Steven Burst, and possible Elizabth Moon.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
:D :D :D Bill Coffin :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:22 pm
by Ridley
Well, you all going to hate me for this, but
'i vote for Robert Jordan

Just cause he is a damn good writer

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:25 pm
by Library Ogre
Ridley wrote:Well, you all going to hate me for this, but
'i vote for Robert Jordan

Just cause he is a damn good writer

Lots of words =/= good.

However, I'll second the Brust nomination. Go into a Borders or a Barnes and Noble and read the biographies in the back of some of his books... specifically "Paths of the Dead", "Lord of Castle Black", and "Sethra Lavode".

Anyone's whose maxim for writing is "Today I'm going to tell you something really cool" has got a handle on Kevin's style of fantasy.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 1:06 am
by Library Ogre
Delwugor wrote:
MrNexx wrote:However, I'll second the Brust nomination. Go into a Borders or a Barnes and Noble and read the biographies in the back of some of his books... specifically "Paths of the Dead", "Lord of Castle Black", and "Sethra Lavode".

Anyone's whose maxim for writing is "Today I'm going to tell you something really cool" has got a handle on Kevin's style of fantasy.

I'll have to give him a try. It is a him correct? :-)

Yep. Steven Z. Brust, PJF. He's got two main series on a single world.. the Taltos series, which starts with Jhereg (most of those are now being collected into multivolume works called "The Book of the Jhereg" and "The Book of Taltos"), about a human assassin in an empire of elves (who also consider themselves human... human humans are called "Easterners"). The style of the Taltos novels is very dryly humorous, but be warned... Brust ALWAYS starts series assuming you know the world as well as the theoretical audience of the works, so he doesn't explain much.

He's also got the Khavreen Romances and the Viscount of Adrilankha, which take place prior to the Taltos series. They're written in a far different style, but the style itself is humorous in itself... it's pseudo-Dumas, but in a way that's unintentionally self-mocking. I'm rereading those this summer and loving them all over again... catching new things every time I read them, as well.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 2:05 pm
by Amberjack
Yes Burst is awesome, loved what I have read of Taltos series. you gotta love a book, where the assassin is the hero

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:19 pm
by Reagren Wright
Okay let's say there is a Palladium Fantasy novel, who or what would
be the main villian? My vote would have to be a summoner/wizard
Lizard Mage. In my opinion there simply is no one else out there badder.