My website is up and expanding!
Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 6:20 pm
Welcome to the Megaverse® of Palladium Books®
churchoftin wrote:a 28 (!) year old Colonel?! Holy crap.
Uncle Servo wrote:VERY nice!I especially liked your work on the CS infantry and the judicious use of illustrations.
Glad you're back stateside. There are a lot of us over here who appreciate what you and others are doing/have done over there (myself included) -- and don't let anyone in Sound Off or the media tell you otherwise!
omnicrondelicious wrote:Welcome back. An excellent, excellent site. Things I especially liked were your approach to unit breakdowns and including the equipment costs (did you use the Black Market values?).
Just some more general feedback on the site layout. Your header image is 807x195 pixels which is huge. I happen to run my resolution at 1024x768 so it's ok but if my monitor was at lower resolution, it would run off the monitor. As is, it takes up 25% of my vertical space and because it is in its own frame, it never goes away. I'd recommend shrinking it down and/or taking it out of its own frame and putting it at the top of each section. In general, reverse type is harder to read for large sections of text. Not too much of an issue except for your links - the blue is hard to read.
I'm curious to know what your content plan is - what are the things you are working on.
omnicrondelicious wrote:NovenTheHero wrote:For content, IM not too sure yet. The site was mainly intended to have somewhere to store game logs from IRC or other chat mediums to play on. RIght now Im having problems with my IRC server and getting it going, so I might need to just use another existing one to get some games going on there. I would basically put any content up there that people would like to be up there, but my main intent is for it being sort of a hub.
Coolness. I wouldn't mind seeing more info on your personal experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq adapted to Rifts. How does a patrol in Afghanistan work? (number of individuals, armament, distance traversed, time spent, metrics of success, decision-making process that started the patrol, etc. etc.) And how comparable would that patrol be to a CS unit patrolling in say, Missouri? If you had experiences receiving mortar attacks, how effective were they, what is the incentive behind them (random? aiming for a particular structure? disruption/terror?), and how do you react? Would it be the same for an NGR soldier receiving mini-missile fire in Rifts? In fact, what I'd really like is journals or short stories of your experiences converted to the setting of Rifts.
Asking these sorts of questions to a recently returned vet, I feel a bit of trepidation as I'm basically vicariously adapting your life to a game - hope that doesn't offend. But as a military history buff, I just have a huge curiousity about these things and like to put those details into my games.