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Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:43 pm
by Svartalf
remember that wormwood folk are themselves MDC creatures and seem to be able to inflict MD damage to each other with normal weapons like swords and clubs... so they don't need supernatural strength. How things would turn out if that hospitaller knight was rifted away from Wormwood and tried to hit a dragon or borg with his resin sword is still an open question for me, though.
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 5:01 pm
by Steve Conan Trustrum
I don't have my book on hand, but I'd say body block. As for the whole MDC creature vs MDC creature vs lack of Supernatural Strength fiasco, the way to handle it is:
Wormwood's MDC humans do MDC to each other in hand to hand but SDC to SDC creatures. Whether you want them being able to punch dragons and power armor is up to you, but I'd suggest not considering the lack of Supernatural Strength. I have very few gripes with Wormwood, but this is easily the biggest. If you're playing Wormwood on its own, seperated from the rest of the Rifts material, I suggest converting everything to SDC to save yourself the headache of having to explain this one.
Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:43 pm
by Svartalf
Steve Conan Trustrum wrote:
Wormwood's MDC humans do MDC to each other in hand to hand but SDC to SDC creatures. Whether you want them being able to punch dragons and power armor is up to you, but I'd suggest not considering the lack of Supernatural Strength. .
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