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Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:18 pm
by Svartalf
my idea is that since most of them dwell and work on Ph W and they mind their own business, the book designers did not think it worth the paperspace needed to speak of a few adventurers that any good GM can make up for himself if he wants.

Re: so, what ever happened to the prometheans?

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:04 am
by KLM
Durandal wrote:ya, you know. those big bald white dudes with all the cool phase powers. looking back, they were hardly mentioned in the three galaxies or anvil galaxy, yet they do kinda have a very large impact on the universe around them.

Hi there!

Not to mention the 1st stage description in DMB2, where they state
that they often venture out to the 3 galaxies... And some even "engage
in criminal activities, like smuggling, piracy or worse..."


Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:23 am
by Syndicate
That a great idea! If I ever actually plan for the Cosmic Forge to anywhere within the reaches of civilization, I'll definately place it on Phase World. It'll take nothing less than a powerful God-like creature to take-down a 2nd stager.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 1:46 am
by Esckey
Why does it have to be an EVIL AI? Why not a good one? I would settle for an anarchist AI.

Anyways I'm will to bet that they know where it is and know that no one else is even close and so aren't worried at all. The forge might be kept deep deep deeeeeeep beneith PW, but that seems kinda care less to me. Ya know haveing the biggest trading port in the megaverse ontop of what might be the most powerful weapon in the megaverse, anything could happen. They're probably prepared for almost anything but that's ALMOST everything and not everything

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:44 pm
by Sureshot
DarkWarriorKarg wrote:Bah. This is Palladium... we know the truth...

The Prometheans and Cosmo-Knights are all minions of Yet Another Alien Intelligence (YAAI). YAAI created the myth of the cosmic forge in order to be in a position to take over the universe. Once the "Forge" is found, the truth will be revealed, and the Cosmo-Knights revealed to be the the tools of evil, obeying the representatives of their master, the Prometheans...


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 7:03 pm
by cornholioprime
Actually, the Prometheans have hidden the Cosmic Forge in one of Splynncryth's (many) Folds. He may like Splynn to be clean, but he himself NEVER washes......... :eek:

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 2:41 pm
by Guest
the Forge is phased out in the core of Phase World.

betcha $5.

and if it would take a god like being to take down 1 second stager...

think about a bunch of second stagers...with shapeshifting phase dreadnoughts that they pull out of massive dimensional pocket orbiting phase world.

I bet, if crap hit the fan, there would be more firepower concentrated in phaseworld's near orbit than anywhere else in the three galaxies combined.

Re: so, what ever happened to the prometheans?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:32 am
by TechnoGothic
Durandal wrote:ya, you know. those big bald white dudes with all the cool phase powers. looking back, they were hardly mentioned in the three galaxies or anvil galaxy, yet they do kinda have a very large impact on the universe around them.

while neutral, i assumed theyd send some 1st stagers out to look for the cosmic forge, unless they have it already.

what are your guys opinions on these guys?

They suffer the First Book curse...
They are printed in the First Book for Phase World, hince everything must be made better than them. They are Old news. A Creation of a guy who doesnt work for PB anymore. If PB could have their way, they would unwrite any CJ material....


as for the Forge itself...
Its on this Cat's Belt named Orion ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:37 am
by cornholioprime
Tyciol wrote:Perhaps the cosmic forge is in a temporal stasis in the core of Phase World. Noone dares attack Phase World for diplomatic reasons, after all. Sometimes the perfect hiding place is right under everyone's noses, not off in space somewhere just waiting to be taken.

Are prometheans white? I always thought they were sort of purple or bluey...
No, no one dares attack Phase World because the biggest and the best, The Splugorth, already tried with massive force and massive power....and got their massive arses handed to them in some of the most one-sided battles ever heard of!!!

***GM: The Splugorth Fleet has one more step to take before they arrive in Phase World Space......

...Suddenly, the Fleet is enveloped in warm, soothing light. At the other end of this light, an even brighter, warmer one awaits.

Too Late, the ENTIRE Splugorth Invasion Force find themselves on/in a local Star. Roll Percentile Dice:

01-98% Instantly Vaporized!!! No Save, No idea what hit 'em, and no Pain. Lucky Bastiches, as Lobo would say.

99-00% Warped to the Inner Corona (1 000 000° F. even for smaller stars like Sol)!!! Splugorth Minions get to see what's happening to themselves before getting vaporized. Long enough to suffer for a few moments, but too quick to whip up a Teleport Spell............

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:40 am
by cornholioprime
gadrin wrote:here's a 1st level 2nd stager, without all his previous Promethean skills...

Divtok - Promethean Second Stage Promethean

Name: Divtok.
Alignment: Principled.
Attributes: I.Q. 28, M.E. 20, M.A. 19, P.S. 33, P.P. 14, P.E. 23, P.B. 5, Spd. 8.
Hit Points: 115, S.D.C.: 600.
Horror Factor: 10.
Height: 20 feet 0 inches, Weight: 8000 lbs. Age: 2000 years.
P.P.E.: 140, I.S.P.: 300.
Experience Level: 1st level Promethean Second Stage Promethean.
Experience Points: 0.
Hand to Hand: Hand to Hand: Basic, Hand to Hand: Basic.
Languages: Language: Other 2 (89%), Language: Other 2 (89%), Language: Other 3 (89%), Language: Other 3 (89%), Language: Promethean (98%), Language: Promethean (98%), Language: Trade Two (98%), Language: Trade Two (98%), Literacy: Promethean (98%), Literacy: Promethean (98%), Literacy: Trade Two (98%), Literacy: Trade Two (98%).
Natural Abilities: Dimensional Teleport (64%), Phase Teleportation (64%), Phase Teleportation (98%).
Science: Mathematics: Advanced (79%), Mathematics: Advanced (79%), Mathematics: Basic (79%), Mathematics: Basic (79%).
Special Abilities: All but 6 "Other" skills start at 10th level, Dimensional Teleport to any place previously visited, Ley Line Phasing: as Ley Line Walker, Ley Line Phasing: as Ley Line Walker, Magic does full damage, May learn Temporal Magic or Phase Powers instead of skills, Phase Tech weapons do double damage, Phase Teleportation: 1000 mile range, Phased Bodies: M.D.C. attacks do 1/4 damage, Phased Bodies: M.D.C. becomes S.D.C. & S.D.C does ½ damage, Phased Bodies: Magic & psionics do half damage, Phased Bodies: totally impervious to S.D.C. weapons, Sense Dimensional Anomalies: 1 mile or LOS whichever less, Sense Dimensional Anomalies: 1 mile or LOS whichever less, Use Dragon experience point tables starting at 10th level.
Healing: Bio-Regeneration (6), Deaden Pain (4), Detect Psionics (6), Exorcism (10), Healing Touch (6), Increased Healing (10), Induce Sleep (4), Psychic Diagnosis (4), Psychic Purification (8), Psychic Surgery (14), Restore P.P.E. (Special), Suppress Fear (8).
Phase Powers: Anti-Phase (30), Close Rift (Special), Dimensional Leap (10), D-Phase (15), D-Shift Distance (20), D-Shift Ghost (50), Fast Draw (Special), Multi-Phase (Special), Phase Blast (15), Phase Field (25), Phase Warp: Confuse (20), Phase Warp: Displacement (25), Phase Warp: Split Persona (Special), Spacial Distortion: Others (20), Spacial Distortion: Self (15).
Physical: Alter Aura (2), Deaden Senses (4), Death Trance (Special), Ectoplasm (Special), Ectoplasmic Disguise (12), Impervious to Cold (2), Impervious to Fire (4), Impervious to Poison/Toxin (4), Levitation (Special), Nightvision (4), Resist Fatigue (4), Resist Hunger (2), Resist Thirst (6), Summon Inner Strength (4), Telekinesis (Special), Telekinetic Leap (8), Telekinetic Lift (6), Telekinetic Punch (6), Telekinetic Push (4).
Sensitive: Astral Projection (8), Clairvoyance (4), Commune with Spirits (6), Empathy (4), Intuitive Combat (10), Machine Ghost (12), Mask I.S.P. & Psionics (7), Mask P.P.E. (4), Mind Block (Special), Object Read (6), Presence Sense (4), Read Dimensional Portal (6), Remote Viewing (10), See Aura (6), See The Invisible (4), Sense Dimensional Anomaly (4), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (3), Sense Time (2), Sixth Sense (2), Speed Reading (2), Telepathy (4), Total Recall (2).
Super-Psionics: Bio-Manipulation (10), Empathic Transmission (6), Mind Block Auto-Defense (Special), Mind Bond (10), Telemechanics (10).
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic, Hand to Hand: Basic.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to Initiative, +18 to Damage, +12 to Save vs Horror Factor, +16 to Save vs Magic, +9 to Save vs Psionics, +3 to Save vs Psychic Attack/Insanity, +55% to Trust/Intimidate, +16% to Save vs Coma/Death, +4 to Save vs Poison, .
Equipment: Never use weapons or armor, rely on natural abilities.
Weapons: None.
Money: 1,000 in Credits, 40,000 in Equipment.
except for one thing. 2nd Stagers have MDC, and ALL attacks on them do only 25-50% damage, depending on type.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:44 am
by cornholioprime
Squishie wrote:Nah, the Cosmic Forge is sitting in the Prosek washroom, protected by ever increasing forces (X squared, where X= whatever forces they face) of the CS.

And the winners of the forge war will be the CS after some one way trade (like they did with the NGR) with the orbital community for space worthy vehicles... maybe I'm just bitter.
Uh uh. The Cosmic Forge was last seen being transported in a medium-sized, unmarked Crate by a Government Worker at the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

And you thought it was the Ark of the Covenant in the box.......... :P

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:04 pm
by DBX
thought Centre was the Cosmic Forge

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:14 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
I still say the answer lies in Mystic China.

spell, Draw Yin Yang Circle. accesses, the Tao of the universe, granting, which has the power to create or destroy an entire universe.

I'd say teh First put this spell in some kind of Techno-wizard device, giving them unlimted control over this energy, which has the power to infiatly create and destroy.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:15 am
by Nekira Sudacne
aegis wrote:
I still say the answer lies in Mystic China.

spell, Draw Yin Yang Circle. accesses, the Tao of the universe, granting, which has the power to create or destroy an entire universe.

I'd say teh First put this spell in some kind of Techno-wizard device, giving them unlimted control over this energy, which has the power to infiatly create and destroy.

Oh for shame, plugging a book that is downstairs to me at the moment. Making me want to go and look this up.

For shame, for shame :thwak: :P


shame? ah yea. . .lost that a while ago. :P

so let us know what you think when you go look it up ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 10:35 am
by Borast
What, he didn't ROLL?

What, he didn't ROLL?



Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 4:44 pm
by Guest
C.R.A.F.T. wrote:Sorry for the double post! :oops:

I thought it was a Temporal Loop.

..keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin...

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 12:03 am
by Guest
C.R.A.F.T. wrote:
Zerebus wrote:
C.R.A.F.T. wrote:Sorry for the double post! :oops:

No problem. He just ROCKED that much.

Yeah, actually he did!!


Cause I was never fond of prometheans...

could just be that I like my characters to be svelte and attractive...

or maybe I just don't trust anyone without a nose.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 2:12 am
by Borast
C.R.A.F.T. wrote:Sorry for the double post! :oops:

Hey...everybody's computer Foxtrot-Tangos every once in a while... :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:42 pm
by Guest
while that would make them popular with the ladies...

I am pretty sure they don't breathe at all.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:14 pm
by Jack Daniels
gadrin wrote:here's a 1st level 2nd stager, without all his previous Promethean skills...

Special Abilities: All but 6 "Other" skills start at 10th level, Dimensional Teleport to any place previously visited, Ley Line Phasing: as Ley Line Walker, Ley Line Phasing: as Ley Line Walker, Magic does full damage, May learn Temporal Magic or Phase Powers instead of skills, Phase Tech weapons do double damage, Phase Teleportation: 1000 mile range, Phased Bodies: M.D.C. attacks do 1/4 damage, Phased Bodies: M.D.C. becomes S.D.C. & S.D.C does ½ damage, Phased Bodies: Magic & psionics do half damage, Phased Bodies: totally impervious to S.D.C. weapons, Sense Dimensional Anomalies: 1 mile or LOS whichever less, Sense Dimensional Anomalies: 1 mile or LOS whichever less, Use Dragon experience point tables starting at 10th level.

Out of curiousity since I don't have my book, is this your boo-boo or theirs?
I've had quite a few ideas regarding Prometheans and several more regarding developments in the lower levels of Center. After reading this thread something new might be coming up soon.


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:34 pm
by Guest
No, that is how it was written.

they get the same conversion as 1st stagers...

but they are m.d.c. now...

though I think it says m.d.c. does 1/4 damage.

it's been so long...