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Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 11:57 am
by Borast
It was random, although Genetic, designed to pacify prior to conquering...
Unfortunately it had some "side effects"... :lol:

I THINK it has burnt-out by now, but since it's been several years since I did any in-depth reading, I don't know...

Re: Passing on the Plague

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:27 pm
by Dr. Doom III
MattLing wrote:Gene-Tech or Gene-Splicer?

There's a difference?

Re: Passing on the Plague

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 10:16 pm
by Stormseed
Dr. Doom III wrote:
MattLing wrote:Gene-Tech or Gene-Splicer?

There's a difference?

Yes; the Gene-Tech are in the Anvil Galaxy book. Unless you were being sarcastic, then never mind.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 2:55 am
by ZEN

The Tarlok plague was created by the Shertar scientists to subdue the inhabitants of Talavera (the Seleniak, Lashreg and Shrilt as well I guess), the Seeronians who went to Talavera and were exposed to the plague brought the plague with them along with the Seleniak refugees and it has had the unforseen (presumably untested) side effect of instilling super powers in many of the Humans and Talus (not so many of the Seerman).
The Seeronians have some sort of natural immunity to the actual plague itself, and high resistance to other strains of the plague.. details on this are lacking, but its all ancient history as far as the Seeronians are concerned.
There is nothing stopping the Shertar from really going to town on the Humans, Talus and Seerman races, crafting a truely deadly virus to wipe them out in a matter of months.. I mean, the planet is one huge city.. there is no possible way to effectively safeguard the bulk of the population from a deadly plague on Seeron.
Presumably the Tarlok have some interest in keeping the Seeronian races alive and subjugated, otherwise they could obliterate them from orbit with thermonuclear bombs and biological weapons.

The plague itself is not genetic.. its a virus that the Seeronians have a high resistance to, but it still has a retroviral effect on the Seeronian's DNA.. in other words, the virus inserts itself in the host cells DNA and this has a chance of causing lots of mutations resulting in super abilities. That also means that the virus is everywhere on Seeron, because everyone carries the retrovirus in their DNA and it probably flares up like the common cold all the time on Seeron. This also means that any Seeronian who comes to Earth will eventually pass on the Tarlok plague to the Earth's population of Humans.
Then the Sleg would really hit the air circulation motor unit.