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Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 8:25 am
by ZEN
Interesting points of view Zerebus, but completely wrong (lol, just kidding).
Ok so my theory on the cosmic forge goes like this..

The creators of the Forge entity are now long gone and exist only as a part of the gargantuan horde of knowledge contained within the dataverse of the Forge itself. The primitive descendants of the creator race of the Cosmic forge are the Machine People.
The Cosmic forge is indeed an object, it is a machine-like construct on a truly cosmic scale.
Many billions of years ago a race reached a point of technological advancement that allowed them to manipulate matter on a vast and subtle scale, and they turned their attention to the task of creating the largest, most spectacular device possible, capable of acts of creation that would dwarf their every achievement thus far.
Creating massive machines capable of manipulating matter entering the orbital region of a singularity at the center of a newly forming galactic super cluster, the devices strictly controlled the order and timing of entry by the matter into the singularity, so that what lay at the event horison of the black hole was not a random assortment of radiation, but a highly structured, energy based device, capable of trans temporal operation, Kerr singularity translocation, phasic operation and other physical feats that defy imagination.
The Forge, as it became known, then set about reordering and constructing the local galactic super cluster.. the Three Galaxies.
The Cosmic Forge is therefore located in the exact hub of the Three galaxies super cluster.. unfortunately it appears as simply another massive black hole, in no way resembling what any race of the Three Galaxies would consider a machine of any kind.. it is concealed by what it appears to be, not by what it can do.
If anyone where to discover the true location and nature of the Cosmic Forge, it would merely manipulate the course of events via temporal and spacial operations in order to prevent the event from ever having occured.
It is not, however, impossible to locate the Cosmic Forge, it is just largely futile to try and do so.
The best way to attempt locating it is by doing so from outside of the Phase World Dimension.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 4:54 pm
by Vrykolas2k
ZEN wrote:Interesting points of view Zerebus, but completely wrong (lol, just kidding).
Ok so my theory on the cosmic forge goes like this..

The creators of the Forge entity are now long gone and exist only as a part of the gargantuan horde of knowledge contained within the dataverse of the Forge itself. The primitive descendants of the creator race of the Cosmic forge are the Machine People.
The Cosmic forge is indeed an object, it is a machine-like construct on a truly cosmic scale.
Many billions of years ago a race reached a point of technological advancement that allowed them to manipulate matter on a vast and subtle scale, and they turned their attention to the task of creating the largest, most spectacular device possible, capable of acts of creation that would dwarf their every achievement thus far.
Creating massive machines capable of manipulating matter entering the orbital region of a singularity at the center of a newly forming galactic super cluster, the devices strictly controlled the order and timing of entry by the matter into the singularity, so that what lay at the event horison of the black hole was not a random assortment of radiation, but a highly structured, energy based device, capable of trans temporal operation, Kerr singularity translocation, phasic operation and other physical feats that defy imagination.
The Forge, as it became known, then set about reordering and constructing the local galactic super cluster.. the Three Galaxies.
The Cosmic Forge is therefore located in the exact hub of the Three galaxies super cluster.. unfortunately it appears as simply another massive black hole, in no way resembling what any race of the Three Galaxies would consider a machine of any kind.. it is concealed by what it appears to be, not by what it can do.
If anyone where to discover the true location and nature of the Cosmic Forge, it would merely manipulate the course of events via temporal and spacial operations in order to prevent the event from ever having occured.
It is not, however, impossible to locate the Cosmic Forge, it is just largely futile to try and do so.
The best way to attempt locating it is by doing so from outside of the Phase World Dimension.

Only... the machine people were created by the machinists, a race which is now thought to be extinct.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:06 am
by ZEN
Yeah, the Old Ones are just a myth invented to scare young Godlings into doing what they are told.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:53 pm
by Syndicate
Yes, the Cosmic Forge could be used to destroy an old...if used properly.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:16 pm
by kamikazzijoe
I think the forge could kill an old one, but the old ones are pretty weak compared to their bigger cousins who could lay waste to who planets and dimensions.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:59 pm
by cornholioprime
kamikazzijoe wrote:I think the forge could kill an old one, but the old ones are pretty weak compared to their bigger cousins who could lay waste to who planets and dimensions.
Actually, 'joe,' its the OTHER way around. The Super-Intelligences are 'puny' Cousins to the Old Ones themselves. As far as Creatures of Magic go, the Old Ones are almost definitely the Most powerful Alien Intelligences out there.

The ONLY, POSSIBLE exceptions to these Beings MAY be some of the other Unnameable Beings; the Old Ones are said to be amongst their number......

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:23 am
by kamikazzijoe
Conversion II the four headed guy talks about sleeping beings amoung who the old ones from palladium are a part of but comparitively weak.

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:35 am
by Guest
I remember a vague hint about the Old Ones that were known not quite being the top of the heap.

wasn't Xy (now Thoth) originally the most powerful of all?

I like Zen's Idea, I think Z's idea has hints of Stephen Baxters The Timeships in it (and then, gathered at the very onus of everything, the ships gathered near the singularity, and then primate fingers reached out, and pushed it back, into infinity, creating the Manifold as it exists now.)

what was the book...oh...Peter F. Hamilton's The Naked God is what Zens reminds me of...the Naked God was a Singularity, a Wave Function frozen in mid crest, spacetime turned solid, capable of opening wormholes to anywhere, and using the parameters of those wormholes to alter reality for anything passing through...

I think each of you should go read those books, you will be amazed at the similarities to the versions you wrote about.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:20 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Maybe... the old ones are the splintered essences of the Great Traitor of The First, whom the Forge sort of un-made... which means that if the essences could all be put back together...