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Re: What if...? Brainstorming ideas

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:55 am
by cornholioprime
thagema wrote:Sometimes we all run dry on ideas. We hit that character creation roadblock where nothing comes to us or, as a GM, our idea tank is empty and needs refilling.
So, let's help each other out and drop some little brainstorming ideas here. Characters, adventures or whatever.
I'll start:

What would happen if an aggressive gore hound, the alpha animal, were to gain control of the pack after a packmaster's demise? And what if this gore hound started killing off other packmasters and taking control of those packs as well? Could lead to some interesting encounters...
They essentially are canines, no??? Even for canines, they're not that smart of an animal. Trying to kill off other Hound Packs' Leaders sounds a bit too close to a Power Grab, or just plain Greed. And in our real world, only humans (read: sentient beings with the capacity to knowingly do good or evil) really do that :(. Animals, for the most part, are living, preprogrammed organisms that don't deviate from their instincts. In the case of these Canine/Alien hybrids, they would act like any other Pack if left to themselves: establish an area, hunt prey within it, and keep out other packs, not 'absorb' them into itself in a bid for domination. In our real world, canines instinctively 'know' that while a larger Pack has better opportunity to bring down more prey, it is also in more danger of starvation; that's why there isn't one huge 'superpack' of Wolves, Hyenas, etc., in our real world. And very few species will take in 'outsiders' under normal circumstances.....

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:07 pm
by TechnoGothic
rogue war mounts living in the wild maybe ??

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 3:56 am
by TechnoGothic
"Stampede Earl, Stampede Earl..."
"Roger that Bert, but there are Two more, i repeat two more mother-clumpers...."

"i'm complety out of ammo...That's never happened to me before."

boy i could just rack offquotes from those movies all day...