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Alter Physical Structure: Fire, Flame Form, and Boxing.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 2:19 am
by Poocho
I plan to create a character with absolote control over fire. I'll give him Alter Physical Structure: Fire and Control Elemental Force: Fire as my superpowers (already approved by the GM). Now, with APS: Fire, I am able to transform into a being of living flame. When I'm in such a flame form, anyone who attacks me physically suffers 4d6 points of damage as he hits my burning body.

Now, I plan to choose Boxing as a skill. No, I'm not a stats whore who chooses boxing solely for the stats increases. It perfectly fits in with my background. So then, it makes sense to me that if I decide to fight another person hand-to-hand while I'm in flame form I'll not only deal the damage from my normal hand-to-hand attacks, but also 4d6 extra points of damage from my firey fists.

Does this seem reasonable to you guys? I realize the final decision rests with the GM, but I figured I'd bring it before everyone else first.

Just my thoughts,
Poocho :)

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 2:29 am
by znbrtn
i would say that it would work because of the fact that you are not any less tangible in aps fire. if it were plasma, however, i would say no because you would be completely composed of energy.

*edit* oops, sorry, i dont know how i got that off topic that quickly. :-? yes, you would add the fire damage to the punch damage in aps fire.

Re: Alter Physical Structure: Fire, Flame Form, and Boxing.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:55 pm
by Uncle Servo
Hyperion wrote:
Tyciol wrote:
Poocho wrote:No, I'm not a stats whore who chooses boxing solely for the stats increases. It perfectly fits in with my background.

Poocho wrote:Does this seem reasonable to you guys?
Completely. Hell, I'd even have someone take 4D6 if you parry their strikes.


I concur. The damage you do with a 'flaming punch' comes from two different sources. There's blunt force damage from the punch itself, then add on top of it the fact that you're also bringing in searing heat which would do damage even if it was a gentle tap.

And Reign of Tears' 'flaming wrestler' idea sounds downright nasty... :demon:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:45 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Shinjo wrote:Well....I am relatively new to the whole Heroes Unlimited thing...I have been playing Rifts for a think almost 2 years now, decided to try heroes unlimited...I can't really vouch for how reasonable it is....but I think it's a good idea.

Its been almost 3 years you ignoramus.

((Shinjo is one of my players))

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:25 am
by Poocho
While wrestling would definitely be cool, it wouldn't fit with my character's background.

I'm glad to see I see eye-to-eye with you guys.

Unfortunately, it seems as if my group would prefer to play a Splicers game. While the game looks promising, I'd love even more to play HU. The character I've developed is based on something I've wanted to be since I was a kid. Ah well, I've waited a decade, I may just have to wait to play this character another couple of years . . . if I ever get to play.

Thanks for the input!
Poocho :)

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:12 am
by znbrtn
Poocho wrote:While wrestling would definitely be cool, it wouldn't fit with my character's background.

I'm glad to see I see eye-to-eye with you guys.

Unfortunately, it seems as if my group would prefer to play a Splicers game. While the game looks promising, I'd love even more to play HU. The character I've developed is based on something I've wanted to be since I was a kid. Ah well, I've waited a decade, I may just have to wait to play this character another couple of years . . . if I ever get to play.

Thanks for the input!
Poocho :)

hey, never give up, never surrender! beat them into submission and live your DREAMS! and by that i mean keep tryin', buddy. :D