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Splicers, and other Megaverse Implements

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 3:00 pm
by Display-Name-Alpha
I was in a discussion with someone, ok it was more like him trying to prove something impossible to my standards.

Here is the question.

A heroes Unlimited Mutant with Telemechanics, and APS Electricity. Could they reprogram the Nanites that consist of the "virus" that is spread through the Splicers world. If so, how manyt could they do at a time.

The person I was argueing with said "they could sense, and reprogram EVERY nanite on thier body." And I reminded him that there could be millions of nanites on the body at any given time. And he went on to say, that a mutant could reprogram VIA telemechanics and APS electricity every one of those Nannites simultaneously.

I disagreed stating that no level of intelligence, short of a supernatural intelligence being or god, could fragment millions of simoultaneous strains of thought. Becasue each nannite would have to be re-programmed individually, being that they are independant, and seperate microelectronics.

THey went on to say that, "well its how the power is, they can sense every electronic device around them, and the telemechanics allows them to alter any electronic they touch. And since they are touching millions of nannites all at once, they can alter all of those nannites at the same time."

And I responded with the fact that, a brain is like processor for the body. It can only do so much. You can make a computer process so much information all at once before it starts to freze up and slow down. And THe human brain while it can multi task, it has to think coherently about one thing at a time. Everyting else is like another window in the background of the computer.

I wanna know what you all think of this, who do you think was more right?

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 10:50 pm
by Mike Taylor
Sounds like something for Carmen to ponder and answer in a Rifter or a future Splicers book.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:48 am
by sHaka
The mutant in question would probably have powers similar to the techno-jacker - the TJ can manipulate all of his/her bodily nanites at once after all.

The mutant could probably reprogram several nanites to go round the body reprogramming others - this would spread through the body like a retro-virus [but i'm no nano-surgeon]

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:23 am
by Display-Name-Alpha
Does carmen have an email address I can email this question to him?

Or do I just submit this to the rifter?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:27 am
by Daniel Stoker
I'd say PM him. The only problem though is he's going to have to reporgram EACH and every nanite on his skin and the power gives NO indication that it can 'control' multiple devices at once.

Danie Stoker

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:07 am
by TechnoGothic
If the nanites need a outside program to need to know what to do, and that info was *broadcasted* to them from the machines and you find yourself nolonger in their Broadcast Zones, they yeah, you may be able to assume the postion as the Info-broker to those nanites using Telemachanics with a direct mind-link. Thing is would the link always be on ? Like with Archie3 and Hagon's Mind-link due to their Telemechanics powers...

Its all up to the GM as usual.
If it would not alter the game, the GM might say yeah...

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:55 am
by Display-Name-Alpha
TechnoGothic wrote:If the nanites need a outside program to need to know what to do, and that info was *broadcasted* to them from the machines and you find yourself nolonger in their Broadcast Zones, they yeah, you may be able to assume the postion as the Info-broker to those nanites using Telemachanics with a direct mind-link. Thing is would the link always be on ? Like with Archie3 and Hagon's Mind-link due to their Telemechanics powers...

Its all up to the GM as usual.
If it would not alter the game, the GM might say yeah...

I like that response, very thought out.