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The real Skraypers thread

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 7:16 am
by ZEN
Ahh Seeron, my favorite setting.. at the moment I am running a HU2ed campaign which is about to begin it's journey across the four sectors of Seeron and perhaps take in a few other worlds in the complex Charizolon star system.
I have some odd quirks to the campaign, but other than the involvement of planet Earth, the Zylik, Krit and Toogarth.. it's all by the book.

But the book, great as it is, has things like..
Equipment: Jet pack (90 S.D.C)..

So how fast can that Jet pack go? Whats the maximum altitude? What skills do you need to pilot it? What bonuses or penalties do you have in combat while flying a jet pack? What range does it have? How heavy is it? What is the maximum load it can carry? What safety features does it employ?

So Seeron has a technology base about the equivalent of 22nd century Earth..

What sort of tech would that be?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:43 pm
by ZEN
I had a look at some GURPS stuff online and can't make much sense of it without the rule books..
Meanwhile, I have been working on basic listings for typical Seeronian body armor (the stuff listed in the book is.. odd.. the stats vary so much I wonder what Mr Z was thinking), I have added all the usual weapon types and a couple of new ones (Beaming lasers and Pulse weapons), added some communications equipment, you know, a bunch of stuff that players are likely to want and I'm likely to need quick ref listings for..
I'm also going to do full listings and illustrations of the big Tarlok and Toogarth space ships.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 9:44 am
by ZEN
Working on the Tarlok 'Shraknar' heavy cruiser, Tarlok 'Lyo-kazt' Dropship, Tarlok 'Vorakor' Destroyer, Tarlok 'Kyarash' Carrier, Type One and Two Rithe starships, as well as Toogarth Cruiser, Frigate, Destroyer, Battleship and Carrier.
I suppose I should throw in a few Seeronian transatmospheric craft as well.. but they don't have a space fleet anymore (and are very unlikely to have one before the invasion is repelled somehow).

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:10 pm
by ZEN
Anyone fancy a guess at how fast a heavy cruiser (around 200 meters long with a crew of a couple hundred) cruises through space?
I figure the ship has three speed modes.
1- Cruise speed, as it follows a lazy path on patrol, scanning everything for threats and so on (this would be the main method of travel).
2- Crawling speed, where it's objective is to move precisely, weather coming in to dock, hauling mass into a freighter cargo bay or whatever.
3- Attack/pursuit speed.. this is where the smugglers suddenly power engines to full and make a break from amongst the asteroids, hoping to ut run the patrol cruiser and the cruiser puts out an emergency burst of speed.. or when the cruiser needs a bit of sudden grunt to dodge a missile volley or whatever.

So.. how fast? What sort of limits are there aside from the amount of G force the crew can handle?

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 2:06 pm
by Sentinel
How do you keep your Skraypers campaign different and distinct from other games? I had thought about using Skraypers more, but I didn't want to simply transpose my ongoing HUII game onto a SciFi background, or make up a revolving door of alien badguys: I wanted something truly unique.
Funky, yet fresh.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:47 am
by Syndicate
Zerebus wrote:Ah... Seeron....

...., let's not visit there. I sort of trashed the place pretty bad....

....really bad, in fact...

Let's just say that Xenogears and Skraypers are eminantly compatible.


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:48 am
by Syndicate
Zerebus wrote:Ah... Seeron....

...., let's not visit there. I sort of trashed the place pretty bad....

....really bad, in fact...

Let's just say that Xenogears and Skraypers are eminantly compatible.

Bad Zerebus.... :thwak: