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Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:14 pm
by DBX
anyone done any supersoldier occ/types for Rifts setting?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:20 pm
by Vrykolas2k
After watching the movie "Soldier" way back when, I made a kingdom in Alaska that does the same thing... all of their troops are the Special Forces OCC from Rifts Mercenaries, with a few Master Assassins as recon elements.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:26 pm
by Sentinel
I generally stick to the Juicer, Crazy, Headhunter, or one of the Mercenary OCCs.
I've also used the tech-Ninja and Ninja Borg and Ninja Juicer from Japan. I have used HUII style supersoldiers in Rifts, but no one in Rifts can recreate those soldiers from the True Golden Age of mankind.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:29 pm
by DBX
Sentinel wrote:I generally stick to the Juicer, Crazy, Headhunter, or one of the Mercenary OCCs.
I've also used the tech-Ninja and Ninja Borg and Ninja Juicer from Japan. I have used HUII style supersoldiers in Rifts, but no one in Rifts can recreate those soldiers from the True Golden Age of mankind.

well Genesplicer could do.

but crazies, juicers i think were meant to be better/replacements for SS from HU book,

but since HU2 came out, its SS is better than juicers/crazies, or appear to be the case.

now you can't really see why governments would ditch SS for juciers/crazies in the GA of man?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 2:37 pm
by Thinyser
Janissary Project from Rifter #28 starts on p65 OCC starts on page 77...
Geniticaly altered humans with:
--4d4x10MDC +10MDC/lvl
--supernatural PS and PE
--+2 attacks per melee
--clock-calender and gyro-compass implants
--Could live up to 200 years without medical assistance

Badasses to be sure

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:56 pm
by Sentinel
DBX wrote:
Sentinel wrote:I generally stick to the Juicer, Crazy, Headhunter, or one of the Mercenary OCCs.
I've also used the tech-Ninja and Ninja Borg and Ninja Juicer from Japan. I have used HUII style supersoldiers in Rifts, but no one in Rifts can recreate those soldiers from the True Golden Age of mankind.

well Genesplicer could do.

but crazies, juicers i think were meant to be better/replacements for SS from HU book,

but since HU2 came out, its SS is better than juicers/crazies, or appear to be the case.

now you can't really see why governments would ditch SS for juciers/crazies in the GA of man?

Sure. Many Super Soldiers might be one of a kind freak accidents: Juicers proved to be repeatable. Crazies often developed abilities that 'ordinary' super soldiers didn't.
Another explanation is the cost: it may be less expensive to field Juicers, than to try to perfect the process and get those lifespans up.
Perhaps the CS will one day be able to produce Captain Coalition, hero of humanity, but until then, they have to settle for what they have.
My only point was that there are already super soldiers in one form or another in Rifts.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:07 pm
by Sentinel
K20A2_S wrote:
Thinyser wrote:Janissary Project from Rifter #28 starts on p65 OCC starts on page 77...
Geniticaly altered humans with:
--4d4x10MDC +10MDC/lvl
--supernatural PS and PE
--+2 attacks per melee
--clock-calender and gyro-compass implants
--Could live up to 200 years without medical assistance

Badasses to be sure

Basically a MEGA JUICER without the drugs.

and without the short lifespan. And, without the hairtrigger nervous reflexes. In short, all the advantages of a juicer, without the disadvantage of being one.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:05 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Sentinel wrote:
K20A2_S wrote:
Thinyser wrote:Janissary Project from Rifter #28 starts on p65 OCC starts on page 77...
Geniticaly altered humans with:
--4d4x10MDC +10MDC/lvl
--supernatural PS and PE
--+2 attacks per melee
--clock-calender and gyro-compass implants
--Could live up to 200 years without medical assistance

Badasses to be sure

Basically a MEGA JUICER without the drugs.

and without the short lifespan. And, without the hairtrigger nervous reflexes. In short, all the advantages of a juicer, without the disadvantage of being one.

and why I think they're silly. else why have disadvantaged juicers to begin with?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:07 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Sentinel wrote:
K20A2_S wrote:
Thinyser wrote:Janissary Project from Rifter #28 starts on p65 OCC starts on page 77...
Geniticaly altered humans with:
--4d4x10MDC +10MDC/lvl
--supernatural PS and PE
--+2 attacks per melee
--clock-calender and gyro-compass implants
--Could live up to 200 years without medical assistance

Badasses to be sure

Basically a MEGA JUICER without the drugs.

and without the short lifespan. And, without the hairtrigger nervous reflexes. In short, all the advantages of a juicer, without the disadvantage of being one.

and why I think they're silly. else why have disadvantaged juicers to begin with?


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:10 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Sentinel wrote:
K20A2_S wrote:
Thinyser wrote:Janissary Project from Rifter #28 starts on p65 OCC starts on page 77...
Geniticaly altered humans with:
--4d4x10MDC +10MDC/lvl
--supernatural PS and PE
--+2 attacks per melee
--clock-calender and gyro-compass implants
--Could live up to 200 years without medical assistance

Badasses to be sure

Basically a MEGA JUICER without the drugs.

and without the short lifespan. And, without the hairtrigger nervous reflexes. In short, all the advantages of a juicer, without the disadvantage of being one.

and why I think they're silly. else why have disadvantaged juicers to begin with?
depends if little jojo finds out about them then they might have a short lifespan

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:44 pm
by Sentinel
Other nations and kingdoms that can't produce Jannisaries will still make use of Juicers.
The CS may still keep them for suicide mission: they might even become super-soldier as cannon fodder. However, if the Jannisaries are prohibitivly expensive to make in great numbers, then there will still be a place for CS Juicers.
A plausable story could be put foward as to why the CS would have and use both.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:39 am
by Thinyser
K20A2_S wrote:
Sentinel wrote:Other nations and kingdoms that can't produce Jannisaries will still make use of Juicers.
The CS may still keep them for suicide mission: they might even become super-soldier as cannon fodder. However, if the Jannisaries are prohibitivly expensive to make in great numbers, then there will still be a place for CS Juicers.
A plausable story could be put foward as to why the CS would have and use both.
I didn't know that Jannisaries where a CS project :eek:

I don't have any RIFTERS, that might explain why?

I wonder how fast a Jannisary human juicer would be? :shock: and maybe they'll live longer than the 7 yrs due to their jannisary side effects.

Doubtfull that it would even work. They are "human" but their genes have been messed with so much that they are such they are probably not compatable for the biocomp juicer least I'd rule they are a nogo for juicer or crazy augmentation.

Also sombody mentioned that they should have insanities to balence them out....They are a CS pet project and as such are kept on a VERY short leash to paraphrase rifter #28 p.79 first column near bottom...
"NOTE: The Janissaries are CS supersoldiers and are not intended as PC's. If the gm allows one it should not be easy for the player as they would be relentlessly hunted"

now if you ran a game where all of the PC's were Janissaries and were in the same unit it might be fun to send them out on missions as a group and see if they ever decide to go rogue...then the fun would really start hehehe

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:09 am
by cornholioprime
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Sentinel wrote:
K20A2_S wrote:
Thinyser wrote:Janissary Project from Rifter #28 starts on p65 OCC starts on page 77...
Geniticaly altered humans with:
--4d4x10MDC +10MDC/lvl
--supernatural PS and PE
--+2 attacks per melee
--clock-calender and gyro-compass implants
--Could live up to 200 years without medical assistance

Badasses to be sure

Basically a MEGA JUICER without the drugs.

and without the short lifespan. And, without the hairtrigger nervous reflexes. In short, all the advantages of a juicer, without the disadvantage of being one.

and why I think they're silly. else why have disadvantaged juicers to begin with?
Uhhhh.....because Juicers were created about 20 YEARS AGO, in Real Life, and Jannissaries JUST CAME OUT??

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:43 am
by dark brandon
I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:03 am
by Sentinel
darkbrandon wrote:I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.

For me, the Jannissaries are a nice bridge to my HUII campaign: basically, a lost form of super soldier science being re-discovered by the brilliant but mad Dr. Bradford. The CS military machine has many such hold-over from the 'Golden Age" of man (although, why they'd go for the SAMAS, formerly the Silver Eagle, but not the Glitter Boy has always eluded me. What a stupid point of contention to make).
I agree that acceptance for them would be difficult at the least: Karl Prosek might like the end results, but without a war to fight, may feel uneasy with these humans who are better than human. This of course opens up new plots and stories.
Producing genetic warriors at least explains why other ares of development aren't going anywhere.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:10 pm
by DBX
thought the janisarries (sp?) weren't official stuff for rifts. just another rifter article/idea?

you would have thought that HU2 SS process would have been improved like no one's bussiness during the GA of man, so that SS were cheap to mass produce and had none of the side effects.

even stuff from GA of man, such as juciers, crazies, cyborgs have their side effects and imperfections, so even SS with side effects BUT at HU2 book power lvls will be more appreciated than the so called GA of man "supersoldier" attempts- which the juicer/m.o.m processes were

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:22 pm
by Sentinel
DBX wrote:thought the janisarries (sp?) weren't official stuff for rifts. just another rifter article/idea?

you would have thought that HU2 SS process would have been improved like no one's bussiness during the GA of man, so that SS were cheap to mass produce and had none of the side effects.

even stuff from GA of man, such as juciers, crazies, cyborgs have their side effects and imperfections, so even SS with side effects BUT at HU2 book power lvls will be more appreciated than the so called GA of man "supersoldier" attempts- which the juicer/m.o.m processes were

Well a lot of knowledge was lost during the apocalypse.

Jannissaries are a Rifter article, although the article uses a lot of canon material to support itself. Making it part of continuity wouldn't be too big a stretch.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:13 pm
by Sentinel
K20A2_S wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
and why I think they're silly. else why have disadvantaged juicers to begin with?
Uhhhh.....because Juicers were created about 20 YEARS AGO, in Real Life, and Jannissaries JUST CAME OUT??

Very good point, juicers actually have been around more than 20 yrs haven't they.

But maybe the Jannisary project may be what helps the CS rid NA or d-bees if they're are massed produced like skelebots.[/quote]

Or, will we have "Jannissary Uprisings"?
Soon to be a Worldbook, coming to stores near you. :lol:

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:34 pm
by Thinyser
K20A2_S wrote:
Sentinel wrote:

Or, will we have "Jannissary Uprisings"?
Soon to be a Worldbook, coming to stores near you. :lol:

I don't have RIFTER 28 so I really haven't read up on the project, but I bet you anything they have a small chip in their head that if they go AWOL they go *BOOM*, b/c the CS knows better now.

Nope no boom chip as of the article, but that would be my plan too if I was making MDC says they would be relentlessly hunted if they go rogue...seems like too much trouble the boom chip seems much simpler but then that is a built in weakness, as all people with telemechanics can just activate the chip and boom byby Janissary

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:36 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
treated well and progammed, i use them like kurt russel's character in that movie he made about soldiers that were conditioned and programmed only to fight, more fun that way

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:17 pm
by Sentinel
K20A2_S wrote:
Thinyser wrote: as all people with telemechanics can just activate the chip and boom byby Janissary

Wouldn't they have to know that the chip is in there?

Well whoever wrote the article messed up, the CS would most definitely put the chip in them. That's what they do to the current juicers, so I know they would do it to them.

Bradford isn't the most rational man. I get the feeling that once he thought he knew what he was doing, the chip wasn't necessary and would have been an insult to his skills as a geneticist.
Juicers, on the other hand, inherently have the sorts of problems that necessitate the chip.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:58 pm
by Sentinel
K20A2_S wrote:
Sentinel wrote:Bradford isn't the most rational man. I get the feeling that once he thought he knew what he was doing, the chip wasn't necessary and would have been an insult to his skills as a geneticist.Juicers, on the other hand, inherently have the sorts of problems that necessitate the chip.
Good point, let's just hope it all works out, b/c if it doesn it can turn the tide of humans being "just squishies" out in the battlefield.

In the story presentation, it seemed to me that Bradford was looking for a battle to get his 'children' into: one, to prove their worth to the empire, and two, to keep them too busy to rebel.
Personally, this is the very type of story I was working into my CS/Rifts game, using HUII characters and situations to further the research of Lone Star (I don't use Bradford myself:I have a much better team of mad scientists).

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:45 pm
by RockJock
What Rifts really needs is some power to start cloning "super men". Master Psychics, True Atlanteans, Sea Titans and all that jazz.

A joke, merely a joke.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:48 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
RockJock wrote:What Rifts really needs is some power to start cloning "super men". Master Psychics, True Atlanteans, Sea Titans and all that jazz.

A joke, merely a joke.
i smell a new series Rifts mega series,honestly i think little jojo is going to find out more about this and shut him down

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:13 pm
by Vrykolas2k
Guess my idea for super-soldiers just wasn't monty enough... :nh:

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:14 pm
by Sentinel
Mech-Viper wrote:
RockJock wrote:What Rifts really needs is some power to start cloning "super men". Master Psychics, True Atlanteans, Sea Titans and all that jazz.

A joke, merely a joke.
i smell a new series Rifts mega series,honestly i think little jojo is going to find out more about this and shut him down

Bradford will just kill his candy ass and replace him with a clone. A Jannissary clone.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:22 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
K20A2_S wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:honestly i think little jojo is going to find out more about this and shut him down

I don't know man, he's the one that convinced his father to make CS juicers, and he supports(secretly) the vanguard. He's pretty open minded, I think he might go for it.
yeah, might have some use for them, but bradford is a different story

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:23 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Sentinel wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:
RockJock wrote:What Rifts really needs is some power to start cloning "super men". Master Psychics, True Atlanteans, Sea Titans and all that jazz.

A joke, merely a joke.
i smell a new series Rifts mega series,honestly i think little jojo is going to find out more about this and shut him down

Bradford will just kill his candy ass and replace him with a clone. A Jannissary clone.
thats if jojo doesnt get him first

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 5:45 pm
by Sentinel
Mech-Viper wrote:
Sentinel wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:
RockJock wrote:What Rifts really needs is some power to start cloning "super men". Master Psychics, True Atlanteans, Sea Titans and all that jazz.

A joke, merely a joke.
i smell a new series Rifts mega series,honestly i think little jojo is going to find out more about this and shut him down

Bradford will just kill his candy ass and replace him with a clone. A Jannissary clone.
thats if jojo doesnt get him first

Joeseph isn't protected by Jannisaries. :D
One of them can take on two Grackletooths empty handed.
They're ten feet tall, with fire coming out of their eyes, and lightning coming out their a$$es

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:03 pm
by Preacher
Sentinel wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:
RockJock wrote:What Rifts really needs is some power to start cloning "super men". Master Psychics, True Atlanteans, Sea Titans and all that jazz.

A joke, merely a joke.
i smell a new series Rifts mega series,honestly i think little jojo is going to find out more about this and shut him down

Bradford will just kill his candy ass and replace him with a clone. A Jannissary clone.

I don't know why but that statement made me laugh out loud. :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:59 am
by Thinyser
Out of pure curiousity how long do you think it will be before in RL some gov't has a genitically enginereed human fighting force?
100 years? 200? 500? Sooner? Never?
Whats your opinion?
Would it happen? Why or why not?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:19 am
by dark brandon
K20A2_S wrote:I'm actaully suprised that something like the Jannisary project the CS wouldn't have tried to do earlier, especially with their hardcore devotion to the eradication of all d-bees and reclaiming earth for humanity. If anything they should start pumping out these soldiers like crazy if the costs permit and the side effects are minimal.

I'm not. Jans. arn't human. they are "homo-supiror".

CS is all about humans. To use Jan would be a contradiction. not on the same level as Psi-stalkers and dog-boys which are treated as second class citizens, and at least the dog-boys don't mind it.

Jans on the other hand are humans the the 10th power. Being "more Human than human", they'd eventually get tired of being treated like second class citizens. When that happens, there wouldn't be much anyone could do about it. Regardless of how well "programed" they are.

Just to note: In the story of the Jan. one goes to talk to a man. The man is angred and frustrated and the jan ends up killing him. He walks out and says something like, "bradford is right, humans arn't worthy of this world"...or something to that effect. The seeds of rebellion are already there.

If a race of humans were created that were more 'adaptable', such as a line of humans that are exactly the same as humans, other than the fact they will not wear down from Juicer augmentation, or humans who have a hightened sense of Mental endurance to help them undergo MOM's would be more "acceptable".

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:55 am
by cornholioprime
darkbrandon wrote:I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.
FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 10:01 am
by Nekira Sudacne
cornholioprime wrote:
darkbrandon wrote:I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.
FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........

to your second point, yes. . .but the CS only uses the basic juicer package.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:04 pm
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........

I've already stated why it's poor. I will state again, it's not something Either Prosek would allow. It's not the same as Dog boys

1) expeirmentation on humans. He wouldn't allow it. The mear fact that you "put" one of these in a human female to grow already kind of makes them equal to human.

2) Creating something far supirior to normal humans (Dog boys may be physically stronger, but they are not MDC creatures) Even Titan and Mega Juicers can be "tone down" by simply removing their Drug harness. Within a few months they will be mostly human again. A titan Juicer is still an SDC creature. He can be hurt by normal guns, knives....While it would take a lot, he is still vulnerable to SDC weapons. Even a Minor MDC creature cannot be hurt by simple SDC weapons.

3) Again, not something CS supiriors would want. Perhaps bradford would in his insainity, make something and a few would escape, but essentially it wouldn't have been made such a large project and would never be used by CS.

4) To my Knowledge, CS does not use Titan or Mega Juicers in it's army. Even they are taboo.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 12:10 pm
by DBX
THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........[/quote]

poor: because it is same as everything else that comes out of Lonestar. same old **** to make Cs even more powerful for no reason at all. other than better stats, than GS give, it isn't anything people didn't expect.

many players have rp'ed MDC/supernatural PS humans, through one mechanism or another

this sort of thing is what us PC's do, shouldn't be done by the producers of the books and make it official
(NB: this particular rifter article is as yet not official, just another players ideas, so they don't actually exist in canon.)
IMO the janisarries is a long overdue and good concept, it is interesting, with alot of possibilities. our group has had similar ideas on similar lines, but ours did not belong to CS!)

this is sort of thing that CS even post CWC book will not even look at, let alone accept into their ranks- they don't accept normal humans from the past!

one of the things about the early books, is how different humans used what they could get their hands on to survive. at the same time they rejected alot of other things that would make their life easier, because it went against their principles. that is one thing that sets CS apart- they will not become their enemies to defeat them.
NGR is independent, it will not buy stuff from others to survive, as long as Triax exists, NGR remains strong. NGR relies on Triax and no one else. NGR is Triax, Triax is NGR.

some Japanese will rely on the ancient ways, others in Japan will rely on their tech. same for the Native Americans.

the Janissaries type project will be more accepted by others on Rifts Earth, who may have researched this type of technology in the GA of man. the CS will be the last people to utilise it, because it makes a mockery of their principles, CS finds using juciers, dogboys, psistalkers abhorrent

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:46 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
cornholioprime wrote:
darkbrandon wrote:I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.
FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........
you just dont like the coalition do you, always with the negative waves, relax its just a game :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:16 pm
by Guest
Thinyser wrote:Out of pure curiousity how long do you think it will be before in RL some gov't has a genitically enginereed human fighting force?
100 years? 200? 500? Sooner? Never?
Whats your opinion?
Would it happen? Why or why not?

It will Happen.

15-20 years.

They won't be full fledged super soldiers though, just improved, with traits selected to make them better in combat.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:46 pm
by cornholioprime
darkbrandon wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........

I've already stated why it's poor. I will state again, it's not something Either Prosek would allow. It's not the same as Dog boys

1) expeirmentation on humans. He wouldn't allow it. The mear fact that you "put" one of these in a human female to grow already kind of makes them equal to human.

2) Creating something far supirior to normal humans (Dog boys may be physically stronger, but they are not MDC creatures) Even Titan and Mega Juicers can be "tone down" by simply removing their Drug harness. Within a few months they will be mostly human again. A titan Juicer is still an SDC creature. He can be hurt by normal guns, knives....While it would take a lot, he is still vulnerable to SDC weapons. Even a Minor MDC creature cannot be hurt by simple SDC weapons.

3) Again, not something CS supiriors would want. Perhaps bradford would in his insainity, make something and a few would escape, but essentially it wouldn't have been made such a large project and would never be used by CS.

4) To my Knowledge, CS does not use Titan or Mega Juicers in it's army. Even they are taboo.
ALREADY stated in the Rifter Article that Bradford wll have MINIMAL difficulty talking Prosek Senior into accepting them as the latest "Weapon." (Rifter #28, pages 69-70)

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:21 am
by dark brandon
cornholioprime wrote:ALREADY stated in the Rifter Article that Bradford wll have MINIMAL difficulty talking Prosek Senior into accepting them as the latest "Weapon." (Rifter #28, pages 69-70)

The Rifter isn't official. It's just a collection of fan stuff. it's awesome.

The story in which bradford has minimal difficulty talking Prosek into accepting them is what made it poor writing. They wouldn't. I don't think we'll see them as official. 1) I hope KS realizes why (reasons given in prior post). 2) Enough with NA. I want a book that outlines the cities of Chi-town, Lazlo and maybe New Lazlo...and then get back to making Australia, rifts: Middle east, rifts India.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:38 am
by cornholioprime
Mech-Viper wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
darkbrandon wrote:I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.
FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........
you just dont like the coalition do you, always with the negative waves, relax its just a game :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uh, Mech, would you kindly mind "connecting the dots" and telling the rest of us exactly WHAT your Response has to do with the Statement of mine that you just quoted???

Consistent, flowing LOGIC is always appreciated......

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:44 am
by Mech-Viper Prime
cornholioprime wrote:
Mech-Viper wrote:
cornholioprime wrote:
darkbrandon wrote:I find Jannissaries to have a poor story line.

They wouldn't be accepted in CS.

They're not juicers. THey are MDC creatures. At least juicers were still SDC.

Personally, a Jan will never make it into one of my games.
FIRST, while Jannissaries are NOT "official," or more correctly, are OPTIONAL material, the text surrounding them states that Bradford should easily be able to convince Prosek Senior of their utility, especially since they performed so well (read: flawlessly) in SoT (Prosek Junior is quite another matter entirely).

SECOND, there is already one Juicer Variant, the Mega-Juicer, that IS MDC. The Titan has so much SDC that he is effectively a minor MDC Being.

THIRD, as a side tangent, what, exactly, is so "poor" about their Story Line??? Seems to be essentially the SAME story as the Dog Boys or almost anyhting else to come out of Lone Star (Bradford finds something that makes Humans better, then Splices it in)...........
you just dont like the coalition do you, always with the negative waves, relax its just a game :lol: :lol: :lol:
Uh, Mech, would you kindly mind "connecting the dots" and telling the rest of us exactly WHAT your Response has to do with the Statement of mine that you just quoted???

Consistent, flowing LOGIC is always appreciated......
just saying its only a game, so relax is all geez some people's kids huh?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:05 pm
by Sentinel
General Sawyer (?) from Chaos Earth is "genetically enhanced" for her good looks. Now, does this set up the Jannisaries for canon Rifts' Material?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:07 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Sentinel wrote:General Sawyer (?) from Chaos Earth is "genetically enhanced" for her good looks. Now, does this set up the Jannisaries for canon Rifts' Material?
most of the people in choas earth are like that

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:13 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
K20A2_S wrote:
darkbrandon wrote: I want a book that outlines the cities of Chi-town, Lazlo and maybe New Lazlo....

Those are the next books I want.
Chi-Town- The Great Safehaven
Lazlo- Home of the Free and Learning

yes a book on chi-town i have put up with japan, china, and canada
but the a lazlo book should be titleCity control be a dragon and served by his humans lackey!!!!

j/k i like if pb would do both books

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:15 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
yeah dragon talk tough , put a few du rounds in them, watch them run lile little tolkeen babies

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:09 pm
by DBX
i think "SuperSoldier{SS}" r&d would have been done by majority of nations in G.A.

but which rifts earth nations do you think will truly use them, with all the suppsedly ethical/moral dilemmas

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:14 pm
by Thinyser
K20A2_S wrote:
DBX wrote:i think "SS" r&d

What is that?

Hmm maybe it means SUPERSOLDIER...

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:34 pm
by dark brandon
Sentinel wrote:General Sawyer (?) from Chaos Earth is "genetically enhanced" for her good looks. Now, does this set up the Jannisaries for canon Rifts' Material?

She is still human. Jan. are not human. They are not Homo-sapiens. they are homo-supirior.

So, no, CS wouldn't allow them. Jan can be used in rifts earth, I'm not saying they can't, but not with CS or FQ. Perhaps a nation in japan or maybe even NGR. NGR would be a stretch for me, but more believeable than CS.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:55 pm
by dark brandon
K20A2_S wrote:Even though you make a good point, desperate measures bring desperate decisions.............with the fiasco and problems ran into with Tolkeen it wouldn't be unheard of if they go through with it.

It would be to me, be contradictory to what CS stand for and believes in. Wether someone likes it or not, CS usually stands by their sometimes "twisted" moral code. To do this to me, would be very uncolition like, and definatly think Joseph and karl wouldn't have allowed it in the first place. they are adimantly opposed to human experimentation.