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Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:53 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
me personally?

remember that God/Demon Lord/Mutant Mega Hero hybrid I had in my sig a while back...?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:38 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Me personally?
Demonic ninja that came through a rift.

My characters?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:55 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:me personally?

remember that God/Demon Lord/Mutant Mega Hero hybrid I had in my sig a while back...?

Lori can take down one of the Knights? I don't think she's that powerful. Though she is close.

ah, but Kyri's never actually met a Knight yet :P

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:38 am
by SkyeFyre
Me: Some thug with an MDC vest and an uzi. (Yeah, easy stuff)

My players:
Level 20 Adult Great Horned Dragon (He doesn't kill them unless they're dumb, kinda just likes to play with them)

Baal-rog (If it wasn't for the mindmelter in the group, and the great horned dragon hatchling with a boomgun, and the gunbrother with a Naruni force field) They would have had a hard time with this, considering even with all that they ended the fight going. "Wow, one wrong move and I could have been a goner"

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:07 pm
by Larsen
A Godling. I was a lvl 2 glitterboy pilot without a working glitterboy.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:18 pm
Anchient Great Horned Dragon.

It took several E-clips and our mage ran out of PPE! :eek:

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:04 pm
by Ice Dragon
Femine and War.

Took them out, but cost us two good and high level character and heavy injuries on all other characters

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:36 pm
by gelidus
titain juicer turned murderwraith......I survived because I could run faster then him.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 10:37 pm
by Dead Boy
K20A2_S wrote:What's the hardest thing you've ever fought?

Greater Earth Elemental with 10,000 MDC

Did you win?

Yes and no. Once the GM saw that he overdid things and was about to wipe out the entire party with this thing, he instantly halfed its MDC to 5,000 and the very next attack did it in. But the party was completely spent with nothing left in reserve for the next encounter.

Alternately in a game of AD&D (2E) I had a 6th level Barbarian that had to fight off an army of no less than 100 soldiers. The adventure was called Battle of the Abby, and they were storming down a hallway that permitted only two of them to engage at a time. Along with another player, and a third giving a few low level heals, we killed every last one of them little gomers! In later games I had my character brag and retell that story in terms of that one line out of Full Metal Jacket, "I'll never forget the day I went into Wei City and killed me One Million NVA gooks", only rewording in terms of the game.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:30 am
by Killer Cyborg
K20A2_S wrote:I do the same thing, if the NPC I made is just too powerful, I'll just cut his stuff down right then and there. And on the filp side, if I seet he PC's are just destroying the NPC way too easy with no challenge I'll make his "bigger brother" come out or just up his stuff also.

While I have fudged PC stats to prolong combat to a cinematic finish when the PCs would normally have killed the villian too easily, I make sure that I only do that when the reward they get is more than enough to repair and resupply everything that the combat cost them.
By that same token, I have played NPCs as being not too bright at times in order to give the PCs an edge.

But in general I'm of the opinion that the mark of a good player is knowing when to turn tail and run if you're about to die.
So is proper recon and precaution about stumbling into a battle when you don't know the enemy's capabilities.
Players who's first instinct is to draw weapons and charge into the fray don't always live very long when I run.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:34 am
by Killer Cyborg
K20A2_S wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Players who's first instinct is to draw weapons and charge into the fray don't always live very long when I run.
I'm guessing juicer don't last very long in your group huh?

Not if they have that attitude, no.
Juicers are supposed to be assassins as much as stormtroopers... they're super-human, not stupor-human.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:44 am
by Wildfire
Me a paperbag weilding clown with a bike horna nd big feet

My a mouse, a 300 ft tall mouse

a friend's was a fold drive :D

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:14 am
by GaredBattlespike
My PC's toughest fight/opponent?
We were using different PC's than we are now;for a good reason.
PC's: Ley Line Walker(Me);6th level
Mega Juicer;3rd level
Robotech Veritech Pilot with basic VT; 4th level
Cyber-Samurai;3rd level
Smoker(Manhunter Battle-Mage);4th level
Palladium Longbowwoman(lady elf) with Magic and Exlosive arrows;
5th level

The opposition; CS Troops of the 182nd Mechanized Division.
16 Skelebots
4 SAMAS(Old Style)
15-20 Grunts (lost count)
1 Psi-Stalker
3 Dog-Boys
The Fight; Psi-Stalker sensed one of use Mages and called in his buddies, who came in at high speed and hit us before we knew we were in trouble!
Then they popped the Smoker, then Me and then the Mega-Juicer(with overlapping plasma minimissiles). The Samurai was next as all12 remaining Skelebots fired as one at him(6D6 MD Rifles X 12 = too much damage).The rest were captured.

End result: All PC's dead or captured. We started a new campaign after that. :oops:

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:24 pm
by Sentinel
Fulcrum wrote:Our main game characters were recruited to take on the Four Horsemen in Africa. Yeah, it ended pretty much how you'd think it would end.

um, you killed them, and took their heads as trophies, and collected gold pieces proportionate to EXP? :D

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:31 pm
by Ronin Shinobi
To sum it all up in one word. Hydra.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:21 pm
by Sentinel
Tell me about it.
Sentinel fought and killed an adult hydra in an arena combat.
The damage to both of us was ugly.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:33 pm
by cornholioprime
Believe it or not, a SINGLE Vampire.

Even from my earliest days of playing Rifts, I knew EXACTLY what it was that I was facing, but my new Character did not, and surprisingly, neither did one of the other Players (a real Gamer, NOT a character; he'd seen a Vampire or two on film -and read some Anne Rice Novels, but truly didn't know what he was facing here), and I forced myself to role-play my own Character's ignorance to the hilt.

I gotta tell ya, you should've been there to see the look on my fellow Player's face to realize that almost NOTHING that we did even fazed the Vampire.

Fortunately, my GM knew that I knew what we were facing as a person, and decided in advance that this particular Vamp was just having fun (he had already fed previously) and wanted to play a game of cat-and-mouse with us. We were secretly BOTH enjoying the other guy's reactions at the regen Powers of the Vamp. His eyes were bugging out.

Do you know that it took that guy about two more weeks of Gameplay before he figured out what he was fighting??

(Anne Rice Vampires have virtually NONE of the Weaknesses of Rifts Vamps, but they are vulnerable to SDC Damage and cannot transform, so he didn't make the connection right away.)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 5:36 pm
by Sentinel
Yeah, I never really got into Anne Rices' version of vampires.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 10:01 pm
by shtumpig
For me: My Promethean Phase Adept up against a Temporal Raider in a pocket dimension about a 100 yards on all sides. Honest to Dog, the battle went on for a full 40 minutes. I won (kind GM), but I didn't walk away feeling very good about it.

For my players: A Phaeton Juicer & an Amaki Duellist up against a Hyperion-Murder Wraith & a Necromancer. They also won, but the Duellist lost a limb & the Juicer lost an eye.

Cool topic, by the way. I'm skimming it for campaign ideas.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:48 am
by Akashic Soldier
Johnnycat93 wrote:So I challenge anyone to present something better than an opponent who is invincible to all forms of damage and whos weapons can deal damage directly to you, regardless of how much MDC you have.

It was a different system (White Wolf's Exalted) but...

His name was Doashu the Dragon Emperor but he more commonly known as The World Beyond the Mirror. He was a parallel dimension that was a nightmarish reflection of Creation. After slaying his demonic soul fragments that he had sent into the real world I was the only PC insane enough to jump through the mirror and face him on his home plane of existence. He rose up and took his place in infinity and I had to defeat countries and legions of demons and then the Dragon Emperor himself (who was the planet we were fighting on).

It was the hardest thing I ever did and it took every weekday afternoon from 5:00pm to 8:30pm for two and a half weeks. The other players would come and watch in awe and horror, cheering me on or wishing I would just give up and die already. Eventually I slew 1,700,006 first circle demons and 31,250 second circle demons and seven third circle demons. Fighting the Emperor was like fighting a hurricane or the ocean... it was freaking hard--REALLY freaking hard!!!

The second hardest battle I ever fought was against Phillial Wisdom (Another Exalted battle) which took two days (a total of 16 hours STRAIGHT) of fighting. He had killed two of the other PC's and was unstoppable. I had not played in a few months when I was contacted by one of the other players who called me and told me that the Game Master had put them up against a Dawn-Caster Fighter that was just better than anything they could think of and they needed my PC to show up. It was flattering. So in a Gokuesque moment my character showed up and worked out a plan with the team so that we could bring him down. In the end one of the players screwed up his part by running away and so it came down to a duel. I lured him into tunnel in his Pryamid where he couldn't use his Sword (Architect of Ruin) and I whittled him down a little (and it looks like I might win) but then he threw a freaking wall at me and I had to flee back out into the open.

While out in the open he was kicking my ass and I thought I was going to die but then I realized (literally in the middle of the fight) that one of his enemies The Dragon King Godess Leeata has "every spirit charm" which means that she would have the ability to gestault with me and recover my Essence and heal some of my wounds. After throwing him into a chasm in the earth that he had opened up with that damn sword I told our Zenith "Ty" to go get her and continued to hold him off on a loosing battle. She eventually showed up we combined into a new entity and fought on but still couldn't beat him. In the end I broke the gestalt with her because if she died while combined with me (and it looked like I was done for) than her race wouldn't have a God anymore and would revert to savages under Philial Wisdom's control. With no other options I tried turning it into an endurance match, I noticed I was a LITTLE faster than him and so I turned it into a game of cat and mouse. In game the fight took TWO WEEKS of constant fighting and checking to see who would collapse first. THAT IS A LONG TIME TO BE FIGHTING!

My friends were literally placing bets on who would win. The Game Master wasn't pulling any punches and neither was I but we'd both developed so well together, well against one another, that it was evenly matched. He knew all my tricks and I was burning out faster than I could recover and so in the end when I was down to my last few health levels after taking a crippling blow I threw away my sword.

Everyone freaked out and said that if I just give up than he is going to kill everyone else and take over Rathas but Troy (my best mate) was like "No, Liam knows what he is doing he's going to win" and I was like "Thanks dude and yup, I know what to do!"

Phillial Wisdom attacked while I was unarmed I pulled out a ranged combination attack that he deflected as he charged, then I leaped up and jumped off Architect of Ruin and landed behind him, he retaliated with his ultimate kill you special attack (I can't recall its name) which meant he could not use any other magical powers that round and I dodged them all (narrowly) except the last one which I specifically let hit me.

"Your plan was to let him kill you? At least use a charm to soak the damage or something!!!" exclaimed Troy. I shook my head and said. Hey I've got 3 health levels, if he doesn't do at least three points of damage I live. The Game Master picks up 28 dice for damage and rolls to determine damage. He inflicts 1 health level of damage. That's right, 1 health level on 28 dice. It was epic. One of the players (who hated my character and me) says "THATS ********!!" and has a huge hissy fit and says that if that was anyone else they would be dead. I laugh and say... "But I'm not dead... and now... I use my final action to grab architect of ruin and pull it out of my chest, disarming him, and now I use my ultimate attack back on him with his own sword!"

I did 20 Health levels with the attack which left him with 2 remaining and no weapon and instead of fighting on he fled. The other PC's told me to go after him but that would have been anti-climatic so threw his sword into a wall by his head as he was fleeing and I let him run off with his tail between his legs.

My character won the day was saved and that was that. It was insane and took SO long but God it was fun and in the end I realized that the only way I could win was by doing something in character like taking a moronic risk that no one else would consider an option and trusting in the dice. .

The third battle was with Sable the Princess in Black with the same character, she was a superior Fairy sword fighter who had been challenging me over the course of the game. Each time I slew him/her and she returned as a darker Color. The First was Albion the White, then something or other the grey (can't recall) but Sable the Princess in Black was truly a fearsome opponent and she cut off my characters arm and defeated me then took it and used it to impregnate herself and have my evil son who she planned to conquer the South. I was like huh???!?

Stranded in the Frozen North with no arms my character had to learn to fight with a sword in his mouth and rely on a kick based martial art to survive while he got back to join the rest of the party. She was an amazing combatant and I screwed up by relying on raw power to fight her and she outmaneuvered me. However, without that loss and what it taught me I never would have been able to defeat Phillial Wisdom or the World Beyond the Mirror. They were both truly horrifying encounters and the ONLY time I have ever played in a game where the other players WANTED to be ignored to see how the fight would turn out.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:21 am
by Looonatic
Hyperion Juicer vs 7 gargoyles on an SDC world to rescue a fallen comrade immediately following a battle with 7 other gargoyles.

I got knocked down to 3 hitpoints and lapsed into a healing coma just as teammates arrived to finish off the one I didn't manage to kill.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:14 am
by llywelyn
Akashic Soldier wrote:...she cut off my characters arm ... then took it and used it to impregnate herself...
Was with you right up until this part, right here.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:24 am
by Jedrious
N.E.X.U.S. Computer Core under direct control of Ishtar

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:00 pm
by DhAkael
Toughest opponent?
The GM I had years ago while still in high-school.
Douche didn't like the fact I kept (and this is table-top, mind) rolling criticals and nat 20's in-the-clear everytime he wanted us railroaded into a plot-hole.
So he took to rolling behind his GM screen and attempting to gank my PC by going *roll-snatch-up-d20-before-anyone-can-see* "Nat 20 on you... you get your arm blown off."
etc etc etc.

Toughest oponent in recent games?

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:40 pm
by kogwar
A high level 11 warlock and a bunch of other lv11s along with a pc who went rogue i was lv2 and i was not supposed to win but i sniped the pc (had a helmet with no visor as he had lost his last one) and blew one of the nuclear power cells on the groups bikes.. the resulting explosion fried the area and blew through the gb chest plate i was hiding behind and nearly killed me.

As far as the hardest of all time it was a demon who tried to posses my arbitrator in dh ( a w40k setting) latter the gm told me he wanted my pc to die as through a mix of luck and tactics he was retardedly powerful more so than a pc his lv had a right to be.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:39 pm
by Balabanto
The IRS.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:52 pm
by DhAkael
Balabanto wrote:The IRS.

NO one beats the Tax-man... no one. Except maybe death.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:16 am
by kogwar
DhAkael wrote:
Balabanto wrote:The IRS.

NO one beats the Tax-man... no one. Except maybe death.

Thats what you think ... 15216.jpeg

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:34 pm
by DhAkael
kogwar wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
Balabanto wrote:The IRS.

NO one beats the Tax-man... no one. Except maybe death.

Thats what you think ... 15216.jpeg that's just terrifying. :eek:

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:07 pm
by kogwar
DhAkael wrote:
kogwar wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
Balabanto wrote:The IRS.

NO one beats the Tax-man... no one. Except maybe death.

Thats what you think ... 15216.jpeg that's just terrifying. :eek:


Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:20 pm
by Athos
Boredom in a slow game :)

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:12 am
by kogwar
The off topic monster.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:35 pm
by SamBell
Honestly? The entire pantheon of the Greek gods and several hundred handed. Of course we had some help from Atlas before I ripped his head off lol.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:38 pm
by TechnoGothic
The God-Dragons of Dragonwright (all of them) !!
Imagine having them MAD at you, yet Fasinated by You.


Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:39 am
by The Beast
Killer Cyborg wrote:Me personally?
Demonic ninja that came through a rift.

Eh, that's only because I sent the B team...

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:03 am
by azazel1024
Toughest individual was an 18th level elder great horned dragon. Half our party died (mostly NPCs, but 2 out of the 6 of us PCs died as well) at the conclusion of about a 30 game long campaign.

Toughest group, a tribe of 40 pixies lead by an evil puck in PFRPG up against out group of 3rd and 4th level characters.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:34 pm
by say652
irl pro heavyweight i like fighting up four weight classes. and i lost in the round twelve. got knocked on my butt three times, tko.

in game well played vampires are the worst i have faced. they always seem to escape lol.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:56 pm
by cyber-yukongil v2.5
the demon horde of Wormwood (Lichtelon, the Goblin Queen, the whole shebangabang) and about 40 of the worm goblin thingies and other assorted badness. That fight lasted until the sun came up the next day. That was also the game that my D20 got named after a rather hilarious string of good and bad luck. 7 natural 1's in a row followed by 5 natural 20s, thus Dieloria the ***** Goddess of Luck was born.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:08 pm
by Greyaxe
Vampire intelligence.

Playing a 13th level Undead Slayer, with a group of heroes the like of the Defilers themselves; and we won, sort of. The intelligence fled to another dimension.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:55 pm
by taalismn
The Perpetual Pizza Monster of Pisa---Two tons of demonically animated, magically-regenerating cheese, tomato sauce, meat, and flatbread.
My character? A full conversion cyborg.
My weapon? My teeth.
The stakes? First Italy, then the world.
Did I win? Are you drowning in tomato paste right now? There's your answer.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:26 pm
by taalismn
Sunu wrote:A stupid PC will do it every time. Had a guy playing a special forces solder who forgot the golden rule when playing with explosives make sure to put it together far away from everyone else.

Group is all traveling in a stolen CS Mark 5 APC. He decided while we are driving to a new job to chain together some Heavy warhead from 6 long range missile (the 4D6x10 kind) we had stolen from convoy. We where not even in combat, idiot rolls 100% for a demolitions check 4 other PC a taken with him the total damage was around 950MD.

Good times :fool:

Ouch...That old Mark V musta looked like a pan of Jiffy-Pop.....

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:34 pm
by MaxxSterling
Myself, I had a God that fought "The Coalition." Not just some, the whole thing. Launched an attack on Chi-Town and all.

As for GMing a campaign, I made my group fight Ya-ahk-Met (One of the Great Old Ones) you'll need the Mk.1 version of the "Great Old Ones" book for stats on that bad boy. I used Ghost World from Phase World 2 actually as his prison, and only during the 10 years period where Ghost World is phased out can he be released, well lets just say, power corrupts and they let him out. Luckily they are able to dig up Lictalon and Styphons Son Kar-nyk-mar? I think and recruit Apollo and Ares to help put him back in his cage. -That was an epic campaign and... they won.

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:49 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
The entire mega verse but it a slow day :wink:

Re: Your toughest opponent.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:18 pm
by taalismn
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:The entire mega verse but it a slow day :wink:

And lunch hour too...