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Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:39 pm
by Sentinel
I do not allow characters to specifically ignite parts of their body (all or nothing) but I do allow them to regulate the amount of damage they do.
With APS Fire, I feel that there will always be some collatoral damage, but it doesn't have to be a fiery catastrophe.
With also haveing CEF: Fire, I can see controlling the flames enough to keep from destroying whole city districts (or, the interior of a car, or an office).

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:30 pm
by Traska
Way I see it, I've seen plenty of issues of Fantastic Four where Human Torch "flamed on" and lfew right out a window. Not even the drapes were singed. And, seeing as how this is a superhero-genre game...

Yeah, I'd allow anything that takes less than one full round as far as "getting out while the getting's good". No full-body ignite in a car, mind you... but I also don't see how a flaming finger's going to burn me if I'm on the other side of the car. If that were the case, then a regular acetylene torch would be right out, also.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:24 pm
by Thinyser
I think your GM was too sever on his limitation of your character. With those two powers I would have let you do the torch thing to the car and even without the CEF I'd have allowed the office window dive. Seems you need to ask why the GM feels this is appropriate for his game...if there is a reason for such heavy limitations he should not have let you take those powers in the first place....if its just GM's fiat then I'd start arguing your side of it.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 9:57 am
by Sentinel
I do agree with Thinyser that the GM was too severe in the consequences of 'flaming on'.
Again, while I feel there should be more collatoral damage than depicted in the early issues of the FF (think back to the Golden Age Torch, and how he used to set anything in reach on fire, or melt), but there should be a point where the character can actually use his power without setting the city on fire.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 11:28 am
by Overlord Rikonius
Thinyser wrote:I think your GM was too sever on his limitation of your character. With those two powers I would have let you do the torch thing to the car and even without the CEF I'd have allowed the office window dive. Seems you need to ask why the GM feels this is appropriate for his game...if there is a reason for such heavy limitations he should not have let you take those powers in the first place....if its just GM's fiat then I'd start arguing your side of it.
maybe they were trapped in that car after a Taco Bell run?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 12:28 pm
by Sentinel
Lord High RikonianFleming wrote:
Thinyser wrote:I think your GM was too sever on his limitation of your character. With those two powers I would have let you do the torch thing to the car and even without the CEF I'd have allowed the office window dive. Seems you need to ask why the GM feels this is appropriate for his game...if there is a reason for such heavy limitations he should not have let you take those powers in the first place....if its just GM's fiat then I'd start arguing your side of it.
maybe they were trapped in that car after a Taco Bell run?

That would be noxious to be sure.
I don't know how dangerous, but definitely odious.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 12:40 pm
by Sentinel
Name Suggestions:
Valiant (a play on the word "Valence").
Freak Storm.
Rogue Storm.
Doctor Zues.

I would consider trading Electrical Imperviousness for a reliable flight power (Filght: Energy, Wingless Flight, or even Rocket Fists)> Since you have Create Force Field, and you get an inbuilt resistance from APS, it's a redundancy you don't need.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:11 pm
by KillWatch
This is why I love my version of HU

I would allow you to given a Power Control Check to do so but the difficulty would be like 5 on a 1d20+Bonuses

As for the out the window problem
A) you could jump out and then flame on
B) depending on what level you were (the higher the hotter you burn)
C) Power Control to keep extreme heat to yourself
D) Probably wouldn't matter if you flamed on as you left the floor to go through the windows as long as the window was big enough where you weren't touching plastic shades or curtains or roof

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:38 pm
by Thinyser
Shaded Helios wrote:
Sentinel wrote:Name Suggestions:
Valiant (a play on the word "Valence").
Freak Storm.
Rogue Storm.
Doctor Zues.

Come on, how could you forget Tesla?

Good call
Also I just watched George Carlin on HBO the other night and part of his skit was the "Big Electron" maybe this or some twist to it like "Electron Major" or "Major Electron" or some such though "Livewire" is my fav so far

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 1:56 pm
by Sentinel
Shaded Helios wrote:
Sentinel wrote:Name Suggestions:
Valiant (a play on the word "Valence").
Freak Storm.
Rogue Storm.
Doctor Zues.

Come on, how could you forget Tesla?

I was being distracted by long legs and a short skirt. Sue me.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 2:59 pm
by Thinyser
Sentinel wrote:
I was being distracted by long legs and a short skirt. Sue me.

Gotta love that internet porn :-D

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 3:43 pm
by Sentinel
Blackbuddha wrote:"Livewire" was actually my first choice. However it also was the name of one of Supermans Villains. Don't remember if she was in the comics but she made several appearances on the TV show. A loud mouthed Shock Jock that got hit by lightning.

And her voice was provided by Lori Petty (Tank Girl).

So, what was your second choice?

Re: Burnin' down the house!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:33 pm
by Sentinel
Whiz Kid wrote:
Blackbuddha wrote:...Then on a separate adventure I was in an office building. I was told that igniting in order to fly out the window would cause the building to catch fire. I understand that if I was in contact with papers or cloth or something of that nature these would have a % chance of catching ablaze. But I don't think that the Game Master was handling it correctly. I am curious as to how you can pick this power and not cause the Chicago Fire all over again! How would you guys handle it?

Why didn't you just jump out the window and ignite on the way to the ground? Even the strictest GM's I know wouldn't be able to stop that one.

"Livewire" was actually my first choice. However it also was the name of one of Supermans Villains. Don't remember if she was in the comics but she made several appearances on the TV show. A loud mouthed Shock Jock that got hit by lightning.

It's also the name of one of the Legion of Super-Heroes members... or at least, it was before the last reboot of the title.

My players tend to get upset because I won't let them use names that are already copyrighted, and I know more of them than all the players put together. :P

I had forgotten that: The character that was Lightning Lad, had his name retroactively changed to LiveWire.
After 30 years, it was hard to remember that.

Re: Burnin' down the house!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:23 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Whiz Kid wrote:Why didn't you just jump out the window and ignite on the way to the ground? Even the strictest GM's I know wouldn't be able to stop that one.

Oh man, considering how this all sounds I can see it now.

Player: Ok... Well then I jump out the window and then turn my flames on to fly away.

GM: Do you have Acrobatics?

Player: Uh no....

GM: Well then you obviously can't jump out the window without hurting yourself.

Player: Ok. I CLIMB onto the window ledge, then jump off it and turn my flame on.

GM: Ok, you climb onto the window ledge, then after you jump your fall scares you to much to let you concentrate to turn into Flame to fly away.

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:42 pm
by Sentinel
How do you not break a window? What GM really feels the need to enforce the SDC value of a glass window, when there are men with guns trying to kill a character...oh, wait. Now, I see.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:45 pm
by Natalya
Sentinel wrote:How do you not break a window? What GM really feels the need to enforce the SDC value of a glass window, when there are men with guns trying to kill a character...oh, wait. Now, I see.

It's really sounding like the GM had a really bad case of "me vs the players/I win" attitude.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:49 pm
by Sentinel
Natalya wrote:
Sentinel wrote:How do you not break a window? What GM really feels the need to enforce the SDC value of a glass window, when there are men with guns trying to kill a character...oh, wait. Now, I see.

It's really sounding like the GM had a really bad case of "me vs the players/I win" attitude.

I've seen it: it's never really pretty.
I always say it's bad when players' don't "get it" in terms of the spirit of the genre and game.
It's even worse when the GM doesn't "get it".

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:51 pm
by KillWatch
I do.

Commercial buidling windows are suppose to be tough
Break the window THEN jump through
if you dont then you might not break the window and then if you do you have a MUCH higher risk of hurting yourself. If it was the players building they would want it to hold or if they were hunting the individuals they would like things to be accurate so why not both ways?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:56 pm
by Sentinel
Mr. Montague wrote:I do.

Commercial buidling windows are suppose to be tough
Break the window THEN jump through
if you dont then you might not break the window and then if you do you have a MUCH higher risk of hurting yourself. If it was the players building they would want it to hold or if they were hunting the individuals they would like things to be accurate so why not both ways?

It was the bedroom: I'm guessing thias is a normal house, not a fortified hero HQ. In a case like that, I'd let the player dive out the broken glass (although, I'd tell him there was no time to grab anything or do anything else).
To have him lying on the ground, facing four guns, sounds to me like a simple case of GM killing a PC, and not because the plot demanded it.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:04 pm
by KillWatch
oh then he's just being a (deleted)

I woul still incur damage

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 7:14 pm
by Rimmer
One of my PC's has a hero with APS:Electricity and Magnetism, he called the character "Amp"

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:34 am
by Sentinel
More name possibilities:
Gigawatt (also Megawatt, Tetrawatt, etc)
(with a dark motif) Night Storm
Siege (as an alternative to 'storm')

Also, you may try incorporating Electric Blue, Blue Shock, Spark, Voltaire, and/or Ampere.

I generated a female villain with (among other things: my players may be reading) APS Electricity and Physical Perfection.
She was called "Exciter".

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:22 am
by Sentinel
Tyciol wrote:Human Torch 1 > Human Torch 2.

Human Torch II (Johnnny Storm) does have a wider range of control developed over the years. When he first started though, he wasn't that much better than the android who preceeded him.
If the android Torch had had the opportunity to be written by ever-increasingly talented writers over a period of three decades, trhen perhaps he too would have developed more control and power stunts.
For myself though, I actually like the original Torch more, and the way his power was handled back then.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 3:01 pm
by Sentinel
Whiz Kid wrote:
Blackbuddha wrote:So, what was your second choice?

My second choice was Conduit.

Also the name of a long-forgotten Superman villain. However, since he's been dead for nearly a decade now, I don't see him coming back anytime soon.

Just thought you'd like to know, in case you're as picky with your names as I am. I hate having to change a really cool, fitting name over a year after I assign it because I find out about some B-string hero or villain who had it first. I like being original, and knowing that I just may have heard that name ages ago and forgot really gets to me.[/quote]

I get the same way.

Here are some others for an electrically themed hero.

Negativ (mispelled on purpose).

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:09 pm
by KillWatch
I hate the FF

1) no way the FF can take on galactus even once
2) Thank you Mr fantastic for starting the lame o power trend
3) No let's keep galactus alive so he may feed on other worlds or else the universe would end (which it didn't so to all those who's entire races have died I now apologize on behalf of reed,.. oops)
4) Reed got his hands on how to tranform ben back and give him control of his power but refuses to give it to him
5) why would you bring your wife and your wife's brother on a scientific mission into space?

If I was Grim I would take fantastic and wrap him around both fists and proceed to roll my wrists until the out limits of his stretchiness was passed and my fantastic was now broken with elastic guts spilling out into the street

but that''s just me

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:16 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Mr. Montague wrote:I hate the FF

1) no way the FF can take on galactus even once

He didn't, he found the ultimate 'nullifer' the first time which could stop him, and they've never been able to just 'defeat' him.

2) Thank you Mr fantastic for starting the lame o power trend

What lame o power trend?

3) No let's keep galactus alive so he may feed on other worlds or else the universe would end (which it didn't so to all those who's entire races have died I now apologize on behalf of reed,.. oops)

But there is still a Galactcus, so how do you know that it won't?

4) Reed got his hands on how to tranform ben back and give him control of his power but refuses to give it to him

Not sure where you heard/read that but I could have missed something

5) why would you bring your wife and your wife's brother on a scientific mission into space?

She wasn't his wife at the time and Sue and Johnny insisted on comeing with him and Ben on the flight.

If I was Grim I would take fantastic and wrap him around both fists and proceed to roll my wrists until the out limits of his stretchiness was passed and my fantastic was now broken with elastic guts spilling out into the street

but that''s just me

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 4:43 pm
by Sentinel
Mr. Montague wrote:I hate the FF

I love the FF.

1) no way the FF can take on galactus even once
True. The first time, the Watcher showed them the Ultimate Nullifier. Any other time, it's involved trickery or situational maneuvering, but you are correct: they can't beat Galactus in a straight fight.
2) Thank you Mr fantastic for starting the lame o power trend
No, I think we can blame the US Gov't for wanting a Super Soldier and Prof. Horton for building an Android who bursts into flame for the power trend. Also, Reed has no influence over mutants.
3) No let's keep galactus alive so he may feed on other worlds or else the universe would end (which it didn't so to all those who's entire races have died I now apologize on behalf of reed,.. oops)
Odin agreed with Reeds' judgement. The word of Odin would be good enough for me.
4) Reed got his hands on how to tranform ben back and give him control of his power but refuses to give it to him
No, he thought the knowledge would hurt Ben even worse. Reed was wrong, but that's a mistake. We all make those.
5) why would you bring your wife and your wife's brother on a scientific mission into space?
Reed and Sue weren't married at the time. A better question would be why did Reed let two whiney kids talk him into this? Sue was barely an adult, and Johnny was the same age as Peter Parker.
In later re-tellings of the story, such as Heroes Reborn, Sue was more instrumental in the construction of the rocket. In Ultimate FF, it wasn't a rocket flight at all.

If I was Grim I would take fantastic and wrap him around both fists and proceed to roll my wrists until the out limits of his stretchiness was passed and my fantastic was now broken with elastic guts spilling out into the street

Reed and Ben are still best friends. Fortunately.

but that''s just me

And you are a very mean man.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:05 pm
by KillWatch
awwww shucks twernt nothin :oops: :D
but reallY I think the mean guy here is mr. richards

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:13 pm
by KillWatch
btw how would you feel if the guy you put all your trust in finds a way to cure you of an affliction that keeps you from interacting with the rest of the world like normal people, from touching and feeling the world around you, cut off by ever present stone, and keeps it from you. Everyone else gets to look normal and change back to looking normal but not you and this guy with all his ungodly knowledge can't do this one thing for you.

yeah I think I'd be pissed

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:26 pm
by Sentinel
Mr. Montague wrote:btw how would you feel if the guy you put all your trust in finds a way to cure you of an affliction that keeps you from interacting with the rest of the world like normal people, from touching and feeling the world around you, cut off by ever present stone, and keeps it from you. Everyone else gets to look normal and change back to looking normal but not you and this guy with all his ungodly knowledge can't do this one thing for you.

yeah I think I'd be pissed

There have been multiple instances of Ben Grimm going Ape-$&%* on Reeds' stretchy-behind.
But then, Ben became afraid that Alicia only loved him as the Thing, and that to change would cost him that relationship.
And, Ben can still feel stuff: if he had no sense of tactile impression, he'd never be able to get that beastly strength of his under control. His threshold for pain is amazingly high: it's one of those weird things about highly resistant characters. They know when a pretty girl is kissing them, but they don't feel it when bullets are bouncing off them.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:56 pm
by KillWatch
I think they can feel the pressure but not the textures. and if she does love him for being the thing then it's superficial but let's not get into fictional relationships

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:00 pm
by Sentinel
Mr. Montague wrote:I think they can feel the pressure but not the textures. and if she does love him for being the thing then it's superficial but let's not get into fictional relationships

You mean you don't want to get into the inappropriatness of a sexual relationship with a man with a rock like epidermis?
Did you know that Ben Grimms' rock-like hide is 2.2 centimeters thick?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:24 pm
by Marcantony
Tyciol wrote:Johnny Storm stole the Thing's blind girlfriend, I hate him.

It later turned out she was really the skrull Leeja who had been sent to infiltrate the FF. Soon after they liberated the real Alicia from a skrull planet. She was still in love with Ben.

Johnny should consider himself lucky the skrull was a female. You know, being shapeshifters and all. :lol:

This was actually done in the Elementals series. One of the main female heroes Morningstar was dating a guy. Eventually he revealed that he was really the female supervillain Shapeshifter and had a lot of fun raping her.
Morningstar tried to suicide, failed and much later found and roasted Shapeshifter.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:25 pm
by Marcantony
Sentinel wrote:
Mr. Montague wrote:I think they can feel the pressure but not the textures. and if she does love him for being the thing then it's superficial but let's not get into fictional relationships

You mean you don't want to get into the inappropriatness of a sexual relationship with a man with a rock like epidermis?
Did you know that Ben Grimms' rock-like hide is 2.2 centimeters thick?

Heh. What about Colossus and Shadowcat?

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:34 pm
by Marcantony
Btw I think the GM is just being pedantic and going out of his way to thwart your efforts. Ive had GMs like this.

Me - I turn around and run away from the bad guys.

GM - You cant. Theres a wall behind you.

Me - That wasnt there before.

GM - Well it is now.

Me - Fine. I turn into water form and jump down the nearest one's throat.

GM - Well, he's really a robot in disguise so you just become trapped inside him.

Me - ??? If hes a robot shouldnt he short circuit?

GM - Okay! Hes really a dragon in human form who easily swallows you and urinates you back out. Happy now? The villains proceed to pound the crap out of you, then walk off laughing because youre not worth killing.

This really happened. And quite often with this particular GM. The same guy during a palladium fantasy game where his Orcs were losing, ruled mid combat.. that he hated called shots and we could no longer use them. Certain spells suddenly were not allowed either..again in mid combat. The Orcs then beat us up, took our stuff and walked off laughing. See a pattern?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:45 am
by Daniel Stoker
He was for a while though.

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:45 am
by Marcantony
Tyciol wrote:Yes, and during that time he wasn't getting any. If he was at all before, do take into consideration her age.

Fun fact query: When did Kitty Pryde get the name 'Shadowcat'? Who gave her the name? Why did she call herself this? What other hero and villain were instrumental in it?

Um.. er.. was it the Kitty/Wolverine limited series with his ninja enemy? Oyabun or something?
I actually cant remember, Im just guessing here.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:23 am
by Sentinel
The villains' name was Ogun.
He had been Wolverines' instructor in the Ninja arts.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:30 am
by Sentinel
Tyciol wrote:Yes, and during that time he wasn't getting any. If he was at all before, do take into consideration her age.

Fun fact query: When did Kitty Pryde get the name 'Shadowcat'? Who gave her the name? Why did she call herself this? What other hero and villain were instrumental in it?

Remember that Peter wasn't a legal adult when he joined the X-Men: In the first edition of the Official Handbook, he was said to still be a teenager, and thus would likely grow stronger as he matured.
During their time in space fighting the Brood, that would have made Peter about 17 1/2, and Kitty about 14 or 15: she had at least one birthday party in the stories.
When Peter fought Juggernaut in that bar (Monahans') he was of legal age, which at the time was 18.
So, Peter was still pushing legality with Kitty, but it wasn't as sick as an adult and an adolescent relationship.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 1:20 pm
by Sentinel
Tyciol wrote:Marc/Sent: Yay!

As for that relationship, did it actually SAY they were having sex? Maybe they weren't.

Of course not: it was a code approved book.
Sex between minors, unmarried : a big no-no.
Chris Claremont really wanted to push the boundaries here, but there is a limit as to what you can allude to in a code approved book.
If Kitty and Peter had been adults like Jean and Scott, Alicia and Johnny Storm, Wolverine and Yukio, Daredevil and Typhoid Mary (to name a few), then the implications could have been a little more clear.
They wouldn't have had time to have done it more than a couple of times anyway.
In Secret Wars, when Peter goes off with Zsajhi the healer (you know what they're doing), Nightcrawler and Wolverine both comment about how hurt Kitty will be.
I always wondered if Kitty ever fooled around with her class mate Doug Ramsey (who was closer to her in age), but there was no real storu evidence to support that. They did seem to work well intellectualy together.

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:55 pm
by Sentinel
That was harsh Ranger. :eek:

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:03 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Ranger wrote:It was suggested that she had a realtionship with Doug. As it was suggested that Shadowcat had a relationship with Knightcrawler and Stewart (From UNIT).

You forgot her non-suggested relationship with Pete Wisdom when he was in Excalibur as well.

Daniel Stoker

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:16 pm
by Sentinel
Our little girl has grown up so fast.

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:31 am
by Sentinel
Her folks were still together when she developed her initial attraction to Peter (Colossus). She managed to hold onto that until Secret Wars, and then we see her bounce from boy to boy, a Chris Claremont tries to figure out what to do with her.
Chris was, in my opinion, much better with adult women as characters, such as Mystique, Ms. Marvel, Storm, Misty Knight, Collen Wing, and Jean Grey (at first).
Notice how each adolescent girl he introduced was incredibly annoying for quite a while, until he could mature them through epic stories (Jubilee, the New Mutant Girls, the Hellion Girls).
The One exception was Rogue. She was a decent villainess at first, but quickly became a decent X-Man.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:08 am
by Sir_Spirit
Blackbuddha wrote:I tried using my power like an acetylene torch to cut us out.

Sentinel wrote:I do not allow characters to specifically ignite parts of their body (all or nothing) but I do allow them to regulate the amount of damage they do.

Ok, First things First, The book(HU2) specifically says that you can do the "acetylene torch" thingy that BB wanted to do without igniting into your fire form.
Second, just to be clear, it's APS, not AFS.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:11 am
by Sir_Spirit
Blackbuddha wrote:Don't laugh Stoker. The same GM had a character who tried to jump out a window bounce off the glass and hurt himself because he didn't do enough damage to break it. :eek:

GM: Your bedroom door is kicked open and 4 men in all black with Sub-machine guns pour into the room.

Player in Secret Identity: I roll over the other side of bed for cover and dive for the window.

GM: Roll damage.

My response would have been"how about I just roll on outa here since your a jerk.
But that's just me.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:44 am
by Sentinel
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Blackbuddha wrote:I tried using my power like an acetylene torch to cut us out.

Sentinel wrote:I do not allow characters to specifically ignite parts of their body (all or nothing) but I do allow them to regulate the amount of damage they do.

Ok, First things First, The book(HU2) specifically says that you can do the "acetylene torch" thingy that BB wanted to do without igniting into your fire form.
Second, just to be clear, it's APS, not AFS.

I'm not grading spelling: too much work.
Penmanship counts, though.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:43 am
by Overlord Rikonius
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Blackbuddha wrote:I tried using my power like an acetylene torch to cut us out.

Sentinel wrote:I do not allow characters to specifically ignite parts of their body (all or nothing) but I do allow them to regulate the amount of damage they do.

Ok, First things First, The book(HU2) specifically says that you can do the "acetylene torch" thingy that BB wanted to do without igniting into your fire form.
Second, just to be clear, it's APS, not AFS.
but isn't it "Alter Fizzikel Strukchoor Fire"? :lol:

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:08 pm
by Sentinel
Lord High RikonianFleming wrote:
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Blackbuddha wrote:I tried using my power like an acetylene torch to cut us out.

Sentinel wrote:I do not allow characters to specifically ignite parts of their body (all or nothing) but I do allow them to regulate the amount of damage they do.

Ok, First things First, The book(HU2) specifically says that you can do the "acetylene torch" thingy that BB wanted to do without igniting into your fire form.
Second, just to be clear, it's APS, not AFS.
but isn't it "Alter Fizzikel Strukchoor Fire"? :lol:

I see went to teh Prosek Skool of Literacy.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:21 pm
by Warwolf
Tyciol wrote:I haven't read enough FF, but I loved that episode where Ghostrider kicked Galactus' ass. Man, talk about the Achilles Heel.

Yeah, talk about a super-sized headache... Man, that had to be my favorite cartoon moment ever. GR just kicks ass. :demon: On that note rumors of Nick Cage playing Johnny Blaze in a Ghost Rider Film have been floating around. Anyway, as far as igniting only certain parts with APS fire, the artwork in HU2 seems to suggest that you can.