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Resin duct "blob" statistics

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 1:20 pm
by Poocho
Hey all,

I was reading through the list of Biological Enhancements and the Resin Ducts feature really struck me. But there are a few stats that weren't mentioned, namely for the blobs themselves.

It said that the blobs hardened to become like stone or concrete, but how heavy would a 3 ft. blob be after hardening. Could a human carry one around if it were stuck onto the end of their hand?

Also, they said that if a person were encased in it or stuck to a rock or tree or car or something, they wouldn't be able to go anywhere. But does that apply to both normal humans and for Splicers as well? Could a strong Dreadguard or a super strong Scarecrow break free? If so, how strong would they have to be?

And they said that it would take two blobs to fully cover a person--one below the waist and one to the torso. But does that apply to both normal humans and Splicers? Would you actually need 3 blobs to fully cover a Splicer, considering their larger size?

Another thing that caught my eye was the rule that a Resin Duct would initially only have enough resin to generate 8 blobs at a time (without spending extra Bio-E to increase that number). But considering that you would be able to spit out blobs that are smaller than normal--say just a 1 ft. blob to handcuff someone--would that blob still count as a full blob, thus decreasing your available blobs to 7? Or would it only use up about 1/3 of a blob, thus giving you 7 2/3 blobs left to be used? That would make sense to me.

Like I said, I think Resin Ducts are cool. So these extra stats would be well used.

Thanks for the help,
Poocho :)

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 3:39 am
by Poocho
Okay, let me try to nudge this in the right direction. The book mentioned "MDC concrete." Are there stats for this anywhere? It might be reasonable to conclude that they could be applied somewhat to the dried resin.

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 2:48 am
by Poocho
The thing is, I need to know if using the blobs will be effective against characters/NPCs with splicer/robotic strength. Could a resin blob stick a robot to a rock outcropping, or could he break free. Since there's a skill (Military Fortification I believe) that says you can create 'resin reinforced concrete walls,' I figure that resin would be harder than normal concrete.

I can't really come up with a house rule without the right information to base it off of. I need to know stats for normal concrete, and I don't have any books besides Splicers, HU, Powers Unlimited I, and Rifter #28 (my grab bag books).

Still need more info,
Poocho :)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 3:08 pm
by Poocho
Cool. Hey, thanks! That's just what I needed. I figure that even if the victim starts scraping away as soon as he gets the stuff on him, if I keep a gooping him up, he won't be able to work fast enough.

Hmmm. So, if it's naturally porous, will it behave kind of like volcanic rock? The kind that's full of holes and will float in water? I should test how heavy volcanic rock is and then apply it to a glob 1-3 feet in diameter.

I'm feeling even better about this.

--Poocho :)