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Name Change

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:11 am
by ZEN
Just letting you guys know that I am dropping the ZEN nick name for good.. I know this is one of those things that can be a pain in the butt to get used to and yes, I'll still answer to ZEN if you address me as that.. but really, the nick name never did actually mean anything significant and I'd rather just use my real name.

In effect, I guess I am dropping my secret identity.. taking off the ZEN mask and cape, dropping the capitalised letters and so forth.
If you want to shorten it, just type AJ.

Thanks everyone.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 8:34 pm
by Marcantony
Gone back to your original webname then.

Or was Zen your real name and AJ the disguise? :)

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:17 pm
by Guest

Must...resist...butt joke...

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 9:53 pm
by ZEN
Carefull Edge, my ancestors got that extra T on the end of the name from putting the pointy end of some pick axes through quite a few unruly silver miners.

It's quite hilarious actually, I really do have a coat of arms, it's a black shieild with three silver pick axes on it and a gauntlet holding another pick axe above the shield with a green and white plume running from the gauntlet and down the left side of the shield.
It all has a meaning, Heraldry, and basically it was an award of lands and title from the King for stopping an uprising/rebellion of the peasants.. silver miners.. hence the name Pickett.
There is, at most recent count, over 10,000 descendants of that original family who hold the right to bare that coat of arms, and ironically, the majority of them are located in Texas.

Go figure.

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:04 pm
by Mr Scorpio
AJ Pickett wrote:In effect, I guess I am dropping my secret identity.. taking off the ZEN mask and cape, dropping the capitalised letters and so forth.
If you want to shorten it, just type AJ.

That's cool. I can understand needing a change from time to time. You shouldn't have been wearing a cape anyway. They are way too dangerous!

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:09 pm
by Blight
That movie is gonna live on forever. :lol:

Re: Name Change

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:36 pm
by Sentinel
AJ Pickett wrote:Just letting you guys know that I am dropping the ZEN nick name for good.. I know this is one of those things that can be a pain in the butt to get used to and yes, I'll still answer to ZEN if you address me as that.. but really, the nick name never did actually mean anything significant and I'd rather just use my real name.

In effect, I guess I am dropping my secret identity.. taking off the ZEN mask and cape, dropping the capitalised letters and so forth.
If you want to shorten it, just type AJ.

Thanks everyone.

Ah, well, a rose by any other name, and all that...

I'm just glad you'll still be with us.

Re: Name Change

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:24 pm
by Warwolf
Sentinel wrote:Ah, well, a rose by any other name, and all that...

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call him a rose... :demon: :lol:

Re: Name Change

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:38 pm
by Sentinel
Warwolf wrote:
Sentinel wrote:Ah, well, a rose by any other name, and all that...

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call him a rose... :demon: :lol:

Well, he could take to wearing a full face mask and white custom tailored suits...

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:31 am
by ZEN
Yes, though only for a laugh.. I mean, that would be quite funny.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:47 pm
by Sentinel
I could be "Zentinel".

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:51 pm
by znbrtn
Sentinel wrote:I could be "Zentinel".
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Name Change

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:47 pm
by Sir_Spirit
AJ Pickett wrote:Just letting you guys know that I am dropping the ZEN nick name for good.. I know this is one of those things that can be a pain in the butt to get used to and yes, I'll still answer to ZEN if you address me as that.. but really, the nick name never did actually mean anything significant and I'd rather just use my real name.

In effect, I guess I am dropping my secret identity.. taking off the ZEN mask and cape, dropping the capitalised letters and so forth.
If you want to shorten it, just type AJ.

Thanks everyone.

BUt now villians can stike out at you through your loved ones you fool!

Re: Name Change

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:40 am
by Sentinel
Sir_Spirit wrote:
AJ Pickett wrote:Just letting you guys know that I am dropping the ZEN nick name for good.. I know this is one of those things that can be a pain in the butt to get used to and yes, I'll still answer to ZEN if you address me as that.. but really, the nick name never did actually mean anything significant and I'd rather just use my real name.

In effect, I guess I am dropping my secret identity.. taking off the ZEN mask and cape, dropping the capitalised letters and so forth.
If you want to shorten it, just type AJ.

Thanks everyone.

BUt now villians can stike out at you through your loved ones you fool!

Maybe he's like Captain America.
All his friends are super-heroes or agents of SHIELD.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:20 am
by Jimmy Crat
It's obviously a trap to thin out his growing asortment of enemies. I've seen it before. shiver Everyone lay low! Sorry Aj, no one deserves to go out like THAT.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 7:56 am
by ZEN
I'd like to see what would happen if I swapped a heap of my mitochondria for those of a Seal or perhaps a Polar Bear, as mitochondria have their own DNA, seperate to the Human genome found in the nucleus of our cells.
Mitochondria are passed on to us from our mother's, all of the organisms on Earth who make good use of oxygen can thank those original archaic single celled organisms in the primordial soup, working together in symbiosis. Well, what would happen if I mixed my mitochondria? Without altering my DNA and with the certainty that the modification will not pass on to the next generation (though only if you are a guy, sorry ladies, you better not try this stunt our you could end up having mutant children).

Anyway, if a human was chock full of the mitochondria of animals with enhanced, wild metabolisms.. who is to say what the effect would be.. the other mitochondria might overload the human, or not accept the new host and die off inside the body.
Risky, but imagine if you could run like a horse and hold your breath like a seal, or hibernate during the winter.

I'd gladly experiment on cell samples from myself and play around with my own biochemistry.. nobody owns the rights to my body and like I said, it's not technically genetic engineering. I'd have to be fairly sure it was not going to kill me before I tried augmenting my mitochondria.. but thats my only real concern, ethically, nobody is at risk but me if I did it.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:18 am
by Gomen_Nagai
that mitochondria bit reminds you have played too much Parasite Eve and Square-Enix Games.

Anyway, how does a family lose a right to bare arms, ... or is it because they're texans?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:30 pm
by ZEN
By changing your name I guess.. if you have inherited the last name Pickett, however, you have the right to use the family coat of arms as a personal logo or whatever.. I could put it on my own bottles of home brewed beer (if I had any), or put it on the cover of a self published book or whatever.. it's basically a medal that was awarded to my ancestors that never expires.
The only way to lose the right to it would be to drop the family name or if some official back in England decided to specifically ban me from using it.. which is highly unlikely to happen.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:20 am
by Uncle Servo
Sentinel wrote:I could be "Zentinel".


Uncle Zenvo...
Zen Servo...
Uncle Zen...
Zencle Servo...

I think I'll stay the way I am for now... even though "Zen Servo" doesn't sound bad... :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:19 am
by Sentinel
Uncle Servo wrote:
Sentinel wrote:I could be "Zentinel".


Uncle Zenvo...
Zen Servo...
Uncle Zen...
Zencle Servo...

I think I'll stay the way I am for now... even though "Zen Servo" doesn't sound bad... :lol:

You should start a regualr column for the Rifter called "Uncle Servos' Zen".

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:01 am
by Uncle Servo
Sentinel wrote:You should start a regualr column for the Rifter called "Uncle Servos' Zen".

Starting with, "If you don't care where you are, you're not lost..." :lol:

Actually, I am in fact working on a couple of things to submit to the Rifter.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:30 pm
by Iczer
AJ Pickett wrote:I'd like to see what would happen if I swapped a heap of my mitochondria for those of a Seal or perhaps a Polar Bear, as mitochondria have their own DNA, seperate to the Human genome found in the nucleus of our cells.
Mitochondria are passed on to us from our mother's, all of the organisms on Earth who make good use of oxygen can thank those original archaic single celled organisms in the primordial soup, working together in symbiosis. Well, what would happen if I mixed my mitochondria? Without altering my DNA and with the certainty that the modification will not pass on to the next generation (though only if you are a guy, sorry ladies, you better not try this stunt our you could end up having mutant children).

Anyway, if a human was chock full of the mitochondria of animals with enhanced, wild metabolisms.. who is to say what the effect would be.. the other mitochondria might overload the human, or not accept the new host and die off inside the body.
Risky, but imagine if you could run like a horse and hold your breath like a seal, or hibernate during the winter.

I'd gladly experiment on cell samples from myself and play around with my own biochemistry.. nobody owns the rights to my body and like I said, it's not technically genetic engineering. I'd have to be fairly sure it was not going to kill me before I tried augmenting my mitochondria.. but thats my only real concern, ethically, nobody is at risk but me if I did it.

According to My Resident Biochemist (No Kidding here), Your body would spit out the mitochondrial samples in standard imuno response. You would get sick, really really sick, or worse depending on the amount you transfer.

For a SAFE (and i use THAT term very loosley when refering to genetic tampering) Firstly, Use a species with more human connectivity, like a pig or any other simian. Then, you need to dissolve the Mite in a T3 solution (The 'T' is in fact the supected origin for resident evil's use of a 'T' virus). this reduces the chance of the foreign bodies fighting back (a common occurance when introducing foreign matter into a body is that not only does the body attempt immuno rejection, but the introduced matter has the ability to also reject the body).

Now that the mitochondrial DNA is more compatable and less likely to fight back, you need to slave into a system that allows it to remain 'alive' and functioning inside a host that will not want them there. Typically, the mitochondrial matter needs to be seperated into it's helix stands and then possibly attached to a virus, which will allow the new mitochondria to propogate within the system.

Overall you are looking at 12-20 years of work ahead of you, give or take advances in the sciences. as it stands however, you would require some nasty immono suppresants to get you through the day, and chances of conception drop to an abysmally low level, with a high prediction of mutantions and deformities in any offspring.


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:31 pm
by ZEN
It's worth a shot

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:00 am
by Uncle Servo
Iczer wrote:
AJ Pickett wrote:I'd like to see what would happen if I swapped a heap of my mitochondria for those of a Seal or perhaps a Polar Bear, as mitochondria have their own DNA, seperate to the Human genome found in the nucleus of our cells.
Mitochondria are passed on to us from our mother's, all of the organisms on Earth who make good use of oxygen can thank those original archaic single celled organisms in the primordial soup, working together in symbiosis. Well, what would happen if I mixed my mitochondria? Without altering my DNA and with the certainty that the modification will not pass on to the next generation (though only if you are a guy, sorry ladies, you better not try this stunt our you could end up having mutant children).

Anyway, if a human was chock full of the mitochondria of animals with enhanced, wild metabolisms.. who is to say what the effect would be.. the other mitochondria might overload the human, or not accept the new host and die off inside the body.
Risky, but imagine if you could run like a horse and hold your breath like a seal, or hibernate during the winter.

I'd gladly experiment on cell samples from myself and play around with my own biochemistry.. nobody owns the rights to my body and like I said, it's not technically genetic engineering. I'd have to be fairly sure it was not going to kill me before I tried augmenting my mitochondria.. but thats my only real concern, ethically, nobody is at risk but me if I did it.

According to My Resident Biochemist (No Kidding here), Your body would spit out the mitochondrial samples in standard imuno response. You would get sick, really really sick, or worse depending on the amount you transfer.

For a SAFE (and i use THAT term very loosley when refering to genetic tampering) Firstly, Use a species with more human connectivity, like a pig or any other simian. Then, you need to dissolve the Mite in a T3 solution (The 'T' is in fact the supected origin for resident evil's use of a 'T' virus). this reduces the chance of the foreign bodies fighting back (a common occurance when introducing foreign matter into a body is that not only does the body attempt immuno rejection, but the introduced matter has the ability to also reject the body).

Now that the mitochondrial DNA is more compatable and less likely to fight back, you need to slave into a system that allows it to remain 'alive' and functioning inside a host that will not want them there. Typically, the mitochondrial matter needs to be seperated into it's helix stands and then possibly attached to a virus, which will allow the new mitochondria to propogate within the system.

Overall you are looking at 12-20 years of work ahead of you, give or take advances in the sciences. as it stands however, you would require some nasty immono suppresants to get you through the day, and chances of conception drop to an abysmally low level, with a high prediction of mutantions and deformities in any offspring.


Okay Batts... now you're starting to scare me... :shock:

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:38 am
by Sentinel
Uncle Servo wrote:
Sentinel wrote:You should start a regualr column for the Rifter called "Uncle Servos' Zen".

Starting with, "If you don't care where you are, you're not lost..." :lol:

Actually, I am in fact working on a couple of things to submit to the Rifter.

Here's my first deep thought for the day.

I saw a sign on some wiseacres' desk that reads : "Poor Planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part".

I asked him pointedly: "Does an Emergency on my part constitute Poor Planning on yours?"