The campain so far

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The campain so far

Unread post by Drakenred®™© »

Bascialy the group is part of a semi covert exploation team from a group of colonists (actualy multiple groups of Human colonists) who have found themselves stranded on a BDO that has 3Million times the surface area of Earth, near one of the biggest mountains they have evern seen,(yes this is my campain based more or less on Ringworld, and while the mountain is based more or less on the "Fist of God" mountain,. It is in reality one of several structures scattered around the ring designed to allow a kind of emergency access to the inside or outside of the structure)

Basicaly the ships that emerged suffered from fold/FTL failure and "diosapeared" reapeared here and landed, allong with Aircraft and ships that just disapeared from earth (usualy in a place where they can safly land, if they were not already on the ground, although at least one seaplane did find itself abruptly tangled in the middle of a Coniferous forest and a masive Ocean Liner did find itself in a valey where it aparently came to rest on a river(not in it, the river was one of thoes things that in the autum you would swear that you could jump over with a good running start, and in the spring and summer makes a good fly fishing river) in a valey, and is for all intents, beached on land with a small river running around it) Along with missing comunitys and even a couple of missing armys found themselves more or less on ground simular to what they were traveling over or living on.(Except for a Boing 727 that was aparently crewed by people who claim that they were originaly on a Martin Mariner which they think started to explode, then the next instant they were on the 727 which they somehow managed to land at the edge of a forest right next to a flight of out of fuel TBM Avengers that they were sent out to find) most of the Star ships are funtional, apart from their FTL/Fold systems being non operational in the environment, however most of the somewhat ragtag fleet of ships is by and large grounded.(although all ships in theory are able to fly at a moments notice)

The local Mega Mountain is the home to a group of Individuals who CLAIM that they are from Earth, Have the same names as gods from Earth mythology, are functionaly Immortal, have more or less the same stats as found in the Pathions book, but are ocationaly slighly amused when they are told that they are gods and that people want to worship them(ironicaly, the only Garantied way of getting them to completly ignore you is to treat them like gods(Bascialy they are not sure how they got their, despite being completly Identical Statwise to the gods found in Patheons and elswhere they are not the gods as described in any Paladium book,they have a home in a series of "pocket" platforms on the Mountain that have more or less normal air preasure, And apart from being a ocational bizar welcoming comitie for any new Large group of "Humans" that abruptly show up. (Traditionaly, one or more of them or their "Henchmen" will turn up in the most convient place posible, although in the case of the pilots and crews of full aircraft, having a number of women ridding pegasi or Kirin or what have you, and somehow keeping up with them was a little statling) They Generaly act as if they are ignoring the heck out of the humans and others around them, Granted, the "gods" do have their plots and plans and mechinations that involve the "mortals below", but for the most part they realy dont want to be worhiped as gods, and are quite happy if most of the mortals just get on with their lives without bothering them in their plans thank you very mutch!(never mind that they will chearfully intrude on your plans without so mutch as a by your leave!)

For the most part the Leyline networks are predictable and easily mapped, And function more or less as explained in RIFTS

Humans in the "Reugee lands" for the most part have the same potential for magic as anyone esle, but for the most part the Humans who show any tallent at magic are more or less limmited to the OOCs found in Chaos earth, with the exception of a HANDFULL of people who have gotten training by the Elfs and others who showed up on the edges of what is now called New Earth,(the Refuge lands where Mostof the new arivals invariably land is currently rotating clockwise around the mega mountain) at the Great Trees, (Milinium Trees) in the Refuge lands, or by some of the Agents of the Gods. (the Elfs are actualy in what has become the known as the "Eldar Lands", an area just to the "West"

(due to the "artificial" lighting of the ring during the day West has become the aparent direction of travel of the "moons" which are actualy planets that orbit "inside" of the rings "Orbit", (note their is no "Star" in the center, and the "moons" are in what is for a lack of a clearer explination "flying formation" around the ring, the artificial day seems to be caused by custom built micro Fusion "lamps". a "day" is almost exactly 24 Hours in the human belt, but other sections of the ring clearly have days that range from ~17 hours to one area that seems to have a circle of perpetual light surounded by a ring of nearly perpetual night.)

Currently the "Refugee enclave" of humans is a mix of tech ranging from 12th century to "early MDC", (roughly simular to REF-Sentinals),

the Eldar lands (Mostly diferent loosly allied nations of Elfs) have a mostly Magic based tech, With the hights being represented by 2 citys of the Nigh'in Elfs based arround what is functional "crystal magic" structures, and the Torinian Elfs whos lands include three Mileum trees, the old City, and the wilds,

the Spine and breakbone mountain ranges to the north(basicaly bordering on both the Human Refugee lands and the Eldar lands) of the Stout fellows(Bascialy your typical Dwarf-gnome-and related races have a simular "Fantacy tech" Technology level, (however between both relms, Rune and Crystal Weapons are not common, however other "almost" items are fairly common(this is a Rift like MDC Enviromnent),

The Wall-lands, (not that theirs a Wall their as a defensive structure, the "walls" is some kind of structure that basicaly makes a kind of grid that from space would resemble part of a spider web that rises to a fixed elevation of stone, theis regions are almost exactly 237.2301Km wide and rise almost exactly 237m above sea level, in fact where they would seemingly be burried by a mountain range they are not, apart from where relitivly recent landslides or lava flows have covered them, they dont seem to be part of the structure in that they are built of the same stone as is found at the base)
Apart from that, the Wall lands are clamed by the Wolfen and other "Canine like" races.

As for the tech levels in the Wall-Lands, theirs three general regions, a "Pure magic" area, a Tech area, (roughly complable to what you would find in the NGE) and a "mixed" area(granted their are mixes of Magic and tech in the two "extreems" regions, but their is no middle ground, no real "Steam age tech" or "petro chemical tec" beyond a few "curiositiy" pieces, its not unusual to see a Shaman in the "Pure magic" region have a grave bike and earring/cellphone, and a Areospace designer in the Tech areas have a lifemate who is a Mage)

to the south and southwest is a land which seems to be a bit more "wild" but at the core of it is reported to be a "anti-Demon" army of undead on the move in that part of the world, something that is causing some concern with the people in the Eldar and Wall lands, however the Dwarfs will somewhat Grudgingly admit that the elfs can probably more than deall with things if the Wall-wolves cant so they are not worried, (although they somehow manage to sound somewhat disapointed by that thought)

The currency in use between them is a mix of Gold (100cr) Silver((10cr) and "coin metal"(bascialy the same "golden"metal" used on sutch coins as the recent US Dollar coin) coinage,(1cr or less) and Trade tokens that are almost identical in material (but not the markings) to the old Elfen Kingdom coinage, and electronic Credits.

Currently the group is working for one of the More Advanced groups of "Refugees" as a scouting group, most of them are actualy from one of the ships of one of the fleets that turned up, they currently have a guide(bascialy a native American Warrior) who is teamed up with a Paradox shaman, (theis are both NPCs by the way) and are working with a more or less low profile to try and get a feel for the way things are. they currently have

2 Power armors and spares
2 Motorcycles(usualy used by the guides)(also short range radar (~1-10 miles)built in)
2 Jeeps with medium weapon mounts(1D4X10 +coax grenaid launcher)(medium range radar, ~25 miles)
1 truck(usualy used to hide the power armor) with a "heavy" weapon mount (1D6X10 rail gun and mini missle launcher)and a long range combat radar(~50 miles)

The group has a decent set of reload clips for their energy weapons, (20 long and 10 short clips each) But only three rechargers, about 1000 SDC rounds for each of the projectile rifles and handguns
they did get a box each (100 rounds) of Silver ammo for their handguns and rifles, and a couple of crates of ammo for the rail guns, along with 80 Mini missles and 20 SRMs for reloads plus first aid kits, 2 spare sets of Body armor each(50 MDC main body) 400 points of armor patch for the body armor and another 500 points of armor patch for the PA and vehicls

They also have some tradeable items and some of the "coins" but they are not sure of the value of them, and a couple of months worth of food.
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Unread post by Drakenred®™© »

More notes

Basically the first game was testing out a version of the combat system.

What we currently do is

(Roll+ PP bonus + H2H skill + PA/Robot pilot skill if applicable + any weapon system bonus if applicable + any inherent bonus – (any gunner penalties & any target related penalties to hit)) – ((modifier) + (Dodge roll + all Dodge bonuses – all Dodge penalties))

Normal to hit rules with a modification that Called shots are 15+, a net to hit roll of 20-24 does 2x damage, a roll of 25-30 is 3x damage and so forth, Critical from a natural roll is largely the same, with the damage bonus stacking. Generally this tends to make P.A.s and bots more dangerous, which is in part the idea.

So the group got to take out a pod of Pseudo Deinonychus (basically ranged target plinking) Followed by a flight of Megaelectrodactylus (basically a Very Freaking Big version of the Pterodactylus only it has a Lighting attack) who thought that the hover cycles and Jeeps would make a nice lunch, The net result was that some of the armor was trashed, Lynn had her body armor fused solid by no less than 3 critical hits and the Jeep, well it kind of got picked up by one of them, whereupon the driver thought it would be a good idea to try and shoot the Mega off of the jeep while it was airborne, and he succeeded. Incidentally he survived the fall in slightly better shape than the Jeep. The fight was a bit more drawn out than I expected though because one of the PAs Rolled 7 straight 1s.

That die is no longer with us.

The net result, the Jeep was not worth the effort of rebuilding, but it supplied spare armor for the other vehicles and the power plant of the jeep (the “fleet” uses Fission/Fusion closed cycle power plants for most small craft and vehicles) that was given to the luxury liner (the one that has a river running around it) as a power plant. (It’s a “Modern” ship, in that while the ship is a Diesel electric drive, it must conserve its fuel because once the Diesel fuel is gone so is the power) However the fleet currently plans to use the Seven Stars (the liner) and its community of Faux Orleans as an outpost, (the location of the ship ironically is roughly .25 miles upstream from a quasi lake (roughly the size of Lake Superior) that leads to an intra ocean waterway.

the group was hunkered down at Faux Orleans, waiting for a engineering company and security forces to move up wich ended that game session.


and that brings us to the most recent game

You remember my casual mention of the Jeep being picked up by one of the Megaelectrodactylus? Well they probably should have let it carry the Jeep to its nest, because they have proven to be a nuisance to the Combat Engineers, who managed to bring a flight of them to the liner despite the fact that they had a running fight with them! This time the group took the hint and chased the surviving Megaelectrodactylus all the way back to their lair, which turned out to be a wrecked starship that had lots and lots of shiny stuff in and on it. After driving off the rest of the creatures they were able to mark the location of the hulk, did a little exploring, bring back a couple of items that looked interesting, along with a couple of female survivors that were in some kind of hibernation module who seem to be suffering from some kind of unusual birth defect that left them without sight. Not that they have any problem moving around.

They also seem to have some odd Ideas, for example they seem to feel that their rescuers have salvage rights to everything in the hulk and that includes them. (/ooc they did figure out that the “Ladies” were Altaran Blind Warrior Women, but their charters don’t)(For whatever reason they are listed as being below even Tattooed warriors in Rifts Atlantis) Apparently their owner, (the remains looks like a massive Squid ;) ) was on their ship and died when the drive exploded, and he was their worlds leader, and not a very competent one at that.

And no, they don’t speak each others language apart from the times that the Paradox shaman offers to “translate” (by casting tongues on one of the players (something that their characters still can’t quite get used to))

So, now they are having to set up a perimeter, wait for a shuttle to land nearby to help them salvage the hulk(it is incapable of flight), Patch up what’s left of their gear,(although this time Lynn did not need to have her body armor salvaged so she could get out of it) Deal with their remaining Guide (the Paradox Shaman) who the group thinks is cracking up from the loss of her friend (the Other Guide) because she is insisting that a weirdly decorated pole they found in the hulk is Evil and should be destroyed. (they don’t realy have a problem with that idea, after all something that supposedly belonged to something that looks like a Cathulue The Movie Prop reject, well if anything might be evil then that pole might be it and they are not going to argue with the nice crazy lady who can do strange things) they are just not sure how since they cant even seem to cut it, although they have left it in a box that she seems to be comfortable with it being in that they plan on taking to someone who the shaman thinks can deal with it.

Easy right?

Well, one of the Altarans kind of disappeared, they found a cocoon that the other Altarans insist on guarding, and when it opens they find that the missing Altaran has an identical twin, and one of them is a bit hysterical because she doesn’t want her daughter to be owned like she is, even though she likes her new owners.

So the party tried quite unsuccessfully to remind her that they don’t think of her as their property and they definitely don’t think of her twin sister as property, and that the Doctors back with the fleet would work to “heal” her sister, Not that they are sure yet what she needs to be healed of.

The next day, Isis decided to show up, (More accurately she stopped being a bird with a unusual curiosity in the group) “cured” the daughter, disabled the “traps” guarding the Vaults that were on board the hulk. She then waited for the shuttle to show up, then for whatever reason transported the Hulk, the Shuttle, and the group back to the Fleet, where she told the Admiral/govenor that she was confiscating certain items from the hulk(Literally the entire vault that belonged specifically to the squid without opening it. (She clamed that even Loki is not that crazed to try and claim anything in their)) that were beyond the mortals of the fleet to deal with, then informed them that the rest of the Hulk was theirs to do with as they pleased as she felt that she could trust them with the rest of the Hulk, and their were things in their that they needed to learn anyway.

Incidentally, the person that the Paradox Shaman felt knew how to deal with the Evil pole?

Her name is Katrina Sune
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