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E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Weapons

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 7:54 am
by SirTenzan
I found a discrepency in the books that actually permits a character or power in RIFTS to devise cheap, simple, and mass produceable E-Clip Chargers, without having to rely upon bulky generators, or nuclear power plants.

In RIFTS World Book 15, Spirit West, a unique weapon is described - a Laser Bow. This weapon, with each pull of the 'bowstring' creates enough energy for a blast. In the alternative an E-Clip can be slid into place providing enough power for 10 shots.

Therefore this plunger, if geared with a rotating handle, or with a lever, could essentially charge a clip with minor modifications, with only ten turns on a rotating handle, or ten priming pumps on a lever! Maximum number of charges? The book lists it as 500 shots, if memory serves, which would be the equivalent of 50 standard energy clips!

We could step this up a notch further though. You could literally make lever action or bolt action energy rifles just by including one of these unique components! You might even be able to devise an attachment for conventional energy weapons that allow a slide action pump to generate the sufficient charge. Imagine the possibilities for wilderness adventurers, no more stopping into towns to charge up energy clips!

What are your' thoughts?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:03 am
by Dustin Fireblade
This is gonna hurt me more than it does you: :thwak:


Sorry, it's nice to see people come up with idea's but I like my e-clips just the way they are, especially as a GM.

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:59 am
by Guest
SirTenzan wrote:I found a discrepency in the books that actually permits a character or power in RIFTS to devise cheap, simple, and mass produceable E-Clip Chargers, without having to rely upon bulky generators, or nuclear power plants.

In RIFTS World Book 15, Spirit West, a unique weapon is described - a Laser Bow. This weapon, with each pull of the 'bowstring' creates enough energy for a blast. In the alternative an E-Clip can be slid into place providing enough power for 10 shots.

Therefore this plunger, if geared with a rotating handle, or with a lever, could essentially charge a clip with minor modifications, with only ten turns on a rotating handle, or ten priming pumps on a lever! Maximum number of charges? The book lists it as 500 shots, if memory serves, which would be the equivalent of 50 standard energy clips!

We could step this up a notch further though. You could literally make lever action or bolt action energy rifles just by including one of these unique components! You might even be able to devise an attachment for conventional energy weapons that allow a slide action pump to generate the sufficient charge. Imagine the possibilities for wilderness adventurers, no more stopping into towns to charge up energy clips!

What are your' thoughts?

I like your idea, but you must remember, if it could have been done, it would have been done already. Sorry, but the idea doesn't fly. The last thing we need are unlimited e-clips. I congradulate you on finding a flaw (though in Spirit West, it's not hard), and making everyone aware of it. However, the bow itself is controversial and hated at best. I would not throw the idea around.

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:37 am
by Mack
SirTenzan wrote:What are your' thoughts?

That the Spirit West author needs a good :thwak:


Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:02 am
by Killer Cyborg
SirTenzan wrote:I found a discrepency in the books that actually permits a character or power in RIFTS to devise cheap, simple, and mass produceable E-Clip Chargers, without having to rely upon bulky generators, or nuclear power plants.

In RIFTS World Book 15, Spirit West, a unique weapon is described - a Laser Bow. This weapon, with each pull of the 'bowstring' creates enough energy for a blast. In the alternative an E-Clip can be slid into place providing enough power for 10 shots.

Therefore this plunger, if geared with a rotating handle, or with a lever, could essentially charge a clip with minor modifications, with only ten turns on a rotating handle, or ten priming pumps on a lever! Maximum number of charges? The book lists it as 500 shots, if memory serves, which would be the equivalent of 50 standard energy clips!

We could step this up a notch further though. You could literally make lever action or bolt action energy rifles just by including one of these unique components! You might even be able to devise an attachment for conventional energy weapons that allow a slide action pump to generate the sufficient charge. Imagine the possibilities for wilderness adventurers, no more stopping into towns to charge up energy clips!

What are your' thoughts?

My thoughts are that the laser bow is the stupidest thing to ever disgrace the insides of a Rifts book.
I don't use it, and I never will.

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:11 am
by Killer Cyborg
The Sovereign wrote:Oh, and KC...stupider than the Cyber-Knights? :lol:

Even so, unfortunately. :(

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:22 am
by RockJock
In my games we already converted the laser bow to be a magical weapon due to the absurdness of the whole thing. If a MDC laser beam can be powered by that little kienetic enegy, then the pin flashlight is the new Light Saber.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:07 pm
by Kalinda
The laser bow is just plain silly. don't base any tech on it, it cannot possibly work in the way described. if the laser bow worked, then we would be able to provide all the power we needed for a normal houehold's daily usage by jumping on an exercise bike hooked to a bank of batterys and pedaling for fifteen minutes.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 2:14 pm
by Jimmy Crat

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 8:45 pm
by Guest
John Kronus wrote:[
Wait, hold on... you mean to tell me if it hasnt been done before then it CAN'T be Done ?? I'm glad no one ever told that to Ben Franklin, Alexander Gram Bell, Albert Einstein, etc... imagin the world we would live in today ?? Inventors... always can find a way ... IQ baby the way to go !

Well, there's a basic difference.

1. This is a game.

2. Those inventors were actually aliens obsessed with harnessing a perpetual peanut invention, and the other inventions were simply a cover.

3. The laser bow was a bad idea. Period. Thusly, that bad idea cannot and should not spawn into another, while creative, idea. You shouldn't use bad apples to make apple pie.

How bout them apples? :)

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:02 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
John Kronus wrote:[
Wait, hold on... you mean to tell me if it hasnt been done before then it CAN'T be Done ?? I'm glad no one ever told that to Ben Franklin, Alexander Gram Bell, Albert Einstein, etc... imagin the world we would live in today ?? Inventors... always can find a way ... IQ baby the way to go !

Well, there's a basic difference.

1. This is a game.

2. Those inventors were actually aliens obsessed with harnessing a perpetual peanut invention, and the other inventions were simply a cover.

3. The laser bow was a bad idea. Period. Thusly, that bad idea cannot and should not spawn into another, while creative, idea. You shouldn't use bad apples to make apple pie.

How bout them apples? :)

*Shoots Res with a shotgun* Applesauce, *****.

Heh. Laura-Croft style, or Gangsta?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:29 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:Go watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Any particular reason?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:37 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Go watch Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Any particular reason?

Watch it and gain understanding.

*Can't distinguish if this is sarcasm or not*

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:41 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:Ambiguity is a wonderful tool.

Eh. Maybe on one end. Whatever though. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:43 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Ambiguity is a wonderful tool.

Eh. Maybe on one end. Whatever though.

How about watch it and get my joke. :D

Lol. I rented it twice and never got around to watching it. I'll make it a note next time i rent movies.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:48 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Ambiguity is a wonderful tool.

Eh. Maybe on one end. Whatever though.

How about watch it and get my joke. :D

Lol. I rented it twice and never got around to watching it. I'll make it a note next time i rent movies.

Watch the movie. It's well worth owning.

I know it's got one of the highest cussing rates ever published in a movie. I think Boondock saints wasn't far behind, with around 230. Anyways, i'll rent it when i get the chance.

I think we sort of de-railed the topic.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:53 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:Screw the topic. This is important. Noooge.

Heh. Well, like i was saying earlier, the whole "creating perpetual energy" idea wasn't a feasible one.

I have seen Dogma though.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:58 pm
by Guest
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Screw the topic. This is important. Noooge.

Heh. Well, like i was saying earlier, the whole "creating perpetual energy" idea wasn't a feasible one.

I have seen Dogma though.

See all five films.


What are they?

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:08 pm
by PigLickJF
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Screw the topic. This is important. Noooge.

Heh. Well, like i was saying earlier, the whole "creating perpetual energy" idea wasn't a feasible one.

I have seen Dogma though.

See all five films.


What are they?

I assume he means the 5 KS films. Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, J&SSB, and Dogma.

Of course, he's forgetting the all-important 6th, Jersey Girl :D .


Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:07 pm
by Killer Cyborg
John Kronus wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:My thoughts are that the laser bow is the stupidest thing to ever disgrace the insides of a Rifts book.
I don't use it, and I never will.

Just one question KC... i know this is your opinion, but is calling this laser bow, stupid, the same as calling a race anatomically complete without saying what they're anatomically complete compared to what Misfit kotld was saying in the Affectations or Genetics.... thread ??

I have no idea what you are trying to ask.

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:16 pm
by Guest
Killer Cyborg wrote:
John Kronus wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:My thoughts are that the laser bow is the stupidest thing to ever disgrace the insides of a Rifts book.
I don't use it, and I never will.

Just one question KC... i know this is your opinion, but is calling this laser bow, stupid, the same as calling a race anatomically complete without saying what they're anatomically complete compared to what Misfit kotld was saying in the Affectations or Genetics.... thread ??

I have no idea what you are trying to ask.

I second that.

I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 4:02 am
by SirTenzan
... about the unlimited energy bit from a single pull on the plunger, BUT it is canonized in official Palladium print. :lol:

... not to say that ever prevented us from disregarding materials in the past ...

I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

Re: I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:11 am
by Jimmy Crat
SirTenzan wrote:... about the unlimited energy bit from a single pull on the plunger, BUT it is canonized in official Palladium print. :lol:

... not to say that ever prevented us from disregarding materials in the past ...

I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

That would be cool, but there should still be some kind of limitation on it. Like it can only charge this many times before this important part needs to be replaced. Wilderness folk being more self-sufficient is one thing, but there should still be a need to go to town.

Re: I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:43 am
by Killer Cyborg
SirTenzan wrote:... about the unlimited energy bit from a single pull on the plunger, BUT it is canonized in official Palladium print. :lol:

... not to say that ever prevented us from disregarding materials in the past ...

I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

The Electricity Generation skill (RGMG, p. 55) would be needed to rig something up, but if the character has that skill then you're fine.
Then all you need is some powerful solar panels.
For Two Million Credits, you can get a Super-Solar Engine (SB1, p. 101) that would produce enough power to recharge any number of E-Clips.

The only question is how long it would take to recharge.
In order to make a guess at that, we need to find something official that says how long it normally takes to recharge an E-Clip.
A Super-Solar Engine could do it in the same amount of time (with proper modifications), but lesser solar power systems (which would also be much bulkier) would take longer.

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:36 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Ishtirru wrote:
SirTenzan wrote:I found a discrepency in the books that actually permits a character or power in RIFTS to devise cheap, simple, and mass produceable E-Clip Chargers, without having to rely upon bulky generators, or nuclear power plants.

In RIFTS World Book 15, Spirit West, a unique weapon is described - a Laser Bow. This weapon, with each pull of the 'bowstring' creates enough energy for a blast. In the alternative an E-Clip can be slid into place providing enough power for 10 shots.

Therefore this plunger, if geared with a rotating handle, or with a lever, could essentially charge a clip with minor modifications, with only ten turns on a rotating handle, or ten priming pumps on a lever! Maximum number of charges? The book lists it as 500 shots, if memory serves, which would be the equivalent of 50 standard energy clips!

We could step this up a notch further though. You could literally make lever action or bolt action energy rifles just by including one of these unique components! You might even be able to devise an attachment for conventional energy weapons that allow a slide action pump to generate the sufficient charge. Imagine the possibilities for wilderness adventurers, no more stopping into towns to charge up energy clips!

What are your' thoughts?

Or just have a sliding kick back suppressor built with the lever tech. Every shot re-energizes the weapon. A self powering weapon that nevers need recharging manually but instead automatically.
Or have a micro-fussion generator clip in place of a conventional e-clip.

:thwak: lasers don't cause kick! I doubt that any of the energy weapons cause enough kick to actuate it. Now railguns and any other projectile weapons that should also have e-clips (see a railgun uses magnets so should also require e-clips not just belts of ammo) should be able to charge the clips.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:40 pm
by Zer0 Kay
RockJock wrote:In my games we already converted the laser bow to be a magical weapon due to the absurdness of the whole thing. If a MDC laser beam can be powered by that little kienetic enegy, then the pin flashlight is the new Light Saber.

Oh yay it's the blond kid from the D&D cartoon with the magic bow :nh: guess it's still better than a laser bow.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:41 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Kalinda wrote:The laser bow is just plain silly. don't base any tech on it, it cannot possibly work in the way described. if the laser bow worked, then we would be able to provide all the power we needed for a normal houehold's daily usage by jumping on an exercise bike hooked to a bank of batterys and pedaling for fifteen minutes.

Hey wait a second if the professor could do it on Gilligan's Island... :D

Re: E-Clip Charging Solution & New Style M.D. Energy Wea

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:43 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Res Sin Kai wrote:
John Kronus wrote:[
Wait, hold on... you mean to tell me if it hasnt been done before then it CAN'T be Done ?? I'm glad no one ever told that to Ben Franklin, Alexander Gram Bell, Albert Einstein, etc... imagin the world we would live in today ?? Inventors... always can find a way ... IQ baby the way to go !

Well, there's a basic difference.

1. This is a game.

2. Those inventors were actually aliens obsessed with harnessing a perpetual peanut invention, and the other inventions were simply a cover.

3. The laser bow was a bad idea. Period. Thusly, that bad idea cannot and should not spawn into another, while creative, idea. You shouldn't use bad apples to make apple pie.

How bout them apples? :)

He's not he's using bad bannannas to make bannanna bread and everyone know you do do that.

Re: I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:50 pm
by Zer0 Kay
SirTenzan wrote:... about the unlimited energy bit from a single pull on the plunger, BUT it is canonized in official Palladium print. :lol:

... not to say that ever prevented us from disregarding materials in the past ...

I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

Uh... it's not perpetual energy, just free. Besides I do beleive he quoted it as being good for only 500 shots. Perpetual energy would be continuous and not require any intervention (pulling the string).

You guys doubt the amount of power able to be generated by a fictitous hand powerd generator but you give a solar panel that is currently isn't able to power the same house as in a previous description. Oh wait let me guess advances in technology, and how do you know the plunger generator isn't also?

Re: I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:59 pm
by PigLickJF
Zer0 Kay wrote:
SirTenzan wrote:... about the unlimited energy bit from a single pull on the plunger, BUT it is canonized in official Palladium print. :lol:

... not to say that ever prevented us from disregarding materials in the past ...

I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

Uh... it's not perpetual energy, just free. Besides I do beleive he quoted it as being good for only 500 shots. Perpetual energy would be continuous and not require any intervention (pulling the string).

You guys doubt the amount of power able to be generated by a fictitous hand powerd generator but you give a solar panel that is currently isn't able to power the same house as in a previous description. Oh wait let me guess advances in technology, and how do you know the plunger generator isn't also?

Because there's a big difference between the two. Granted, I think the super-solar generator thing is pretty far-fetched as well, but not so much as the laser-bow. Even with a 100% efficient energy converter, there's simply no way one pull of a string by a human is going to generate the massive amounts of energy needed to generate an MD laser blast. The sun, however, produces much more energy than a person's arm, it's just that current solar cells are highly inefficient under even the best of conditions. As I said, even at 100% efficiency I don't think solar cells would be capable of doing what the super-solar gizmo does, but it's not as far of a stretch.

Actually though, this whole conversation has made me wonder something. What if, rather than having found a way to create super high-density storage mediums and generation, Golden Age tech instead found ways to greatly reduce the amount of input energy needed to power all their powerful, high tech stuff. It's probably a combination of both, actually, but for me at least, and most others it seems, we've always assumed all these toys take vast amounts of energy, but maybe they don't. I guess in the end it doesn't matter since it's all fictional tech anyway, so it doesn't matter which "end" of the equation you make the miraculous part.


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:39 pm
by Kalinda
I never really bought the super solar engine either, but I was able to suspend my disbelief and go with it. advanced tech and all that, but the laser bow is just too much.

Re: I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:53 pm
by Guest
SirTenzan wrote:... about the unlimited energy bit from a single pull on the plunger, BUT it is canonized in official Palladium print. :lol:

... not to say that ever prevented us from disregarding materials in the past ...

I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

Interesting, but solar power is extremely ineffective. You'd need a giant plate. A huge one, just for an e-clip? It would be bulky, not to mention reflective, and so wouldn't be useful for having in the wilderness. Not to mention the amount of energy an e-clip requires. It would take forever.

Re: I would tend to agree with ya'll...

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:18 pm
by Kalinda
THW wrote:
SirTenzan wrote:... I think a solar power generator would be even more cool for a wilderness troupe, something that can recharge 10% of a clip for an hour of exposure to sunlight? (Then make globe of daylight usage for charging take twice as long as real sunlight.)

Anyway, I was just curious what you all thought of the idea of using this device/component for such a purpose.

In one of the books, Phase World I think they had a laser rifle that could charge with a portable solar array that was housed in the weapon. It did not seem to unbalanced because if memory serves the recharge rate was about a full day or more for a clip.

Plus the rifle was very bulky for the damage it did. I thought that one was pretty well thought out and balanced. Very useful for someone with little or no access to high tech power sources, but less desirable if you can just go to the store and get your E-clips recharged.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:41 pm
by Thinyser
The laser bow as it stands is retarded... there is NO WAY a single draw of the string could make enough energy for an MD blast.

As such I have modified the bow to do 1d6 SDC per pull (must hold a trigger while pulling, releasing trigger releases the shot). Each pull takes one action. This is a multipurpose bow usually used for hunting SDC animals but if several hunters pull their bows back 100+ times then stalk a fury beatle they would have a good chance at taking it out. The eclip option does 2d6 MD and holds 20 shots just like the book. There is 40d6 MD in the clip so that would be 4000 pulls to fully recharge the clip (I say the plunger and string never wear out they are MDC after all).

So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:17 pm
by RockJock
For perpetual enegry go for the Kittani Energy Lance.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:56 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Thinyser wrote:The laser bow as it stands is retarded... there is NO WAY a single draw of the string could make enough energy for an MD blast.

As such I have modified the bow to do 1d6 SDC per pull (must hold a trigger while pulling, releasing trigger releases the shot). Each pull takes one action. This is a multipurpose bow usually used for hunting SDC animals but if several hunters pull their bows back 100+ times then stalk a fury beatle they would have a good chance at taking it out. The eclip option does 2d6 MD and holds 20 shots just like the book. There is 40d6 MD in the clip so that would be 4000 pulls to fully recharge the clip (I say the plunger and string never wear out they are MDC after all).

So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.


That is a very good way of fixing the laser bow.
I won't use it on principle, because I hate the laser bow so much... but if I DID ever use a laser bow, this is how I'd run it.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:57 pm
by Kalinda
Thinyser wrote:The laser bow as it stands is retarded... there is NO WAY a single draw of the string could make enough energy for an MD blast.

As such I have modified the bow to do 1d6 SDC per pull (must hold a trigger while pulling, releasing trigger releases the shot). Each pull takes one action. This is a multipurpose bow usually used for hunting SDC animals but if several hunters pull their bows back 100+ times then stalk a fury beatle they would have a good chance at taking it out. The eclip option does 2d6 MD and holds 20 shots just like the book. There is 40d6 MD in the clip so that would be 4000 pulls to fully recharge the clip (I say the plunger and string never wear out they are MDC after all).

So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.

That's a very reasonable and useful fix, I like it.

Although now I have an image in my head of a bow with the brand name 'daisy' eched on the stave...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:04 am
by Guest
Thinyser wrote:So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.

I like that idea a lot. Though I'd probably set the limit at 2D6 M.D. for the pulling charge. I just know i'll get some idiot PC sitting behind a rock, pumping his little heart out.

"Haha! I pumped it 10,000 times. It took me four days, but I did it! Now this shot will do 1D6x100 m.d.!!"

But seriously. It's a great idea.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:33 am
by Kalinda
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Thinyser wrote:So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.

I like that idea a lot. Though I'd probably set the limit at 2D6 M.D. for the pulling charge. I just know i'll get some idiot PC sitting behind a rock, pumping his little heart out.

"Haha! I pumped it 10,000 times. It took me four days, but I did it! Now this shot will do 1D6x100 m.d.!!"

But seriously. It's a great idea.

Naa, don't limit it. after he pumps it up to about 3d6 MD or so, start rolling percentile dice every time he pumps it. when he asks why, just say 'you'll find out soon enough....'

If he doesn't get the message, then wait until he's got about 6d6 MD on it and mention that the bow stave is getting warm, almost hot. and then theres that gradually increasing whine from the power pack...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:34 am
by Guest
Kalinda wrote:
Naa, don't limit it. after he pumps it up to about 3d6 MD or so, start rolling percentile dice every time he pumps it. when he asks why, just say 'you'll find out soon enough....'

If he doesn't get the message, then wait until he's got about 6d6 MD on it and mention that the bow stave is getting warm, almost hot. and then theres that gradually increasing whine from the power pack...

Haha. That's even better.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:00 am
by Jimmy Crat
Zylo wrote:
Thinyser wrote:So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.

I was thinking something like this before I got to your post. The only way I'd allow that weapon would be to make it an SDC laser. With the clip for doing MDC, that's fine, and actually makes it useful for hunting.

I agree, I like it to. A laser should be the perfect hunting weapon, don't have to dig out the bullet/shot, but there are hardly any SDC versions. I won't get into the noise/lack of or visibility/lack of of the laser here :) but this does sound a lot better now.

Recharging E-Clips

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:03 am
by Flick
I personally think the best way to recharge an e-clip in the wilds is to have a wizard of some sort in the party with Sub-particle accelleration. This spell can recharge e-clips quite well. The bow is a little cheesy and I do go with the earlier opinion that someone watched the D&D cartoon a little too much growing up. But I will admit a guilty desire to play a star elf with a portable scanner :D Live long and prosper! (That proves I just watched a little too much of another tv show growing up.) :oops:

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:24 am
by Thinyser
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Thinyser wrote:The laser bow as it stands is retarded... there is NO WAY a single draw of the string could make enough energy for an MD blast.

As such I have modified the bow to do 1d6 SDC per pull (must hold a trigger while pulling, releasing trigger releases the shot). Each pull takes one action. This is a multipurpose bow usually used for hunting SDC animals but if several hunters pull their bows back 100+ times then stalk a fury beatle they would have a good chance at taking it out. The eclip option does 2d6 MD and holds 20 shots just like the book. There is 40d6 MD in the clip so that would be 4000 pulls to fully recharge the clip (I say the plunger and string never wear out they are MDC after all).

So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.


That is a very good way of fixing the laser bow.
I won't use it on principle, because I hate the laser bow so much... but if I DID ever use a laser bow, this is how I'd run it.

I'll take that as a compliment :D thanks!

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:37 am
by PigLickJF
Ishtirru wrote:What about an alternator system. The gun could have a perpetual independant re-energizing system every time a sliding kick back suppressor moves. Have a rechargeable permanant clip in place of a standard one that is also always charged up. Infinite ammo. :lol:

Um, why would you have a kick back suppressor on a laser weapon?

(Not to mention that this idea wouldn't work. The amount of energy gained by the kickback, assuming there was some, would not be enough to replace the energy discharged. You *might* be able to rug something up like this to extend your clip a bit, again assumiung you have a weapon with kick, but definitely nowhere near infinite ammo).


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:44 am
by Thinyser
Ishtirru wrote:What about an alternator system. The gun could have a perpetual independant re-energizing system every time a sliding kick back suppressor moves. Have a rechargeable permanant clip in place of a standard one that is also always charged up. Infinite ammo. :lol:

I hope the " :lol: " meant the whole post is in jest or Killer Cyborg and I will have to :thwak: you up side the head.

Your talking perpetual motion there too... thats like putting a generator on the back wheels of an electric car and mortors on the front then with some start up energy it'll run forever....right :rolleyes: If there is no friction and the generators don't slow the rotation of the shaft as they spin the magnets (acts as a break) then sure it'll work just reality you can't get something for nothing when it comes to energy.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:48 am
by Guest
Ishtirru wrote:What about an alternator system. The gun could have a perpetual independant re-energizing system every time a sliding kick back suppressor moves. Have a rechargeable permanant clip in place of a standard one that is also always charged up. Infinite ammo. :lol:

The first post mentioned something exactly like that. A Bolt action-like object that would reload and energize the e-clip.

So no.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:55 am
by Thinyser
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Kalinda wrote:
Naa, don't limit it. after he pumps it up to about 3d6 MD or so, start rolling percentile dice every time he pumps it. when he asks why, just say 'you'll find out soon enough....'

If he doesn't get the message, then wait until he's got about 6d6 MD on it and mention that the bow stave is getting warm, almost hot. and then theres that gradually increasing whine from the power pack...

Haha. That's even better.

:lol: Thats one way to do it but I do limit it to 2d6 MDC from 200 pulls as that is all the laser is capable of delivering in a single shot no matter how much power you feed it.

The advantage is that you can recharge a e-clip with just 4000 pulls of the bow :D
Thats only 500 pulls a day for 8 days then the hunters can go kill another fury beatle.

You misunderstood...

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:36 am
by SirTenzan
Res Sin Kai wrote:
Ishtirru wrote:What about an alternator system. The gun could have a perpetual independant re-energizing system every time a sliding kick back suppressor moves. Have a rechargeable permanant clip in place of a standard one that is also always charged up. Infinite ammo. :lol:

The first post mentioned something exactly like that. A Bolt action-like object that would reload and energize the e-clip.

So no.

... what I was saying. I was offering a different way of priming the charging device. I offered the slide action, as in you pull back on the grip, and it charges the weapon. The lever action, same deal. The Bolt action, you slip the handle out of a groove in the side of the weapon, pull back, and that primes the laser. You're thinking a gas operated weapon that automatically charges it. I realize that would be impossible with a laser, unless for some reason it vents the reactive chemical in the conversion chamber that creates the beam of light, which would be damn wasteful I'd think.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:39 am
by Zer0 Kay
Thinyser wrote:The laser bow as it stands is retarded... there is NO WAY a single draw of the string could make enough energy for an MD blast.

As such I have modified the bow to do 1d6 SDC per pull (must hold a trigger while pulling, releasing trigger releases the shot). Each pull takes one action. This is a multipurpose bow usually used for hunting SDC animals but if several hunters pull their bows back 100+ times then stalk a fury beatle they would have a good chance at taking it out. The eclip option does 2d6 MD and holds 20 shots just like the book. There is 40d6 MD in the clip so that would be 4000 pulls to fully recharge the clip (I say the plunger and string never wear out they are MDC after all).

So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.

Oh but you'll still go for a little solar pannel can charge up 10%. :nh:

If Zathros was still alive he'd say "You say this stupid is stupid but this stupid is not... that is stupid. Zathros glad you not the one."

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:40 am
by Zer0 Kay
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Thinyser wrote:The laser bow as it stands is retarded... there is NO WAY a single draw of the string could make enough energy for an MD blast.

As such I have modified the bow to do 1d6 SDC per pull (must hold a trigger while pulling, releasing trigger releases the shot). Each pull takes one action. This is a multipurpose bow usually used for hunting SDC animals but if several hunters pull their bows back 100+ times then stalk a fury beatle they would have a good chance at taking it out. The eclip option does 2d6 MD and holds 20 shots just like the book. There is 40d6 MD in the clip so that would be 4000 pulls to fully recharge the clip (I say the plunger and string never wear out they are MDC after all).

So 1 pull does 1d6 SDC
2 pulls does 2d6 SDC
10 pulls does 1d6 x 10 SDC
Etc. Etc....
100 pulls does 1d6 MDC

MD is a LOT of energy...not do-able with a single string pull IMO.


That is a very good way of fixing the laser bow.
I won't use it on principle, because I hate the laser bow so much... but if I DID ever use a laser bow, this is how I'd run it.

Yeah now it's sounding like one of those 10 pump bb guns that you pump up 20 times before shooting your brother... I'm not the only one who did that right? :D