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Thank you Mr. Gleba, you make good nasties ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:54 am
by DhAkael
Oi-vey, sayeth I! (much badness set-up from this last game session).

Lo, did the dark machines of the Elder-Ones come forth from the blackness of space.
Bringing with them the fires of hell and its legions, putting all to the sword.
Striken down by the gleaming weapons of the Forge-Born Knights, the Deamon-Stars did die, their foul essences blown across the firmament like dust from a kiln.
The last of their number sailed into the dark places between.
To be reborn a-new, in the shadow of Asyruns' eye near the sun of the Mon-Keigh.
Bringing with it the fires of hell and the darkness of the eternal night.

-Attributed to Maelesh H'hAl (Eldar; Whisper), Farseer of Craftworld Crynsakil.

Needless to say, I think Garth Vader, CM, Lord Young and Lady Tamara are in for a Hell of a time next few sessions :angel:

That's all Rifts Earth needs...first the cataclysm, then the Rifts, next the CS (and in space; the Archons) a new playa is in town.
Can you say 'Squishie bake'? Good, I knew you could :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :demon: :nuke: :ok:

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:23 pm
by Carl Gleba
Just a wild guess, but I'd say you're talking about a Demon Star or Necrons?

BTW...nice monologue...very Tristine Chronicles like :ok:


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:40 am
by cornholioprime
Carl Gleba wrote:Just a wild guess, but I'd say you're talking about a Demon Star or Necrons?

BTW...nice monologue...very Tristine Chronicles like :ok:

I'm trying to figure out what he's talking about as wel (though I too think that he's talking about those Planet-thingies).

Wild guess, indeed....

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 1:32 pm
by DhAkael
Carl Gleba wrote:Just a wild guess, but I'd say you're talking about a Demon Star or Necrons?

BTW...nice monologue...very Tristine Chronicles like :ok:


The Necrons are staying in the Tri-Galactic cluster...
The daemonic starships with the nasty pointy bowsprits though...THAT is what has decided come a-calling on poor Sol :D
At least, they will once the black-magi figure out the right spells & rituals to summon them :wink: :demon: :nuke: :ok:

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 10:13 pm
by Carl Gleba
DhAkael wrote:
Carl Gleba wrote:Just a wild guess, but I'd say you're talking about a Demon Star or Necrons?

BTW...nice monologue...very Tristine Chronicles like :ok:


The Necrons are staying in the Tri-Galactic cluster...
The daemonic starships with the nasty pointy bowsprits though...THAT is what has decided come a-calling on poor Sol :D
At least, they will once the black-magi figure out the right spells & rituals to summon them :wink: :demon: :nuke: :ok:

Cool dude! Have a blast with it!


All twisted minds think alike...

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:52 am
by DhAkael
Carl Gleba wrote:

Cool dude! Have a blast with it!


I sorta had a similar concept many years ago called 'The Ark of Hell'.
It was basicly a conglomeration of the many ships lost by the Orbitals in Rifts Earth space, that had been fused together and, for lack of a better word "Posessed" by daemonic entities.
This was years before the movie 'Event Horizon' was even scripted.
It was eventualy destroyed (at great cost to many NPC's and PC's), but I've been hunting high and low for another good "NASTY" to toss in to the pot.
And no; The Archons don't rate :P

I think 3 or 4 Demon-Stars should do nicely, don't you agree :demon: :lol: :shock: :D :ok: