Want opinions on ship design.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:32 am
Especially after reading the thread regarding ship creation rules (or lack thereof), I decided to make my own ship. I used the "Usually Runner Ship" in the PW Main, but it's only for an idea of where to place MDC levels and whatnot. It's not complete, but here are the stats. BTW, it's a 3 story ship with a large cargo bay and so basic weapons:
Unnamed Medium-duty cargo ship
Class: Cargo Ship
Crew: 12 is the typical crew compliment. The ship can run on as few as 2 with one Pilot and one
Co-pilot/Comms Officer.
MDC by Location:
*Laser turrets (2) - 200 each
Cockpit - 600
**Landing Sturts - 200 each
Cargo Bay Force Field - 10
Cargo Bay Blast Doors - 200
Force Field - 350 per side (2100 total)
***Main body - 3500
* These laser turrets are relativly small and are -2 to strike on a called shot.
** The legs are only exposed when on the ground or during the landing and takeoff procedure.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is
in tatters, with life support and contragravity systems
knocked out, and unable to fight or move under its own
power except for launching missiles. If the ship is reduced to
-200 M.D.C., it explodes, doing 1D6x100 M.D. to all other
ship components and any target within 1000 feet (305 m).
Driving on the ground: Not possible
Flying: Mach 2 in an atmosphere, Mach 11 in space, and can travel at 5 light years per hour
using a CG-drive.
Range: Effectively unlimited; life support will keep the crew alive for six months.
Statistical Data:
Height: 50 feet
Width: 80 feet
Length: 160 feet
Weight: TBD
Cargo: TBD
Power System: TBD
Market Cost: TBD
Weapon Systems
1. Laser Turrets (2): Each turret has a high-powered laser array.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of hand to hand attacks of the
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Long-Range Missile Tubes (2): Thew launchers are built
into the ship's main body. The launchers can only engage targets
in front of the ship.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two, four, or eight missles.
Effective Range: About 500 miles
Payload: 48; 24 missles per launcher. Extra loads can be kept in the cargo hold (1 ton per
48 missles)
Unnamed Medium-duty cargo ship
Class: Cargo Ship
Crew: 12 is the typical crew compliment. The ship can run on as few as 2 with one Pilot and one
Co-pilot/Comms Officer.
MDC by Location:
*Laser turrets (2) - 200 each
Cockpit - 600
**Landing Sturts - 200 each
Cargo Bay Force Field - 10
Cargo Bay Blast Doors - 200
Force Field - 350 per side (2100 total)
***Main body - 3500
* These laser turrets are relativly small and are -2 to strike on a called shot.
** The legs are only exposed when on the ground or during the landing and takeoff procedure.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is
in tatters, with life support and contragravity systems
knocked out, and unable to fight or move under its own
power except for launching missiles. If the ship is reduced to
-200 M.D.C., it explodes, doing 1D6x100 M.D. to all other
ship components and any target within 1000 feet (305 m).
Driving on the ground: Not possible
Flying: Mach 2 in an atmosphere, Mach 11 in space, and can travel at 5 light years per hour
using a CG-drive.
Range: Effectively unlimited; life support will keep the crew alive for six months.
Statistical Data:
Height: 50 feet
Width: 80 feet
Length: 160 feet
Weight: TBD
Cargo: TBD
Power System: TBD
Market Cost: TBD
Weapon Systems
1. Laser Turrets (2): Each turret has a high-powered laser array.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of hand to hand attacks of the
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Long-Range Missile Tubes (2): Thew launchers are built
into the ship's main body. The launchers can only engage targets
in front of the ship.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of two, four, or eight missles.
Effective Range: About 500 miles
Payload: 48; 24 missles per launcher. Extra loads can be kept in the cargo hold (1 ton per
48 missles)