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Re: Nightbane/BtS

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:31 am
by Lord Z
A few years ago, I ran a Nightbane campaign in which I used a couple BtS adventures for filler. The Book of Glory adventure worked very well in the NB setting. It involve a history book that draws the readers into a simulated world or reenactments of battles. Some NB characters are so long lived that the PCs recognized people they knew in the false reality. The final battle was going to be a simulation of Dark Day, but the campaign was resolved before then.

In the Court of Tarot, I suggested a secret invasion in the BtS world which places the Court against the Nightlords. Nightlord minions are masters of secrecy, and the Court's agents are masters of controlling information, so they are well suited against each other.

A Nega-Psychic would be harder pressed to maintain skepticism in NB. Being sucked into the Nightlands for a week is tough to explain away. It is possible if you plan your character right and roleplay well. For example, maybe the character already has a mental disorder like amnesia (I don't remember visiting any Nightlands) or multiple personality disorder (that wasn't me who saw those things) or narcolepsy or paranoid delusions (yes, I see monsters when I'm stressed, but I know they are not real).

Regarding talents: Since talents use PPE, I would treat them like spells. Using talents in the presense of a Nega would require a lot for PPE. Nightbanes have PPE to spare, so this might not be a potent deterrant.

Regarding transformations: Abilites which require neither PPE nor ISP like transforming or stepping through a mirror are trickier. I suggest imposing a percentile score on these abilities and treating them like skills which might fail when the Nega is nearby.

Regarding SN Strength: Negas have no effect on this unless it's derived from a magic spell or psychic power. There are probably many SN monsters who have become frustarted by Negas and resorted to pummeling.

Ironically, Negas could cancel the magic illusions of Night Princes, revealing fake mortals for the monsters that they are. Pn the personal level. Negas are completely impervious to illusions.

It will be an uphill battle with this Nega in a Nightbane game. She won't have any way to counter supernatural strength. She might have to disbelieve some overwhelming evidence. She won't have the huge combat stats that many NB characters get. Still, it seems like fun. Let us know how this character turns out.

Re: Nightbane/BtS

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:28 pm
by vika
Nightbane is much more powerful but some things crossover ok. They are already mentioned here but I think that another thing that cross over ok are the government stuff. The BtS book ignores government stuff a lot so Nightbane books can be used instead.

Re: Nightbane/BtS

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:42 pm
by Lord Z
Excellent, ladies! PE Girl's guidelines would work. Alos, Vika is right about that great secret agent gaming material. It's mostly in Nightbane: Between the Shadows.

Re: Nightbane/BtS

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:04 pm
by Lord Z
This horse I'm beating might be dead, but I want to be clear that the power levels in Nightbane are significant. Consider the Nightlord's Hounds. Hounds are common monsters, each Nightlord has thousands of them. A specific hound is basically a SN creature created by magically animating a suit of armor. A Hound has SN strength, better magic-tracking skills than a psi-stalker, bio-regeneration, a melee weapon with good reach, hundreds of points of SDC, high SPD, can see in total darkness, and an armor rating of 19. Before bonuses, you have to roll a modified 19 or 20 just to hit the darn thing. They never hunt alone.

Re: Nightbane/BtS

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:09 pm
by Cybermancer
If you're an undergunned rebel in an occupied country, you don't attack tank formations with your AK-47.

You find a smarter way to operate.

Or you die.

Don't matter if those tanks are metal or supernatural.