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WWII game using recon modern combat

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:31 pm
by highpriestrsw2
I've played one other WWII rpg and it was gurps WWII.
I love palladium and I can't wait for recon modern combat to see the light of day!
There is also no way in heck that my current group will play anything except palladium games.(lucky me right? :D )except there are no WWII rules for the megaverse and we REFUSE to convert! But we want to play a WWII game.
will there be any way to use recon modern combat to play out a WWII game?
I hope to se some stuff in the rifter(and possibly even send some stuff in for the rifter) when recon modern combat comes out sometime in 2010(?)

Does anyone have any info on what the game will be like? Will it be megaverse compatable?
will it use OCCs?
Have there been any previews?
any idea as of when it might be complete?
Who is the author?
any chance of making the game no so modern and leaving space to fit historical combat(desert storm,Vietnam,Korea,WWII)in the game?
any idea on suppliments?

thanks guys!

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 6:48 pm
by Jefffar
The point of Recon Modern Combat is to make it megaverse compatable.

Everything else is up for grabs as the project keeps loosing its primary authors.

The basic game works well for earlier eras, especially cosnidering the average infantryman of WW2, Korea and Vietnam was still a conscript with little more than basic training. The classes can be used almost directly and a lot fo WW2 era weapons are allready statted out and the others could be easily ad-libed.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:42 pm
by Gomen_Nagai
there was a rifter article in Issue 11 or 14 I think that delt with this issue ... for ninjas and super spies.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:08 pm
by gordyzx9r
I don't see why one couldn't use the existing rules for a WWII fact, I'm pretty sure someone that used to post here alot had an web book online somewhere with just about everything you would need to kick off a WWII campaign. I'll have to see if I still have the link somewhere.

edit: Here is the site with a section on setting up for Indochina war.