PHASE WORLD: Two Characters

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Which should I play?

Analytical Genius
Beefcake Salar Invincible guardsman
Total votes: 4


PHASE WORLD: Two Characters

Unread post by seniahkwah »

:? :? :? :? :? :?
Alright so I'm playing in Phase World and my GM has me amke two completly random characters, one is a strictly heroes unlimited analytical genius, IQ 28, and I am running him as a sort of fanatic for things that do lots of damage. He is running around with 2 naruni revolvers that do 1d4x10 each, a shoulder cannon that does 2d4x10+20, for a nonlethal wepeon he has a number of concussion grenades and a pistol that fires resin. Besides aquiring a battleram armor where should I go with him? This almost runs to HU but I wanted to know what you guy's thought.

Number two is also has a few things from HU and AU, he is a SAlar Invindible Guardsman with light form and supernatural PS, giving him 66 PS. Anyway, go wild.
Last edited by seniahkwah on Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Braden Campbell
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Re: PHASE WORLD: Two Characters

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

seniahkwah wrote: bunch of munchkin stuff I wouldn't let within 60 yards of my gaing table.

Ditch both characters, roll up something from the Phase World books. Failing that, move up to Toronto, Ontario, and join my Phase World group. I'll learn ya what it is to not be a munchkin.

And while you're at it, slap your GM for letting your first character run around with 3 Naruni weapons at once.

"Besides getting a battleram" what else should you do? I don't stuff? You are an analytical genious. Go build something... cure a disease... try to find the Cosmic Forge... something...

Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.

Unread post by seniahkwah »

Despite the hurtfulness of your post you are probably right, in that case what should I do?

Oh and when I said Naruni weapons they are shoddy copies with negatives to hit, a 5% mishap chance (explosion, backfire etc.), and they go through ammo like noones bussiness.

And the Salar will never see the light of day with out an outbreak of "GM smash!"
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Braden Campbell
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

Guys, I hurt because I love.

I only ever played a few games of Vampire: TM, then decided I hated it. Not because of the setting, or the system, but because the GM was horrible. having a bad GM can ruin a game for you forever, and it is my mission in life not to let that happen again to other people.

now, to speak from experience, when I began running Phase World this past spring, I had a big, general idea of the what the specific setting would be, and so I asked the players to draft accordingly. "Any CCW race or OCC. Altess and Promethians are Ok too."

The first round of characters made me regret that I'd said I would GM again. Rune weapons, machine men, cosmoknights..I wanted to cry. So i had to politely send back these first drafts, explaining what was wrong with them...

"Machine men don't live in the CCW..."

"Only the Splugorth can make rune weapons, and they sure aren't going to sell one to your race..."


And now I have an extremely varied and interesting group, because I stuck to my guns. And my general setting plan. One Promethian Time master, one scholar guy who sells books and speaks every language, one Noro Turbo Jock, Two Altess Armoria Officers, One Oni CAF TRooper with his father's true samurai sword (a compromise...there are ninjas coming after him to take it away), and a Seljuk PSi-Tech (because no one could fix anything or apparently use computers).

All from the Phase World setting. All oddly complimenting one another. And one of them is a spy for the TGE...try to guess which one!
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by DhAkael »

Braden, GMPhD wrote:Guys, I hurt because I love.

I only ever played a few games of Vampire: TM, then decided I hated it. Not because of the setting, or the system, but because the GM was horrible. having a bad GM can ruin a game for you forever, and it is my mission in life not to let that happen again to other people.

now, to speak from experience, when I began running Phase World this past spring, I had a big, general idea of the what the specific setting would be, and so I asked the players to draft accordingly. "Any CCW race or OCC. Altess and Promethians are Ok too."

The first round of characters made me regret that I'd said I would GM again. Rune weapons, machine men, cosmoknights..I wanted to cry. So i had to politely send back these first drafts, explaining what was wrong with them...

"Machine men don't live in the CCW..."

"Only the Splugorth can make rune weapons, and they sure aren't going to sell one to your race..."


And now I have an extremely varied and interesting group, because I stuck to my guns. And my general setting plan. One Promethian Time master, one scholar guy who sells books and speaks every language, one Noro Turbo Jock, Two Altess Armoria Officers, One Oni CAF TRooper with his father's true samurai sword (a compromise...there are ninjas coming after him to take it away), and a Seljuk PSi-Tech (because no one could fix anything or apparently use computers).

All from the Phase World setting. All oddly complimenting one another. And one of them is a spy for the TGE...try to guess which one!

How 'bout a Wolfen-Quatoria-samurai-operator-chi master-cyberjack? :P
I share your pain... but I managed to deal with said Quatoria quite handidly...and all using fair dice rolling and rules handling.
At first I wept bitter tears...
The character mowed everything down (despite being PRINCIPLED alignment), and even auditing his character sheet and removing a LOT of bonuses ("No, robotic PS does NOT add to melee damage, so you do not do 2D6+2D6+15 MDC damage...and stop trying to blabber at me about how that doesn't make logical sense!!!") just made him sneak his die rolls.
One thing he didn't think on; just because you have a cyberjack plug, doesn't mean you automaticaly have the cyberjack SKILL. :lol:
Soul-killer is a cast iron beotch to defend against when you haven't the faintest idea what the heck it is :D :D :D
Isn't trying to hack a quantum CPU, psychotic A.I. a pain? :demon: :nuke: :demon:
He lasted all of 2 rounds...then he wasn't "quite right" after that.
Digital poessession, 'natch!
He lives in Edmonton now...the player that is, not the rabid mutt
I have no problem with munchkin characters, as long as they are entertaining and don't destroy the narrative. Once that happens, the offending player better start soaking his dice in holy water and praying to Gygax :lol: :lol: :lol: :nuke: :ok:
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound

Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

I vote for the Salar, cause APS Light is the most abusive APS power ever made.

Unread post by seniahkwah »

see the amazing things about these two characters is that one, the AG is so rocked out with skills that he will never use his weapons since the prty is always looking to him for I may end up dropping some of the Naruni Stuff for (dare I say it?) more versitile weapons/gimmicky tools (go rifle/laser can opener) . Now on the line of min-maxing the Invincible guardsman although he is abusive is not only clumsy PP 8 (so he breaks evrything on accident), stupid IQ 6 (so he doesn't care or know), but also weak willed ME 4 (so that the AI's can make him tapdance). They are fun to roleplay and I feel okay doing a little munchkining in this case because our group also contains a megahero and a ninja-borg from rifts japan (that's where it all started). THe HU characters were both carry overs from a much earlier campaign.

However in preference to your cries of munchkin, allow me to build up a new character, probably a Ratanoid Techno-wizard (think gnome tinker ++) so I can fiddle with even more of the universe's important bits.

Of course taking Branden's suggesttions too far, the techno wizard and the AG will both try to find the cosmic Forge, so they can make a new one (a better one!).
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