TrinityCon Friday night...

Let's talk of things that go bump in the night. Stuff that makes your skin crawl. Creatures that are Beyond the Supernatural™. Also checkout the in-character site - Lazlo Society™

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Dungeon Crawler
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TrinityCon Friday night...

Unread post by bar1scorpio »

"Echos of Evil"

Gaming with Kevin! Whoot! Okay, the last time I played BTS, which was also my first time with BTS, was at PenguiCon. I came in on the tail end of agame, and decided to hop on for a little action, and was hooked.

So this was my first time to get in a game, start to finish, so i was ready to play it up to the hilt... most people took psychichs, so i decided to go with a non-psychic parapsychologits/demonologist. There were already enough psychics in play anyways...

Well, we're on the hunt os some things that go bump in the night, and out to rescue a little girl. I use my demonology to identify a Bogeyman as the culprit, and then we went on the hunt... of course, there were grave ghouls & hellhounds to deal with, as well.

Well, we managed to rescue the girl quickly enough, as the presence of a flock of raven's led us to the bogeyman's hiding place. (Make sure to read them rulebooks!) But we did it all at night- with the Bogeyman at full strength, I grabbed agroup of guys and headed out across an open field in my Ford Taurus to pull a 187 on the undead. Yes, my orofessor's 'genius' idea was to run the damned thing over... k-tump k-thump (there goes the transmission!) Well, we caught up with it..... And it jumped on our roof and started pounding it in... I sped up, and crashed into a cement block, flinging the thing off...

One of our psychic sensitives gunned it down with a scoped rifle, but by then the cops showed up, and confiscated a the shotgun that I borrowed... from our paramedic... (at that point, the paramedic would no longer allow me NEAR his Van.)

Then I shot a cellphone out of a guys hand, we figured out WHAT's IN THE BASEMENT!?!?!? And Did a little more monster mashing... for a parapsychologist... I sure as hell turned out to be a wildcard for that adventure... Which makes my Saturday night playing Palladium Fantasy (check out the thread there!) all the more ironic...

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