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PHASE WORLD: the Packmaster has no shields!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:55 pm
by Braden Campbell
Serioulsy. Read it's MDC by Location.

Is this just a first-printing flaw?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:09 pm
by KLM
Hi there!

I think so, too... They should have
about cruiser sized shields, or else
you must paint the whole 1200 meters
after an FTL jump - that is, if you do
not have to weld big holes.


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 2:06 am
by Jefffar
Depending on how I feel at the start of the campaign, I give the Packmaster either

1. The shields from the Warshield Battle Crusier because thwe Packmaster is mroe of a support ship, even though it is a big ship and would try to stay out fo the fighting

2. Give it the shields of the Proctor (whatever) Battleship but decree it can't launch fighters and such shields up.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:53 pm
by KLM
Hi there!

What is more: both the Packmaster and the Doombringer
lacks FTL drive (at least the statictics for it).


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:09 pm
by Carl Gleba
KLM wrote:Hi there!

What is more: both the Packmaster and the Doombringer
lacks FTL drive (at least the statictics for it).


:shock: Good catch. I have a first printing. Anyone have a later printing with a correction?


Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:28 am
by SpiritInterface
The Packmaster being the equivalent to the modern Aircraft Carrier it shouldn't get close enough to combat to need shields. Between the fighters, powered armor the Packmaster carries and the screening vessels that are part of its taskforce nothing should be able to get close enough to shot at it.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:39 am
by KLM
Hi there!

Not even a TW vehicle, nor a Space Ghost or similar
phase-field equipped craft? :-?

Nor the Silverhawks? (Thought the SH can penetrate

Anyway, the Packmaster is more like russian/soviet
carriers (or italian for that matter), it is equipped
for ship-to ship combat if a Berserker or two slips

And finally, I guess no FTL capable ship can
neglect shields.
(Althought they can be relatively weak, even
1-2000 per side).


Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:30 pm
by Svartalf
SpiritInterface wrote:The Packmaster being the equivalent to the modern Aircraft Carrier it shouldn't get close enough to combat to need shields. Between the fighters, powered armor the Packmaster carries and the screening vessels that are part of its taskforce nothing should be able to get close enough to shot at it.

the packmaster certainly is a second line ship, but given the ranges of space ships, and the short operation range of most fighters, plus the very nature of space combat, you can't exclude the possibility of a carrier getting targeted as it is an important vessel to take out of commission... how many were sunk during WWII?

That and the fact that the FTL speed was indeed forgotten makes me believe the omission of the force fields is a mistake. I give it abilities equal to the protector class warship (15 000 MDC per side, 6LY/h)

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:24 am
by Gomen_Nagai
I'd say that the Packmasters and what not don't use normal shields but Pin point shields. As for the lack of FTL.. I Think tehy were supposed to be identical to other ships of that nature. I did see Revised stats for PW ships in One of the PW source books.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:21 pm
by GhostKnight
I'd go for normal variable shields, but tactics dictate all shields focused forward toward the enemy so that launching ships are not interfered with. Make it a lower shield rating, no more than 5k per side (30k pointed forward towards the enemy while launching ships).

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:59 pm
by Syndicate
I concider the lack of shields to be a design error on the part of it's creators (perhaps certain engineering innovations would not allow the force field to properly interact with other equipment). However, later models could be "upgraded", while older models lacked the technological advancement of such luxury.

No FTL...well...that sucks... :D

Kill the editor... 8-)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:01 am
by KLM
51: Is the Main Body M.D.C. of the Packmaster carrier in Phase World Source book is correct, it seems low, and is it suppose to have shields.

Answer: Yes it is correct. They do not have shields since they are a carrier, and shields would interfere with fighter launchers. Also they are not a front line combat unit and will stand back from combat relying on their protective screen of support ships and fighters.

Oh, shield do not interfere with Protector's or Warshield's, even the
Hunter's launch capabilities (the Hunter is mentioned especially, since
it is a Wolfen design, so as the Packmaster). Not to mention the
TGE designs, since the kreeghors may have different technology.

And I do not know, how long Phase World sells phase fighters
and since how long the TGE buys them, but having such a juicy
target without shields in an enviroment, where both Phase-tech
and TW craft are around... It is a bit like when a modern day
carrier group lacks ASW capabilities.

And with variable shields, it is possible to redirect the full MDC
of a shield system 6 or more times in a 15 second period...


Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:50 am
by Braden Campbell

Uh.... pretty sure the Doombringer, which carries 600 fighters, has some varriable force fields.

Good try on covering your butts though, guys...

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:55 pm
by The Beast
The Packmaster has no shields because they get installed on Tuesday. :D

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:35 pm
by Esckey
I don't have the books with me but the main difference(I assume) would be that unlike the previously mentioned ships with fighters and shields is that the Packmaster is a dedicated carrier with 1000s of ships and many launch bays, probably located on either side of the ships along with bays on the top and the bottom.

Isn't the Packmaster also the ship that had the FTL numbers omitted also?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:28 pm
by KLM
The PAckmaster is both a fighter/PA carrier for a total of 1000
craft (around 300 are "just" PAs and a further 50 are shuttles),
which places her fighter wing into the Doombringer's range.
Mind you, shields can be lowered, as short as a second lenght
of time...

And as you might see, yeah, the Packmaster had a 6ly/hour
FTL drive installed last Tuesday (see links above).
