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Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 12:20 pm
by Sureshot
World information is sorely lacking. Especially for North America. Which should have been worked on first. As it is we know more about the rest of the world than we do North America. One suggestion would be to stop coming out with some many duplicate occs. I would also like to see equipment kept separate from the world books. At the very least the only equipment I want to see in world book is stuff that specific to the culture or race being shown in.

If possible no more ads for the N-gage either. I rather see the space that takes up for more world information


Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:12 pm
by bigwhitehound
YES!!! World information is badly needed. Palladium Books should release a World Overview book. No new equipment, weapons, bots ect...
Just world info. The book should give both overviews and details about the Cities & Nations of the world. Along with explaining their relationship with each other.

Re: World Information

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 2:12 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Orko wrote:Has anyone else wondered why there is so few world information in Rifts books. I mean new O.C.C. and new equipment are cool, but letting them
dominate over world information is downright silly. It is made even worse
by the fact that new equipment means new guns and such stuff.
How about some more innovative stuff. The same goes for bioinics,
why is there just combat oriented stuff. Cyperpunk 2020 is a good example how to do that right. Take Triax for instance. Do you really need
that much equipment without offering any real world information.

100% agreed.

What do you think how to fix that problem. How about two books for every corner of the world ? One like CWC(one of my favorite books
but still lacking in the world information department) and one book
just containing world information like Western Empire for the Fantasy

Vampire Kingdoms is one of the best written worldbooks. It not only has weapons and NPCs and such, it provides maps and details of several major cities. More books like that would be nice.

But the writers don't seem to want to do that anymore (Todd Yoho's Dinosaur Swamps being an exception... no city maps, but lots of flavor text and description of the setting :ok:).

The only solution that I see is for more people to write more interesting stuff and flesh out the world more.
That's why I am attempting to write some Rifter articles that do just that. :)

Re: Info

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:30 am
by abtex
bigwhitehound wrote:YES!!! World information is badly needed. Palladium Books should release a World Overview book. No new equipment, weapons, bots ect...

Just world info. The book should give both overviews and details about the Cities & Nations of the world. Along with explaining their relationship with each other.

World Overview books, not book. But I will settle for one. They need to link their World books together. Have a means of Travelling to other countries. So some new or at less refitted vehicles would be needed.

Places that have been started need to be freshed out. Japan, Africa, the Indian Ocean region, more Ocean books (7 Seas, one book:eek: :( ) , more just about anywhere. Australia 2 and 3 are sitting in a filing cabinet somewhere, dust them off and put one out a year. China 3 and 4 (if the new catalog is right) are coming soon.

More important would be linking what even they put out with Choas Earth. The history of what was and how it became the now of Rifts.


Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:36 am
by Jefffar
1) World information is left lacking so we'll make up somethign closer to our own vision for our enjoment

2) Heavy world information books don't sell very well compared to gear / agic / race / class driven books

3) I do aree that some areas need a better flesh out, but North America ain't one of them.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:34 am
by KLM
From here (i.e. Central Europe) it looks like Europe needs some more information (as far as I know, only the Triax, Mindwerks and the
two Russia books are relevant. England is separated, and we know
only vague things even about the NGR.
Nothing specific about the laws and conduct regarding magic,
D-bees, mercenaries, independent kingdoms, etc...

Just for example, Indians (North American natives) are
more or less thriving, returning to old ways.
But the pagan traditions are just as vivid in Europe today,
as well as a good bunch of "new age" societies.

Also there are very diverse mystical traditions in Europe,
not just slavonic and celtic...
For example the myths and IRL paranormal societies
of Hungary could result in a mystic nation paling Tolkeen
and Lazlo, if I just pick the half of legends and folk stories
I know (and I know painfully tiny morsels).


Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:14 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Jefffar wrote:1) World information is left lacking so we'll make up somethign closer to our own vision for our enjoment

Then why don't they just do the same thing with weapons, armor, and OCCs, so that we can make up our own there too.... stuff closer to our own vision...?

2) Heavy world information books don't sell very well compared to gear / agic / race / class driven books

What are you using as a basis for this? Which "heavy world information books," vs. which other books?

3) I do aree that some areas need a better flesh out, but North America ain't one of them.

Entirely disagree.
We still don't know what Chi-Town, Shaedo, Pre-siege Tolkeen, Lazlo, New Lazlo, and a zillion other places are like. We have pretty much zip on Psyscape, and it got its own book.
And I couldn't care less what the rest of Rifts Earth is like, since my characters have no real way of getting there... unless our GMs pull the cheesy old, "Even though Rifts are typically interdimensional portals, for some reason, they keep on taking you to other places on rifts Earth..." plot device.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:15 pm
by Killer Cyborg
KLM wrote:From here (i.e. Central Europe) it looks like Europe needs some more information (as far as I know, only the Triax, Mindwerks and the
two Russia books are relevant. England is separated, and we know
only vague things even about the NGR.
Nothing specific about the laws and conduct regarding magic,
D-bees, mercenaries, independent kingdoms, etc...

Just for example, Indians (North American natives) are
more or less thriving, returning to old ways.
But the pagan traditions are just as vivid in Europe today,
as well as a good bunch of "new age" societies.

Also there are very diverse mystical traditions in Europe,
not just slavonic and celtic...
For example the myths and IRL paranormal societies
of Hungary could result in a mystic nation paling Tolkeen
and Lazlo, if I just pick the half of legends and folk stories
I know (and I know painfully tiny morsels).


I'd much rather see something new than something old dressed up in MDC.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:42 pm
by KLM
Yeah, I did not thought on New Camelot-like stuff either...

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:54 pm
by Scooter the Outlaw
This is why I loved Australia so much. It really gave you a feeling for the setting, as opposed to giving you a vauge idea of the setting and then throwing thirty pages of different power armor models at you. It gave a reasonable outline of the tech-cities (without over-mapping them) and rovided a very revealing look at the environment and outback life. One of the best things was that by emphasizing the wildlife and environment itself, the book creates a strong impression that Australia's environment wasn't just scenery, as it is in many other settings, but rather an elemental force that is quite threatening.

At the same time, it packed in a lot of O.C.C.s and a good deal of unique equipment (no laser rifle, oddly). It was a good balance.

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:58 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
I think we really have a catch-22 situation here.

When a book is heavy on the world information...people complain.

When a book is heavy on weapons, O.C.C. etc., people complain.

When a book is balanced between the two...people still complain (one side didn't get enough attentio, deserves more attention, etc.)

It's not the same people complaining each time, but rather different and equal as large "factions" within the fanbase. Not necessarily a bad thing, BTW

I for one prefer a balance, but then again it really depends on the setting.

~ Josh

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:04 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I think we really have a catch-22 situation here.

When a book is heavy on the world information...people complain.

When a book is heavy on weapons, O.C.C. etc., people complain.

When a book is balanced between the two...people still complain (one side didn't get enough attentio, deserves more attention, etc.)

It's not the same people complaining each time, but rather different and equal as large "factions" within the fanbase. Not necessarily a bad thing, BTW

I for one prefer a balance, but then again it really depends on the setting.

~ Josh

Agreed on all counts. :ok:

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:31 pm
by Kalinda
Sir Ramse wrote:Just playing the devil's advocate here, but maybe they avoid telling us so we make up our own? I don't know about you all, but I like this game cause I can make the world whatever I want it to be. Flex the old imagination muscles that work atrophes so badly. Just an opinion. Flay the flesh from me now! :shock:

You have a point, but personally I have full time job and other distractions that often prevent me from working on my settings as much as I would like. world books with lots of world info really help me to fill gaps I don't have time to fill myself.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:34 am
by Jason Richards
Just to throw this in, from my limited perspective I believe that a book that was all world info wouldn't sell for squat.

And (just a guess here), those of you that are complaining there isn't enough world information are going to buy the books anyway... :P

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:35 am
by Kelorin
North America currently has more in game canon information about it than any other location. It also has more factions, and diversity than any place else.

I'd like a book on Chi-Town, and Lazlo too, but I'd really like to see Australia 2 and 3, Japan 2, Underseas 2, and NGR 2 even more.

Especially the NGR. NGR is becoming at least as big a globally influential faction as the CS; if not more so, and we don't have a single backgroun NPC for the place except for Victor Lazlo. Poland has more flavor text, politics and leadership info than the NGR.

I mean, do we really need to know more about a mid-level knight in King Arthu's court in Camelot than we do about, say the Chancellor, Heads of State, and Military High Command of the NGR, or the CEO of Triax?

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:54 am
by Killer Cyborg
Kelorin wrote:North America currently has more in game canon information about it than any other location. It also has more factions, and diversity than any place else.

It should.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:55 am
by Kalinda
Jason Richards wrote:Just to throw this in, from my limited perspective I believe that a book that was all world info wouldn't sell for squat.

And (just a guess here), those of you that are complaining there isn't enough world information are going to buy the books anyway... :P

Well, we can test your theory, Merctown, aftermath, most of the adventure sourcebooks, and some of the Sot books have no OCCs or gear in them.

I suppose someone could ask AlexM how those books are selling compared to the rest of the catalog.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 1:02 am
by Colt47
I want more info on Triax and the NGR! Not to mention I want more giant robots! Go X-5000 Devistator! :lol:

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:17 am
by KLM
Hmmm.... As I do for my part, if making a toy (gun, PA, robot, etc.)
I will give it more flavor text (history, weak and strong points,
tipical shortie profile, etc.) than stats.
And maybe variants and variants (the Jäger was fine from this


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:30 pm
by Jefffar
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Jefffar wrote:
2) Heavy world information books don't sell very well compared to gear / magic / race / class driven books

What are you using as a basis for this? Which "heavy world information books," vs. which other books?

That one is sited repeatedly by Kevin and Maryann as one of the driving forces for the way the Rifts series of books have ended up.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 4:56 pm
by Jefffar
They all do

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:23 pm
by Slag
Scooter the Outlaw wrote:This is why I loved Australia so much. It really gave you a feeling for the setting, as opposed to giving you a vauge idea of the setting and then throwing thirty pages of different power armor models at you. It gave a reasonable outline of the tech-cities (without over-mapping them) and rovided a very revealing look at the environment and outback life. One of the best things was that by emphasizing the wildlife and environment itself, the book creates a strong impression that Australia's environment wasn't just scenery, as it is in many other settings, but rather an elemental force that is quite threatening.

At the same time, it packed in a lot of O.C.C.s and a good deal of unique equipment (no laser rifle, oddly). It was a good balance.

It also gave us MDC Kangaroos and D-Bee Kolalas, so ya' win some, ya' lose some! :P :D

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:58 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Lynx8882 wrote:is it just me or do the poll options seem a bit one sided?


They're also severely limited. It is not an "either/or" question.

Hence why I didn't vote on the poll.

~ Josh

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:13 pm
by Sentinel
I would be in support of world information, so long as it comes with no additional meta-plot.
I agree with Killer Cyborg, that Vampire Kingdoms was one of the best written and presented World Books of all.
More maps (city and country), and basic info on the enviornment, and perhaps a little history (enough to bring us up to the present), but nothing please that sets up on-going plots and developments and conflicts (let's never have another SoT).

In other words, just put the Gargoyles in Germany: If I want them to go to war with the NGR, I'll make it happen in my game.
With all the blank pages that used to be meta-plot, there will be plenty of room for useful information.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:53 pm
by Kagashi
What we need is a Rifts: Atlas World Book.

Detailed Maps of Political boundires, current wars, past wars, past boundires, city maps, what techs are in what city/states/nations, ect...

Complete with racial demographics, army size and composition, magic levels, ect... of each nation.

A fold out, color map of the whole political world, complete with little blue ley lines criss crossing the globe would be awesome. At the bottom of the map, write a web link on it so when new books come out, we can print off the new maps!

Secondary maps of Simvan migration, Psi-stalker territories, Tundra Ranger patrols, ect...

This can easilly rival one of the GM books in size if done correctly.

I would buy it.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:06 pm
by Jason Richards
ignorant post gone, no need for my reply anymore...


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 4:20 pm
by Danger
Kagashi wrote:oh yea, and no advertisments of a still born video game on a crappy system that just takes up space.

Nice pot shot, but...

That's like asking Marvel or DC (or any other comic or magazine company for that matter) to stop putting adds in their comics. Or to call CBS and complain that your favorite TV show is being interrupted by Coca-Cola commercials. Or to call MTV and ask them to show music videos.


Advertisements are everywhere. I doubt you complain much about others, so why ask Palladium to be different? They have as much a desire to make money as any other company on the planet. I don't fault them for that.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:14 pm
by Danger
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Kagashi wrote:oh yea, and no advertisments of a still born video game on a crappy system that just takes up space.

Nice pot shot, but...

That's like asking Marvel or DC (or any other comic or magazine company for that matter) to stop putting adds in their comics. Or to call CBS and complain that your favorite TV show is being interrupted by Coca-Cola commercials. Or to call MTV and ask them to show music videos.


Advertisements are everywhere. I doubt you complain much about others, so why ask Palladium to be different? They have as much a desire to make money as any other company on the planet. I don't fault them for that.

While i do not care about the ads, the comparison with DC and Marvel
is not entirely true.
There are no ads in tpb.

But why not have an ad in a book, as longs as it does not get out of hand,
and has something to do with the RPG.

Sure it is.

Trade Paper Backs are a specific format, for those who want to buy the collected works.

You could compare those to watching a movie on HBO vs watching it on Network TV. No adds, uncut, uninterrupted. And you're paying extra for it. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:47 pm
by Sentinel
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Kagashi wrote:oh yea, and no advertisments of a still born video game on a crappy system that just takes up space.

Nice pot shot, but...

That's like asking Marvel or DC (or any other comic or magazine company for that matter) to stop putting adds in their comics. Or to call CBS and complain that your favorite TV show is being interrupted by Coca-Cola commercials. Or to call MTV and ask them to show music videos.


Advertisements are everywhere. I doubt you complain much about others, so why ask Palladium to be different? They have as much a desire to make money as any other company on the planet. I don't fault them for that.

While i do not care about the ads, the comparison with DC and Marvel
is not entirely true.
There are no ads in tpb.

But why not have an ad in a book, as longs as it does not get out of hand,
and has something to do with the RPG.

Sure it is.

Trade Paper Backs are a specific format, for those who want to buy the collected works.

You could compare those to watching a movie on HBO vs watching it on Network TV. No adds, uncut, uninterrupted. And you're paying extra for it. :D

TPB are actually cheaper than
buying the monthly issues.

Actually, you can expect to pay $19-$24 for a TPB.
The six to eight issues it reprints would have been cheaper at the time ($12-$18): But, once the comics go up in value, the TPB makes far more sense.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:48 pm
by Danger
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Kagashi wrote:oh yea, and no advertisments of a still born video game on a crappy system that just takes up space.

Nice pot shot, but...

That's like asking Marvel or DC (or any other comic or magazine company for that matter) to stop putting adds in their comics. Or to call CBS and complain that your favorite TV show is being interrupted by Coca-Cola commercials. Or to call MTV and ask them to show music videos.


Advertisements are everywhere. I doubt you complain much about others, so why ask Palladium to be different? They have as much a desire to make money as any other company on the planet. I don't fault them for that.

While i do not care about the ads, the comparison with DC and Marvel
is not entirely true.
There are no ads in tpb.

But why not have an ad in a book, as longs as it does not get out of hand,
and has something to do with the RPG.

Sure it is.

Trade Paper Backs are a specific format, for those who want to buy the collected works.

You could compare those to watching a movie on HBO vs watching it on Network TV. No adds, uncut, uninterrupted. And you're paying extra for it. :D

TPB are actually cheaper than
buying the monthly issues.

Sometimes that is true, yep.

I was referring to those crazy kids who buy the monthly title and then go purchase the TPB.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:53 pm
by Danger
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Orko wrote:
Danger wrote:
Kagashi wrote:oh yea, and no advertisments of a still born video game on a crappy system that just takes up space.

Nice pot shot, but...

That's like asking Marvel or DC (or any other comic or magazine company for that matter) to stop putting adds in their comics. Or to call CBS and complain that your favorite TV show is being interrupted by Coca-Cola commercials. Or to call MTV and ask them to show music videos.


Advertisements are everywhere. I doubt you complain much about others, so why ask Palladium to be different? They have as much a desire to make money as any other company on the planet. I don't fault them for that.

While i do not care about the ads, the comparison with DC and Marvel
is not entirely true.
There are no ads in tpb.

But why not have an ad in a book, as longs as it does not get out of hand,
and has something to do with the RPG.

Sure it is.

Trade Paper Backs are a specific format, for those who want to buy the collected works.

You could compare those to watching a movie on HBO vs watching it on Network TV. No adds, uncut, uninterrupted. And you're paying extra for it. :D

TPB are actually cheaper than
buying the monthly issues.

Sometimes that is true, yep.

I was referring to those crazy kids who buy the monthly title and then go purchase the TPB.

That´s really crazy.
Maybe it´s some kind of M.O.M argumentation
that makes them do that. ;-)

Yeah, it's called Brainwashing. Heh.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:58 pm
by Jason Richards
It's not brainwashing, it's superliminal advertising. "Hey you kids go buy this!!!"

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:02 pm
by Traska
I want to see an in-character printing of Erin Tarn's "Traversing Our Modern World", along with revision notes by Ms Tarn, and some Out-of-character info thrown in from time to time. It'd be a hell of a read, *and* you'd have some detailed maps. (Somehow, I don't think the esteemed Ms Tarn skimps on the cartography).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:42 am
by Kagashi
Yeah, my last post was unfair. Lets just leave it at that.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:39 am
by maasenstodt
Perhaps the best Rifts release from the last five years or so is Bill Coffin's Anvil Galaxy. The reason? The utter lack of filler.

Instead of lists of weapons or armor that aren't any different from what we've seen before, and instead of a bunch of races and classes that provides little hard data on their biology/culture and few substantive ideas on how they fit into and interact with the setting, we get 160 pages of well written setting info that's littered with plot points a GM can mine and use.

Anvil Galaxy takes me back to the early days of Rifts (as others have mentioned, with RMB, SB1, WB1) when we were provided with a landscape vivid enough that the adventure ideas just popped out of the text. No HLS, no superfluous equipment lists, no groups about which we know more of their armaments than their political structures.

I don't know how well Anvil Galaxy sold, but given the choice, I'd like to see more books in that mold - real world books - than "world books" that are really just splat books. All of that is not to say that I dislike new toys, but I wish that they'd be largely relegated to the occassional sourcebook.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:31 pm
by DBX
good storylines are really needed.

CWC started the rot! books before then were a good read, a single storyline started many different debates on these debates and various scenarios people did on them.

CWC and later books are not books we read over and over again.( by no means does this apply to all books, just a general trend )

CWC and after the books are just boring and dull. they have good concepts and ideas, but they are not books we pick up and read. much of the older books are still read over and over again.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:17 pm
by RainOfSteel
Danger wrote:Or to call MTV and ask them to show music videos.

Now this is the definition proper of :frust:.

(I think we all know which side of that icon is MTV, and which side is the rest of us.)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:24 pm
by RainOfSteel
Oh, and I am definitely on the side of wanting more world information.

Triax, in particular, had almost no world information, although the huge lists of OCCs, bots, borgs, etc., almost certainly had something to do with that.

Other wants.

1) Fewer new OCCs, we are drowning in them at this point.
2) More compact Stat Blocks (for NPCs, Vehicles, Equipment, etc.) that don't cover multiple pages.

I'll also state that Vampire Kingdoms and Anvil Galaxy are both favorites of mine.

Or, maybe what I really want is better organization. I want tech in tech books, OCCs in class books, and milieu information in world books.