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The thing about young dragons.....

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:03 pm
by Meesta Rod
I have seen many people TRy to play a hatchling dragon, most are spectacular failures as the player simply can not manage to understand the childishness of the creature, or even its arrogance, I though perhaps that this one example of a well played (if disturbing) dragon might entertain some of you......

Once upon a time, in the underground guts of a town I created there was a player party fightin some mutant rats, the ones from Lone Star, you know that picture of the leaping from the cieling at people?

I did that to my players :)

And beat one of them with another....but that's another story....

During the fight the dragon had been happily sat atop the shifters shoulder, in the form of a black cat happily watching the unfolding violence with interest until one of the mutant rats landed i front of the shifter and punched him in the face, the shifter was wearing some armour so there was no real problem for him, the dragon however couldn't understand the gesture, let alone even feel the violence that was going on around her so she decided to respond in her own manner.

She greeted the rat man in exactly the same way, the kitten of death tore its face off, then as the body fell back into the two foot deep water the kitten leapt, with less than 'cat' like grace ontop of the floating corpse.

A few moments later, having stared at and examind the now very deceased rat man, the dragon felt a cold momentary pang, not damaging or uncomfortable, but well, annoying?

the dragon began to pad about not wanting to immerse herself in the cold water until the shifter noticed this and paused from his miniatrations of his enemies for a moment to mention "hollow things float better little one".

At this the gragon promptly, in feline form, tore open the rat mans chest and hefted his entire internal organs system out into the water, sitting, amidst blood matted fur inside the empty chest cavity.

She sat there for a moment and then the cat, mere bright eyes in the darkness said aloud, "now what?, I can not go anywhere, but I am dry I suppose....".

The shifter then described the action of paddling to the dragon who instinctually remembered having done so in her natural form, she let a pay hang out of the torso cavity and gently paddled past the rest of the player party sending warm greetings as she passed them in her corpse boat.....

So what made this so good?

Decide for yourselves, I happen to think it was inspired, noth the manipulation and the responses, most notable the players other than the shifter, but thats another story, perhaps a book even, the education of a young dragon by, Da Mercenaries.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:39 pm
by Jesterzzn
That's a pretty good story. :)

Try not to paint all dragons as ignorant childish sicophants though, children can be caring, kind, generous, gracious and *gasp* respectful as well. :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:46 am
by Meesta Rod
Shifters are supposed to be imho....

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:39 pm
by Ice Dragon
Depending on the "age" and company a hatchling dragon is in. My dragon was manipulated by the GM (story plot) to do evil thing shown by an NPC adult dragon in Atlantis, until a Cyber Knight saved his soul (other PC).

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 2:45 pm
by Lagos
I think the best Dragon ever played has been by my friend Dave who GM's for me and my friends a lot. Kai Yin, a male dragon hatchling who was awoken during Chaos Earth shortly after the rifts awoke and he found a bunch of goblins and went into their cave and found a bunch of chromed hubcaps :P and was convinced that Hubcaps were the most precious thing on the planet and has a running collection of close to 20,000 of them., it was awesome running that character, he was using a broken BoomGun as a club. The rest of the party, NEMA soliders were just in utter confusion and at a loss of what to do.