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Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:10 pm
by KLM
Actually, one can travel time via the astral plane.

BIG can of worms.


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 1:16 pm
by Braden Campbell

I would have to say"clever but ultimately futile idea... 25 EXP".

The problem the Ultrovians are going to encounter is that, at the end of the day, they are still 3-D beings bound to the laws of 3-D space. Even if they turned themselves into energy, they would still be travelling forwards through time: from Point A in the present to Point B, arriving in the future.

Now, if they could somehow become a full 4-D being... then they would be unbound by linear time, and could go where ever they wanted. They would also go insane...

Not to say they won't spend the net 400 years trying to figure out how to do it... by which time they will naturally encounter whomever is sending the signal backwards in the first place....


Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:18 pm
by Braden Campbell
I am using number 1 in my campaign (which, gadrin, you can now read on myspace because you're on my messenger list)

Everytime "future history" is re-written, it creates a ripple in Time. The more often you do it, the greater the ripple, until the use of statistical prediction and oracular powers can't see the forrest for the trees; there are simply too many overlapping potential futures being created and destroyed.

We have one Promethian Time master in the crew who has discovered that there are overlapping versions of the same present going on all around him, waves cancelling each other out, all causing one hell of a psychic mess. Soon, he will go to Phase World and tell the Second Stagers what he has hit upon.

The basic premise is called "Quantum Clairvoyance": the observer alters the nature of the observed, simply by observing it." So the more people try to change or view the future, the less likely it is to come about.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:45 pm
by Braden Campbell
Uh... no, it's clearly the Guardian.


I have never seen this so-called "Deep Space 9" of which you infer...