In conclusion, I think that combat in RIFTS should be made a lot harder. That is, targets should be more difficult to hit. But when hits occur the risk of injury should be greater.
Yeah, I dislike the concept, that two SAMs slugging it out, are needing
to hit 10 times before the opponents armor fails. Also, if they dodge,
it will take about 20-25 bursts to take down a SAM with its own railgun.
Not just it is ridicuolusly long, but also uses up half of the ammo
for a PA.
At the same time, fastening 4 laser rifles (JA-9 for example)
together is around the same cost, doing approximately the
same damage, and with a backpack power pack (assuming
that the nuclear power plant of the SAM recharges it only in
a painfully slow pace) gives a good deal more ammo.
And when we done it, one can add some mini-missiles to the
PA, in case of one needs to gun down something from a range
or an energy resistant target.
Put it in short: I you like that barbarian/monstar hordes waving
clubs overrun a modern military unit, the the current combat-engine
is for you. And I am not talking about the Ewok-like guerilla tactics,
and neither the Aliens scenario (of confined space+restricted firepower),
more likely it is like when the Light cavalry ovverruns the russian
artillery (instead being mowed down).