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Bts Magic and Creature possibilities????
Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:55 pm
by tmk2323
I know I've been beating the issue of when the supplements are coming out to death.
I appologize for that, and this lengthy post.
New question though.
What current books (RIFTS or otherwise) could be used [for now] for the Arcanist and for any new monsters?
Books that I currently own are: BTS 2nd ed., Chaos Earth Book 1, Splicers RPG, RIFTS Dark Conversions, RIFTS World Books 1 & 6
Any other hints O.C.C.s MAgic That is convertable to BTS 2nd????
The Dark Conversions book has some magic Classes in it but not the Arcanist.
Any other books and/or Ideas????
I think that the conversion book one would have the arcanist but trying to locate and buy the book has been difficult.(is it still in print??, if so how to convert it to BTS 2nd ed.?)
yes but...
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:34 pm
by tmk2323
The first edition of BTS is harder to find now. [unless someone knows of a copy for sale????]
I sold my copy of 1st ed. a few years ago, I was REALLY looking forward to 2nd ed.
Big mistake otherwise I wouldn't have sold it.
oh well does anyone know of where else the arcanist appears???
Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:37 pm
by jcfiala
Hop onto Ebay! There's a bunch of Beyond the Supernatural 1st editions up for sale there.
1st ed.
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:22 pm
by tmk2323
THe mistake I made was selling the 1st. edition Before getting the 2nd.
Therefore I could still have the Arcanist P.C.C.
The Second edition has rewritten rules dealing with the I.S.P. and certain uses of it.
And thanks for the suggestion on the Arcanist.
I still would like to get a copy of the write up of the First edition Arcanist.
Although at first I was puzzled by the Arcanist in a predominantly Psionic game.
You really can't have one without the other (at least for good game balance)
Besides that most of the Horror Genre has at lest some Magic in it.
Ok and thanks again
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:35 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Many of the Demons in Chaos Earth: Creatures of Chaos have S.D.C. conversion stats and work excellently for BTS-2 (which I think rocks BTW, even without the Arcanist..which I rarely used anyways).
The only thing you have to wing is how they would discorporate, though that is actually really fun to figure out.
For instance, the Firethorn Day Demon, I decided that it discorporates as 2D6x10+20 red fire flies, which quickly disappear from sight with a crackling noise (not unlike the sound that wood makes when it "pops" on a fire).
~ Josh
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:10 pm
by Lazlo Kid
Tom Sawyer wrote:Since the Arcanist has been taken out of the game and the 1st edition is out of print, is it a copy write infringement to copy it for other's?
If not I still have my 1st edition book, I could type it up on a Word document and email it to you.
Can I get a ruling on this one?
I'm not a copywright expert by any means, but as I understand it: yes, it would still be copywright infringement unless authorized by an authorized representative of the copywright holder. A copywright does not expire just because a book is no longer in print.