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What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:40 am
by GreenGhost
What branch would everyone choose (or have chosen for those who are already enlisted) and what MOS would you select (or have selected)?

I was in the Marine Corp (Semper Misfit). Started as 0331 (Infantry: Heavy) and then 0321 (Force Recon).

Just thought this may be an interresting topic. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:56 pm
by GreenGhost
Misfit KotLD wrote:New name, Red? Let's see, USMC, 2841/43, 2861, 2862, 2844 here.

Yep- forgot my password on Redemption. What were the MOSs? I don't know all the numbers :P

You still down in Florida?
We've been back in CO for about 16 months now :) FINALLY!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:38 pm
by Grey Death
If I were to choose a service it would be Army. When I was eighteen I would have wanted to be 18B: Special Forces Weapons Sergeant. Now that I'm significantly older. I would be more likely to choose 92Y: Unit Supply Specialist as thats pretty close to what I do now in regular life.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:36 pm
by Rockwolf66
GreenGhost wrote:What branch would everyone choose (or have chosen for those who are already enlisted) and what MOS would you select (or have selected)?

I was in the Marine Corp (Semper Misfit). Started as 0331 (Infantry: Heavy) and then 0321 (Force Recon).

Just thought this may be an interresting topic. :)

I am thinking about getting a USMC commision and as I am a psychology major MOS0204 looks to be in my area of experteese.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:45 am
by jedi078

Started out as an AAV Crewman (1833), and later an MSG (8151)

If I could I would have stayed as an MSG for 20 years, even at the cost of not getting married, and no personal life.

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 2:30 pm
by Jefffar
Here we have these choices:

Air Force
Land Force (ie Army)
Reserve branch of each.

As to which I would choose and my MOS, with my Master's Degree in History nearing completion I tried to get a job in the policy division of the Department of National Defence (or equivalent of the Pentagon) but my French wasn't good enough.

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:25 pm
by demos606
I was a Marine (still am in many minds) but if I had my choice of MOS it would be something involving flight school. There's just somethin to be said for "mach 2 with your hair on fire". Ideal assignment would probably have been a Harrier wing but anything in the air would work.

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 7:07 pm
by GreenGhost
demos606 wrote:I was a Marine (still am in many minds) but if I had my choice of MOS it would be something involving flight school. There's just somethin to be said for "mach 2 with your hair on fire". Ideal assignment would probably have been a Harrier wing but anything in the air would work.

What was your MOS when you were in?

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:50 pm
by Rockwolf66
Can anyone else in here have a similar or just as werid position in the military or know of someone who does

One of my relatives was once a member of the 22nd SAS regiment. he did an intelligence tour of Northern Ireland.

Most people would consider going down to the pubs( Bars to the Americans) to be quite fun. It's not fun when you have to drink enough to not stand out, yet not enough to keep you from overhearing IRA members planning terrorist acts. What makes it really fun is the fact that any of the other patrons would gladly cut your head off.

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:37 pm
by jedi078
Rockwolf66 wrote:Most people would consider going down to the pubs( Bars to the Americans) to be quite fun. It's not fun when you have to drink enough to not stand out, yet not enough to keep you from overhearing IRA members planning terrorist acts. What makes it really fun is the fact that any of the other patrons would gladly cut your head off.

How about going out to the bar and having to worry about someone tossing a grenade your way, or a car bomb going off? (Bogota, Colombia)

Or sombody showing up to rob everyone at gunpoint? (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:02 pm
by GreenGhost
Lucky wrote:
GreenGhost wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:New name, Red? Let's see, USMC, 2841/43, 2861, 2862, 2844 here.

Yep- forgot my password on Redemption. What were the MOSs? I don't know all the numbers :P

dang, Red. All this time I was wondering where you were!

I almost lost a friend to the "suits" like you told me about, but he got a lesbian knocked up in Sri Lanka (you can't make this stuff up) so he turned them down.

I guess I'm not moto enough for the suits to talk to.

LOL- don't worry about not knowing who I am- I don't remember half of anyone in here :)

Knocked a lesbian up? LOL- well if it kept him from the suits then- uh- it was a good thing- lol! :shock:

Where are you stationed at right now?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:17 pm
by GreenGhost
I was at CAMPEN in '92- so it's been a while. You know in 5 years I could have had my 20? LOL- things don't always go as planned. :badbad:

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:34 pm
by GreenGhost
New Sig :demon:

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 4:52 pm
by GreenGhost

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:48 pm
by Svartalf
If I had gone military, I'd have been Intelligence ... What can you do for your country when you're one eyed, critically short of breath and ill coordinated, as well as of a scholarly bent with a gift for language and superior memory?

Of course, they better use me for data analysis, because I sure as taxes am not the one who's gonna schmooze them out of well informed sources.

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 10:19 am
by NMI
Formerly U.S. Army Originally 91 Bravo (Field Medical Specialist 2yrs) then when I re-upped 19 Delta - Calvary Scout

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:01 pm
by jedi078
Alejandro wrote:Here's the benefits: You and your fellow Marines will all be very close. You get the best uniform of all the services. When you're out, you tell people you were a Marine and they think that you're some kind of badass.

Here's the cons: Your service has NO MONEY!! You have NO MONEY!! You & your buddies will be very close because your service and commands often treat you like bad children who deserve to be punished even if you haven't done anything. When you're out, if you tell someone you were a Marine, they will want to tell you all about their kid who's in the Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force and ask if you know if we're somehow psychic beacons.

Let’s not forget you stand a good chance of spending a significant portion of your Marine Corps career overseas.

Of course the above various upon the MOS, and duty stations to which you’re assigned.

Oh and for the record you can save money while in the Fleet Marine Corps, I did it. Then again I spent half my time in the fleet in 29 Palms and the other half on UDP to Okinawa.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:53 pm
by jedi078
Uncle Misfit wrote:Or you could serve ten years and only leave the continental U. S. to do TCATs off the east coast...

Yep, that must have been boring.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:31 pm
by jedi078
Uncle Misfit wrote:It did suck, but boring isn't quite the right word.

So what is the right word?

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:43 am
by GreenGhost
:shock: I'mlaughing with you Misfit

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:52 am
by GreenGhost
Uncle Misfit wrote:*One finger salute*


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:23 pm
by jedi078
Uncle Misfit wrote:Unpostable on Palladium.

You mean the four letter acronym that seems to be used as a verb, adjective, and noun?

Uncle Misfit wrote:*One finger salute*

I guess so. Great way of adapting and overcoming the censors.

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:19 pm
by GreenGhost
ye-ah... great job at my expense :badbad:

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:17 pm
by Rockwolf66
Uncle Misfit wrote:*One finger salute*

I'm on a forum with a smilie for that. :D

Still you could have been in a worse place. You could be getting sniped and bombed daily by foriegn insurgents in a hot and nasty place.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:34 pm
by Rockwolf66
LA is not that bad as I have walked through places with a higher overall crime rate ( assault in particular) wearing an expensive suede duster.

I ment Here. The photo was taken about 2005.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 6:50 am
by gordyzx9r
GreenGhost wrote:What branch would everyone choose (or have chosen for those who are already enlisted) and what MOS would you select (or have selected)?

I was in the Marine Corp (Semper Misfit). Started as 0331 (Infantry: Heavy) and then 0321 (Force Recon).

Just thought this may be an interresting topic. :)

I originally enlisted as a 93D (Air Traffic Control Systems and Subsystems Repairer), and then changed my MOS (because having to work with vacuum tubes made me feel like a mad scientist) to 68N (Avionics Mechanic). I spent a little over 8 years enlisted, and when I made E6/SSG I took a good hard look at my peers and realized it would probably be another 6 to 7 years to make E7 in that field. So, I applied for flight school and got picked up so now I'm a helicopter pilot for the army.

If I knew then what I know now I would've done it differently. I would have applied for flight school in high school. What's that? Yeah...the army still has the high school to flight school program. No, it's not easy to get picked up straight out of high school...but it is possible. I believe it's the only program left in the military where you can get commissioned as an officer (once you make CW2 you'll get your a WO1 you're appointed) without any college education whatsoever.

If your'e interested, research it before you talk to a recruiter.

Warrant Officer Career Center

If you go to a recruiter, be prepared that they'll probably tell you that you can't do it because of any number if made up reasons such as:

  • You can't do that anymore.
  • You have to be in an enlisted aviation MOS first.
  • They take volunteers for flight school in basic training so just take any MOS we offer you so you can go to basic and volunteer.

Now, just to clarify it...the slang term for it is "high school to flight school". But the reality is, anyone up to a certain age can apply straight off the street. There are some prerequisites, some tests you have to take, a resume, some letters of recommendation, a medical exam (flight physical) and other stuff like that.

It's not easy to get picked up...nothing in life ever is, but you'll never know unless you try.

And think about can enlist in the military and get a MOS and go up through the enlisted rank making a pittance (I've been there and done that) or at the age of 18 you can be an officer in the US army flying helicopters starting off I think at just under 30K a year (base pay + BAH + flight pay + separate rations).

When I went to flight school, about a quarter of the guys I went through with had come off the street (whether it was from high school, college, prior service, etc.).

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:38 pm
by Rockwolf66
duck-foot wrote:that is forbidden (that what it says case you dont speak german)i dont get it.

the picture for those who can't get it for some reason is a SAW gunner laying in the middle of a Dust storm. PM me an E-mail address and I can send you the pic.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 9:50 am
by GreenGhost
I loved the M249. I miss the hell out of it.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 11:19 pm
by Rockwolf66
GreenGhost wrote:I loved the M249. I miss the hell out of it.

Weight: 15 pounds 5 ounces
Lenght:30.5 inches
Feed. 30 round M-16 magazines or 100 or 200 round disintigrating belt.
Rate of Fire: 700 to 1,000 rounds per minute.
Maximum Effective range: 800m
Dealer Price: $5.457

Note: The stats I have posted are mostly from FNH USA or from a dealer of M-249's. In looking at the effective range of the M-249 PARA; it shows how wrong someone was in there statement that the 5.56X45mm round was a short ranged cartrige. I am Also working on Standard Compendium of Contemporary weapons stats for the weapon. Then again I let my Rifts group use one against vampires. It got really ugly really fast. Still I hope your Recon character enjoys this.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:55 pm
by Rockwolf66
Alejandro wrote:I despised the 249. Damn thing was jam-tastic.

I did adore the 240G, though.

I found the M-240G to be a log. then again I was 5'8" and 130 at the time. What makes things worse is that my sister has really scary accuracy with the British L7 GPMG( FN-MAG/ M-240).

Special Treat:

Hot Asian Babe otherwise known as Mrs. Lee "Different" Emerson. Mr. Emerson is the author of M14 Rifle History and Development.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 11:33 am
by GreenGhost
Alejandro wrote:I despised the 249. Damn thing was jam-tastic.

I did adore the 240G, though.

I never had a jam. 2 misfires in 2 years, but no jam. Maintenance is the key. :D

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:39 pm
by GreenGhost
Alejandro wrote:
GreenGhost wrote:Maintenance is the key. :D

The key is not getting a crap gun. Maintenance only helps keep a good gun working, it does not make a bad gun start working.

I agree, but as a former heavy gunner I can tell you that the SAWS is only as crappy as the user's maintenance and ability. Like I said I never had a problem except for two misfires in two years. I never had a jam. If you don't like it that's cool, but as for labeling a weapon's capabilities and abilities as inferior simply because you don't like it doesn't make any sense. Is the SAWS the best out there- not at all, but I can tell you that the weapon came through for me every time, except for those two misfires I never had a problem with it and the only people who did (that I personally know) had issues with keeping the weapon ready and clean. :D

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 8:40 pm
by Rockwolf66
Alejandro wrote:That gun is the size of that woman!

To be fair though, it's hard to NOT be accurate with the 240G. That gun gave me delusions of sniper school every time I got behind it. If it was a woman, I'd never leave it. Wouldn't marry it though because that would ruin the magic.....but I'd be faithful.

Mrs. Different is 5' tall and weights approximately 100 pounds. She has a reputation among the shooters that I associate with as an Expert Markswoman. Page 8 of that album has her M-14 rifle, and page 4 has a photo of her using it.

As I have said before My Sister and I have both shot FN-Mag variants and she has so far kicked my butt( then again she's been shooting since I was about 3.).

As far as the M-249 goes Greenghost is right about the maintenance. That is if you get one that is not worn out. I handled one back in 1998 and it was a sweet little machinegun. The problem is that they are not being maintained well enough and those that are worn out are not being replaced. Now some officer is trying to get the CIS Ultimax 100 adopted which is a step in the wrong direction.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:42 am
by GreenGhost
Alejandro wrote:
GreenGhost wrote:
Alejandro wrote:
GreenGhost wrote:Maintenance is the key. :D

The key is not getting a crap gun. Maintenance only helps keep a good gun working, it does not make a bad gun start working.

I agree, but as a former heavy gunner I can tell you that the SAWS is only as crappy as the user's maintenance and ability. Like I said I never had a problem except for two misfires in two years. I never had a jam. If you don't like it that's cool, but as for labeling a weapon's capabilities and abilities as inferior simply because you don't like it doesn't make any sense. Is the SAWS the best out there- not at all, but I can tell you that the weapon came through for me every time, except for those two misfires I never had a problem with it and the only people who did (that I personally know) had issues with keeping the weapon ready and clean. :D

Air Wing units are rarely issued the best weapons from the main armories for their own small we didn't exactly get the pick of the litter when it came to machineguns. We got lucky on our 240G's...but our 249 was crap. It was a lot more effort than it was worth and lugging around the 240G seemed like an infinitely more acceptable idea for me. Especially since it was the G and therefore wasn't going to be used for run & gun. We trained a lot with tripod drills, but I'll never make the claim that I was in the streets of Baghdad with a 249 jamming up a storm. All I know is everytime I fired a 249, from MCT to my other units, it jammed. A lot. So from my own experiences I developed an intense dislike of that weapon.

It sounds like you did get a crappy SAWS. Luckily mine wasn't. I remember my dad telling me about how he liked the M60, but he had come across some that were inferior to what he used in the past.

I can't blame you for not liking the M249 since you had a lot of problems with yours. If I ended up with one like yours I'd have the same opinion as you :P

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:49 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
USMC 0311.

I loved my M-16A2 while having an occasional affair with a MK-19.

OMG could that MK-19 rock my world :lol:.

But, lord was she heavy to help tote on a forced march. As well as the mortar plates :( .

Chuck 0311 always will be 0311

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:07 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
sawg138 wrote:
Chuck McDaniel wrote:USMC 0311.

I loved my M-16A2 while having an occasional affair with a MK-19.

OMG could that MK-19 rock my world :lol:.

But, lord was she heavy to help tote on a forced march. As well as the mortar plates :( .

Chuck 0311 always will be 0311

I prefer the M-198.

This is what I have always Truly wanted to fire! *Drools on self thinking of it*


Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:51 pm
by Rockwolf66
I have an interest in the GAU-19 myself. I had a chance to fire a minigun last time I was in Nevada but at $100 a minute it was a bit to expensive for my blood. I guess I'll have to slip Mark some chash and see if he'll let me borrow his HK-21E for some rangetime.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:18 am
by burgler81
I'm an SK1/SS.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 1:54 pm
by Steve Dubya
Huh - could have sworn I posted in this thread already...

USN, 1997-2005
ETN1(SS) (Nuclear-trained Electronics Technician First Class Petty Officer, Submarine warfare qualified)
NEC 3353 (Nuclear reactor operator) / 3363 (Nuclear reactor supervisor) / 3373 (Nuclear reactor maintenance qualified)

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 8:40 pm
by csbioborg
Honstly I have seriously thought about joining the Navy reserves as a public relations officer
I did six years in the Maines as a enlisted tank crewman and I have to say I'm down with tanks. I've heard really good things about the travel you dol as a PR zero. If I were to go back into a combat MOS it would be as a PT boat comander.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 10:52 am
by Dominique
csbioborg wrote: If I were to go back into a combat MOS it would be as a PT boat comander.

Umm...the NAvy hasn't had PT boats since the 50's, but they do have several types of riverine craft and RIBs in use with with either one of the new Riverine Squadrons, or Special Boat Teams.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 10:43 pm
by Peacebringer
I'd choose the Executive Branch....

My recent ex girlfriend, who was married(divorced) to a Marine, (then I latter learned it wasn't once, but twice, consecutively, to two marines from the same unit..) would constantly drop hints for me to join, because she liked the idea of dating an officer and she'd get great benefits.(yeah, because joining the military for a girl is a smart thing to do...)

I also have an uncanny ability to see through BS, which is why I don't attend church and salesmen have a real hard time of wining me over. A recruiter for the CIA once told me that to be in the CIA, one had to believe he was on the good side. And then I started to wonder why they were recruiting at a college. Most educated people would realize that the world isn't black and white. There's no true good or true evil. There's just a side. Your's and their's.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:58 am
by GreenGhost
Peacebringer wrote:I'd choose the Executive Branch....

My recent ex girlfriend, who was married(divorced) to a Marine, (then I latter learned it wasn't once, but twice, consecutively, to two marines from the same unit..) would constantly drop hints for me to join, because she liked the idea of dating an officer and she'd get great benefits.(yeah, because joining the military for a girl is a smart thing to do...)

I also have an uncanny ability to see through BS, which is why I don't attend church and salesmen have a real hard time of wining me over. A recruiter for the CIA once told me that to be in the CIA, one had to believe he was on the good side. And then I started to wonder why they were recruiting at a college. Most educated people would realize that the world isn't black and white. There's no true good or true evil. There's just a side. Your's and their's.

I know what you mean. When I was enlisted I worked for good people and I worked for bad people. I've done good things and I've done bad things.

For the most part I agree with you... "There's just a side. Your's and their's."

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 11:57 am
by GreenGhost

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 8:59 pm
by Beatmeclever
Objecting does not make a communist. Objecting makes an objector. More capitalists object to actually fighting than communists. Communists see the civic duty in service. Capitalists like to send other people to fight their wars. Modern societies breed cowardice regardless of the economic structure used. They used to teach classes in civics, but that went away with the onset of political correctness.

And I too will defend a person's right to object on whatever grounds they desire to object.

My choice of services is easy. I was in the only intelligent branch -- the Air Force, where we send our officers in to die while the majority of the enlistedmen remain out of harm's way. (I just made the choice to have one of the only combat positions.) :D

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 12:49 am
by Peacebringer
I have something to say,
It's better to burn out than to fade away.

There can be only one!

The branch I would choose, would be the one sturdy enough to support my mass.

Neyet commrad, actually, being a communist makes one a communists, unless you're Chinese, which makes you a capitalist.

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:13 am
by Beatmeclever
Misfit KotLD wrote:You're new here, so I'll give you an explanation. I was teasing Geronimo about communists not having morals. He knows that as well. But welcome!
I am new here, but I was jabbing back at you. All in fun, you know?

After further thought on the subject, if I could choose any branch of service in history or sci-fi, it would be either the Jedi Order or the Robotech Defense Force. :D

Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:50 pm
by slade the sniper
Joined the US Army at the happy age of 18 as an Infantryman...stayed in, got my degree and went to OCS and got commissioned as an Infantry Officer...14 years in so far. Go me!

Looking back over the book, they seriously need to redo the book or align it more with the rest of the Megaverse...there is so much more stuff available these days that Recon could really do with...the rest of the megaverse as well, such as realistic damage ratings for arty, better command and control systems, ballistic computers, armored vehicles, niftiness like that...

but I digress...

I'm a grunt and damn proud of it in case you couldn't tell by the sig.



Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:53 pm
by slade the sniper
Alejandro wrote:Here's the cons: Your service has NO MONEY!! You have NO MONEY!! You & your buddies will be very close because your service and commands often treat you like bad children who deserve to be punished even if you haven't done anything. When you're out, if you tell someone you were a Marine, they will want to tell you all about their kid who's in the Army/Navy/Marines/Air Force and ask if you know if we're somehow psychic beacons.

Brother, that's why I didn't join the Marines :)

Actually, I didn't join the Marines because they said it would take them a week to get me out of town. The Legion was giving some crap about visiting the French Embassy...huh???.

The Army on the hand said they could have me on a bus in a day. Hello Fort Benning...


Re: What Branch Would You Choose & Why?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 1:05 pm
by Beatmeclever
Misfit KotLD wrote:RDF is cool (and WAY better named than the UN Spacy) but I couldn't do the Jedi thing. Force powers are cool and all, but no women!?

Actually, it wasn't until the prequels that the idea of Jedi as monks happened and we all know that those were just bogus!