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Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:22 am
by verdilak
90% of us Wolfen are Cannibals... What makes you think we won't eat you?

If you can read this you are in violation of Coalition State Law and must surrender to the authorities immediately.

SDC Weapons may break your bones, but MD Weapons will vaporize ya.

Warning, I failed my Dexterity Save.

If you are Level 15 in a 2 month old game, you might be a Munchkin.

Don't make me show you my third nipple.

Don't make me cast Weightlessness(Mind Wipe, Annihilate, Age, Fire Ball, Ect.) on your @$$.

Driver carries Necrom at all times.

How about a little Deathkiss?

Remember, Ogres CAN mate with humans.

Don't look now, it's a Changeling!

Got P.P.E.?

Only my Rune Weapon can speak to me that way!

Stop using Telepathy and drive!

This car is just a Hypnotic Suggestion.

This car is protected by Group Mind Block.

If you ride my @$$ I will Total Recall your license plate.

Thats not an Angel watching over you and your driving, its a Faerie!

My Rune Weapon made me do it.

I love the taste of Cinnamon Sticks in the morning. (Faerie food reference)

My other ride is a Griffon(Dragon, Flying Carpet, TW Device, Ect.)

I brake for Wolfen(Elfs, Cyclops, Dragons, D-Bees, CS Troops, Psi-Stalkers, Ect.)

This vehicle has a +5 to Save vs Tailgaters.

MDC by location:
Tires (4) - 100
Windows (6) - 75
* Main Body - 500
** Bumper - 1000
* Destroying the Main Body will cause Driver to go melee on your @$$
** Destroying Bumper will cause a Random Rift, Roll Percentile to see where the Rift takes you.

This Bumper Sticker is a Greater Rune Object.

This Bumper Sticker is enchanted and gives this vehicle an AR of 18 and + 5000 to S.D.C.

Don't mind me, I'm reloading my TW Disrupter.

You asked for it. Lo-kum yin Acba yin Netosa (with a drawing of Inflict Despair)

What is your True Name?


This vehicle was blessed by a Priest of (Isis, Thoth, Set, Yin-Sloth, Ect.)

This vehicle is Protected From Faeries(Demons, Deevils, Evil, Good, Angels, Witches, Were-beasts, Old Ones, ect.) (with the corresponding circle drawn on the bumper sticker)

I eat Beets when angry (another Faerie food reference)

Out of the way, I am on a Geas! (Palladium Fantasy 1st Edition spell reference)

I kill for Experience Points!

My Alignment has just dropped to Diabolic!

Tailgaters bring out my Jekll and Hyde Psychosis.

I am Sixth Born, Average Weight, Average Height, 24 years old, Mean and Vindictive, Born in a Medium to Large Town in the Western Empire, with a Men at Arms background, and I am Racially Hostile to Humanoids!!

This bumper sticker turns my P.S. into Supernatual.

This Pre-Cataclysm Artifact cost me only 50 Credits!

My car is filled with illegal D-Bees, Please notify the CS Authorities.

Pass with care, Driven by Juicer (Crazie, Lizard Mage, ect.)

My Grandson's name is Victor Lazlo.

Turn off your damn cell phones! Do you want the Bugs to get ya?

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:46 pm
by verdilak
My Grandma has more Hit Points than you.

Proud Parent of a Splugorth Minion (or whatever hideous monster you want)

Roll for Initiative.

+2 to Strike.

Jesus Saves..... Everyone else takes full damage. (I saw this on another thread and dont remember who wrote but I would definatly buy it if it was a true bumper sticker)

If it ain't cursed, don't fix it.

RIFTs Happen.

Thieves Guild Local 812.

Wizards Guild Local P.P.E.

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 10:03 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
If you can read this you passed your Literacy skill check.

~ Josh

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:10 pm
by Prince Artemis
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:If you can read this you passed your Literacy skill check.

~ Josh

And for tail gaters you should write in smaller print:

If you can read this you failed your Pilot: Automobile skill check.

And even better, for the front bumper

If you can read this I failed my Pilot: Automobile skill check.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:12 am
by Killer Cyborg
My other car is a Skycycle.

Lobotomize Me (in runes)

I'd Rather Be Playing RIFTS

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:57 pm
by Subjugator
The good news:

I had some REALLY frickin' cool stickers made up as samples for Kev.

The bad news:

They're too expensive to make.


Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:05 pm
by Subjugator
Ninjabunny wrote:
Subjugator wrote:The good news:

I had some REALLY frickin' cool stickers made up as samples for Kev.

The bad news:

They're too expensive to make.


not wit a printer and sticker sheets :D

You'll have to see what I'm talking about when I go to the open house. I'm having one made for my truck.


Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:41 am
by Warwolf
I "heart" my Dogboy.

Tolkeen or bust!

This vehicle is the property of the AMC.

Down with Prosek!

Friends don't let friends vote Coalition.

100% Naruni made (with a smiling Uteni face beside it).

If you can read this, turn yourself in to the nearest ISS officer.

Lord Splynncryth is watching (with an eye next to it).

I'd rather be Rifting (had the idea before reading KS's post).

Careful, I'm a GM with WP: Dicebag.

My dice-fu is stronger than yours.

Mercs do it better.

Hug a Millenium Tree.

My other vehicle is a SAMAS.

Xiticix taste like chicken.

MDC... road rage just got nastier.

...and there are more on the way.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 2:09 pm
by Subjugator
Warwolf wrote:MDC... road rage just got nastier.


This made me laugh out loud while on the phone with a client!

:lol: :lol:


Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:01 pm
by Juankis
Here is one

Diplomatic Immunity (next to a Megaversal Ambassadors logo)

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:03 pm
by Subjugator
Juankis wrote:Here is one

Diplomatic Immunity (next to a Megaversal Ambassadors logo)



Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:35 pm
by Kythis
Here's some.

I'm not a reckless driver I'm a Ludicrus Mage
and this is HILARIOUS! You should see your face.

STAY BACK! They're not passengers. They're Demon Minions
desgiused as humans and if I fail this roll they'll have free will!

I'm a MEGAVERSE AMBASSITOR so if I stop suddenly
it's cuase I'm timing a RIFT.

HEY! You ever rip a scale off an Ancient Dragons eyelash?

I hope you guys enjoy these.

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:20 pm
by Kythis
I had a slight typo on this one.

HEY! You ever rip a scale off an Ancient Dragons eyelash?

It should have read.

HEY! You ever rip a scale off an Ancient Dragons eyelash?

Now for what I wanted to write about. Why not have an open and optional raffle. where the winner gets 6 books of his or her choice or if they already have all of the books they could want they get 3, 1year subscriptions to the Rifter. At 10 dollars a raffle ticket everyone would be stupid not to buy one and if they don't win they've just donated 10 to Palladium. Besides if a hundred people enter the raffle that's a 1000 dollars, PB would be silly to pass this oppertunity up, and I'm pretty sure that there will be at least 100 people there.

My other Idea is to have a PC and GM contest. Where everyone who wants to enter the contest pays 5 bucks for entry and the winner gets half the value of the pot in Palladium books at cost. These contests would have to be setting specific. Like RIFTS GMs vs RIFTS GMs, RIFTS PCs vs RIFTS PCs, and HU GMs vs HU GMs , HU PCs vs HU PCs and so on. This ones' profit margin won't be as high as the other one.

So what do you guys think?

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:45 am
by The Galactus Kid
I like the raffle idea.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 3:44 pm
by Greyaxe
Subjugator wrote:
Warwolf wrote:MDC... road rage just got nastier.


This made me laugh out loud while on the phone with a client!

:lol: :lol:


This is My Vote OR:
Megaverse ME!