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Damn Interesting purebreed

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:34 am
by Juankis
Check out this dog

Norwegian Lundehund

Just add a bit of the old human level intelligence, and you get a ready to roll pure breed with partial hands, climbing skill and the ability to squeeze through small openings. It even comes with its own vestigial trait.

Canine/Dog: Lundehund (Purebred)
Description: The fox-sized Lundehund, has been known as a purbreed to man since at least the XVIth century. Able to scrabble up cliffs and crawl into caves, hauling out the birds nesting there for their owners.Many of the Lundehund's most unusual features relate directly to the demands of thesir job.
To enhance traction on slippery rocks, and gripping in tight places, the Lundehund is a polydactyl (multi-toed) dog. Instead of the normal four toes a foot, the Lundehund has six toes, all fully formed, jointed and muscled. The dog uses these extra toes to gain purchase and haul itself along in positions where only the sides of its legs are touching the rock, a fairly common occurrence while wiggling through tight spots. They also help the dog gain additional traction while scrambling around on steep, often slippery cliffs.
Also helpful when getting into and out of small caves is the Lundehund's extraordinary flexibility. The Lundehund's forelegs can bend outwards far enough for the dog to lay flat on its chest, with the legs in an approximation of the human arm position.
Size Level: 3 (Minimum 3, Maximum 5)
Build: Medium
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E (for Psionics and Size Level Only!): 30
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +1 M.A., +5 P.P., +10 Spd
Human Features
Hands: Partial
Biped: Partial
Speech: Partial
Looks: None. Appears as the original animal, maybe larger than usual.
Natural Weapons
Automatically gets Teeth that do 1D6 damage.
Automatically gets Running Claws that do 1D4 damage.
Mutant Animal Powers
Automatically gets Night Vision, Advanced Hearing and Advanced Touch
Rock Climbing (Special Skill) automatic at no BIO-E cost. Lundehunds learn to climb up the cliffs around their homes since early childhood, to get to the birds nesting in them, as they have been dong since time immemorial, their specially evolved fingers and toes helped them greatly at the task. Automatically gets the Climbing skill, not rappelling, without the usual penalties for Partial Hands, and a +10% bonus to the base score (due to flexibility, see below).
Flexible automatic at no BIO-E cost. The unique bone structure of the Lundehunds makes them one of the slipperiest creatures on earth. The character is able to squeeze through small openings, bend and twist in unique ways, and can even turn his head to look completely back wards, this result in a variety of bonuses; +10% to Acrobatics, Dance, Escape Artist, Gymnastics, Palming and Prowl skills.
Vestigial Disadvantages
Automatically gets Lundehund Syndrome. A set of digestive disorders, hereditary to the whole race, tends to cause an overgrowth of bacteria in the character's digestive system, leading to many complications down the road. The most immediate of which is the inability to extract nutrients from the ingested food. Tough incurable the condition can be controlled through medication, and all Lundehund settlements have at least one member capable of preparing the needed medicine.
All character are assumed to begin play with at least enough doses of the medicine to last comfortably for a month. Extra doses can be bought for about 10 Bucks per week of dosage at a Lundehund settlement, if the formula is made available to other people, they can duplicate the medicine at the cost of 1 Buck per dose.
Going without their medicine can lead to starvation and death, no matter the amount of food that the mutant ingest, as the bacteria in his digestive system, absorb the nutrients before the host has the opportunity to assimilate them. Every day that the character is unable to ingest his medication, he must roll a saving throw vs his digestive system, needing a roll of 16 or more, P.E. bonuses apply; if the roll is successful the character continues on as normal, but if the saving throw failed, the character was unable to receive enough nutrients from his meal, for the next day the character is at -1 to all physical attributes and combat bonuses, furthermore he is unable to recuperate any lost Hit Points. The effects of the malnutrition are cumulative from day to day. If the character's PE reaches 0 he falls into a coma, normal chances to survive the coma apply.
If the character manages to get his medication or a successful meal, for half as many days as he's been starving, he makes a full recovery.

Here is my interpretation of how the dog would fit in the AtB world, let hear some feedback.