2in diameter and 7in long cartridges (based on the technical diagrams), each with 200 slugs that are possibly a quarter ounce each (estimated mass based on size of flechettes in technical diagrams), so 3+ pounds of slugs per cartridge... and it is not 100 rounds anymore, but now 1,000 of them, and it's canon?
So, will the art be updated to include a refridgerator size ammo drum and the stats updated with a greater weight to reflect at least an additional ton or more of weight from ammo?
Perhaps also training wheels or secondary legs on the new ammo drum so the new GB doesn't fall onto its back all the time from the weight...
And why the increase?
Shawn Merrow wrote:Actually it started in Spokane, WA back in 98 at Incon where a fan made an argument to Kevin that based on the picture it should hold more ammo. It eventually made it into the books. So yes the greater rounds was done on purpose and is not a typo.
Shawn Merrow wrote:Dustin Fireblade wrote:I wonder if it's possible to convince Kevin to change it back then? Or let's go really crazy and multiply all the other rail gun's ammo supply by a factor of 10 as well.
(I would like to know why/how that fan thought it should hold more though)
I belive it was based on the
size of the ammo belt.
Because of the ammo belt?
You mean the ammo feed belt that's only purpose is to transport ammo from an ammo container (the ammo drum) to the weapon (the Boom Gun)
Last I checked, with many weapons, ammo does not even enter into an ammo feed belt until such a time a weapon is being readied for battle, until then, the ammo is entirely within its container, in this case, the ammo drum.
This is partly due to different reasons, keeping the ammo protected outside of battle, preventing debris and other stuff from getting into the ammo/ammo feed belt during times it might be sitting outside for weeks or months at a time without being used, etc.
I did number crunching, I can only figure out maybe 26 rounds within the ammo feed belt itself...
But seriously, you could probably fit a half dozen belts in that drum, why the heck crank up the ammo capacity 10 fold?
Seriously, what the

is up with that?!
What's next, making e-clips hold 10 times more because someone complains to Kevin in person that the Rifts ATL-7 doesn't hold more than one shot per e-clip?
I have done a lot of estimates with the old GB, measuring the pic and technical diagram in the old RMB, and doing a lot of number crunching. Others did similar number crunching, also showing the GB was fine the way it was (some before CE even came out)
The only obstacle in my number crunching? One pic showed the ammo belt might not be 'big' enough to handle the BG ammo, while a close up part of the casing ejector showed it was big enough...
Other than that, the ammo size, the size of the fletches, even the damage of the weapon (using the mach 5 muzzle veloocity) fit like a glove with the GB.
All the people mentioning positive stuff and info that proves the GB is perfectly fine the way it was...
and it is for not, because of a lone fan that complained in person?
To me, Kevin let a lone fan that was displeased about the ammo supply to destroy near perfection of design, one of the few weapons that actually makes perfect sense in many ways.
I will not use a GB with flechettes made of handwavium, loaded into an applied phlebotinum ammo drum that has just become nothing more than a bag of hold in the shape of an ammo drum...
If I ever get CE (or my RMB gives out and I have to get RUE), the first thing I will do is take a permanent marker and black out a 0 from both ammo numbers on the GB.
If anyone is interested, I will post the mega block of text of figures and estimates I have, which show Kevin took what did work, and threw it out the window because of a single fan was not happy with the fact the GB not having enough of its already powerful ammunition...
If the GB comparable to a (small) walking tank, it just got the ammo capacity comparable to that of a warship...