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Undead Hunters/Mother Load of Cash

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:21 pm
by Reagren Wright
I was just glancing at Yin Sloth 1st edition again and just occured
to me. These Undead Hunters have the option of walking around
with 12 magic throwning knives. Each must be worth around 140,000
gold, so thats what 1,680,000 in magic items? And that's at first
level. You mean to tell me these guys can't sell just one?

Re: Undead Hunters/Mother Load of Cash

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:17 am
by Xynar
Reagren Wright wrote:I was just glancing at Yin Sloth 1st edition again and just occured
to me. These Undead Hunters have the option of walking around
with 12 magic throwning knives. Each must be worth around 140,000
gold, so thats what 1,680,000 in magic items? And that's at first
level. You mean to tell me these guys can't sell just one?

Why would they sell? Without these items, they really wouldn't be that effective versus undead. It's like asking a Wizard to give up half of their spell knowledge.

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:38 pm
by Scrud
actully it's more like 8.3% but agreed

Re: Undead Hunters/Mother Load of Cash

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:53 pm
by count zero
Alejandro wrote:Because with all the money they'd make they could go out and buy much more effective non-throwing magic items. 12 magic throwing knives are nice...until you realize they are throwing knives. Better to sell them all and buy a magic sword or two and some magic armor....then spend the rest on other goodies.
