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Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:25 pm
by Braden Campbell
Gemany wins the First World War by capturing Paris in 1914.

the Soviets land on the Moon before the USA.

the American Revolution fails.

All of the Cursades are succesful.

the Romans squash the emerging Christian Church.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:50 pm
by KLM
The mongols do conquer Europe and Japan.
An alternative is, that Attila does not die prematurely.

The III. Reich victorious over the USSR, but
entangled in a cold war with the USA ... land_Movie

The nuking of Hiroshima sparks the coming of the

The later canonised St. László of Hungary leads the first crusade,
successfull in reuniting the Eastern and Western church in the
synod of Szatmár...


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:33 pm
by taalismn
President Elvis Presley....

Mars discovered to have life(Dinosaurs on the Red Planet!!!)

Africa develops gunpowder(and steel) before the rest of the world.....

Cuban Missile Crisis results in nuclear exchanges in Carribean and Europe....

Iraq HAS WMDs and flushes them in last blast against Allies as forces close in on Bagdhad...

ASia colonizes a Europe depopulated by the Black Plague...

Roman Empire develops practical internal combustion engines....

Catholicism never splits into various Christian sects....

War of 1812..>Canada counter-invades United States...Wins....

Babbage Super-Calculating Engines results in the Era of the Steam Tyrants...Clockwork AIs running automated arms factories and producing steampunk killer automatons....

United States at early time(at time of the Revolution) renounces slavery...Teams with Britain to crusade globally against 'crimes against the rights of Man'.

President Brittany Speares(the Idoicacy)...

Western Hemisphere discovered to be refuge of displaced creatures of myth(dragons, centaurs, ogres, fairies, etc...) driven from Old World by Man...This time, they're putting up a fight...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:52 pm
by Carl Gleba
The Four horseman are not defeated. What little governments are left are falling and unlikely allies are forming.

The Mechanoids were not defeated or somehow were able to produce more mechanoids. Now North America is being overrun by them. Again unlikley alliance have formed.

Tolkeen not only defeats the CS, but soundly trashes them! A new order is established. Tolkeen adds the CS tech to their magic arsenal. Tolkeen uses its momentum to crush the Federation and next Lazlo and New Lazlo.

Atlantis allies with Tolkeen in the CS/Tolkeen war. Tolkeen wins and give the Splugorth a major foothold in America.

The CS lost against the attack launched by the Federation of Magic in the early days. Now the FOM dominates the region and is expanding.


Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:43 pm
by taalismn
While on an inspection tour of Azylum, Splynncrythh accidentally wanders too close to a certain (poorly marked) doorway....

Desmond Bradford clones himself....His clone has other ideas about who should be in charge around here.....

Tolkeen(or Lazlo) hires the Transdimensional Legion to do some work against the CS....

Mindwerks' Angel of Death goes insane AGAIN and becomes 'born again'....

The Lord of the Deep's MOTHER comes to visit....

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:19 pm
by DhAkael
no ideas yet except "EEEKKK!!!!"
You guys have minds more twisted than least in THIS regard :D

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:06 am
by GhostKnight
Xiticix have exploded outwards and all major players are fighting against them.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:28 am
by KLM
duck-foot wrote:
Darkmax wrote: Japan sinks into the ocean.....

Uhmm. cant do that man I like Asian girls way too much.

All Japanese women are Asian, but not all Asians are Japanese
(instead Chinese, Vietnames, Korean and so on).

Besides... Japan could sink into the ocean slowly, giving
enough time to evacuate (and opportunities for You to
date :D )


Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:04 am
by taalismn
GhostKnight wrote:Xiticix have exploded outwards and all major players are fighting against them.

A Super-intelligent species of Xiticix establishes itself in multiple parts of the globe...including Atlantis...

A Fallen CosmoKnight lands in the early Coalition...His name; Prosek...

Unlike NEMA-dominated North America, the pre-Rifts Soviet Union does NOT lose control of the situation in Russia...

A Splugorth INtelligence assumes the governorship of California during the Coming of the Rifts, maintaining order...Governor-for-Life Splynncryth?

Mechanoids Space comes out as originally scheduled....

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:02 pm
by lordwind
The NightLords invade earth the same time the rifts erupt.

10 - 15 APS: Fire heroes band together and all go nova (and die) defending the Earth from an alien invasion, thus causing the ley lines to emerge in full effect.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 8:02 pm
by Reddenedone
The ancient Atlantean society never falls.

Humans learn how to harness the entire 100% of their brains. (as opposed to the 10% we're supposed to use now.)

Someone finds the Cosmic Forge on Earth in 350 BC.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:16 pm
by taalismn
The Mechanoids are welcomed back from their voyages of exploration into Atlantean society with open arms and everlasting applause, rather than fear and derision, and thus never become psychotic world-killers....

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:48 am
by shiiv-a
the various native peoples of the world gain dominance. [ aka - the white population become the massive minority ]]

all governments are matriarchs and there is no war and world peace abounds

pc's have to travel and do quests much like .. say .. ratchet and clank ... [ okay that was a really bad choice .. ]

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:34 am
by Exiled_one
Palladium books is the most successful publisher in history.

France has a long and glorius history of famous military victories.

Mice really are in control of the world.

A Rifts movie was actually made (and was great)

or am I going too far?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:34 am
by Stormseed
reddenedone wrote:The ancient Atlantean society never falls.

Phal is working on something like that.

Humans learn how to harness the entire 100% of their brains. (as opposed to the 10% we're supposed to use now.)

That's not how it works. People use 10% of their brains at any one time. All of the brain has a known function.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:57 am
by KLM
reddenedone wrote:Humans learn how to harness the entire 100% of their brains. (as opposed to the 10% we're supposed to use now.)

Well, judging from the fact, that after a night out, I do not forgot
to walk or speak, I suspect, that the unused 90% is very
handy for damage control/redundancy.

shiiv-a wrote:all governments are matriarchs and there is no war and world peace abounds

I miss to see the connection :D

I mean Maggie Thatcher (for example) was a woman, as
Hatsepsut, Queen elisabeth and so on. For each female ruler
I can cite a war or two.

Althought it is possible, that instead of your "old fashioned"
war, female rulers would resort to blackmail, assasination
and so on.


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:31 pm
by shiiv-a

he asked for possibilities. i offered some. i won't offer again, enjoy tooting your own horns then guys.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:50 pm
by taalismn
The Persians slaughter the allied Greek forces at Salamis and successfully invade Greece, demolishing the democracies there...

The Vikings successfully colonize North America...

The American Evangelical Movement is given pause in the late 1980's when suspiciously accurate meteor showers obliterate the studios of the leading televangelists....

A former German courier in the trenches of WW2 and amateur painter, is lauded as a cartoon talent in Austria, and goes on to a successful career as a childrens' book illustrator...

Victor Frankenstein's creation is invited to speak before the English Parliament....

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:48 pm
by Greyaxe
Friendly aliens visit earth before the great cataclysm. Many planets are colonized thanks to gifts of technology. These ailens then return to visit after the Cataclysm and now have to select a global power to support....

They take out thoes nasty mutants in orbit preventing humanity form once again reaching for the stars.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:23 pm
by DhAkael
-Prosek actualy is a great humanitarian AND inter-species diplomat. Forges an aliance with Lazlo & Tolkeen, smashes the EVIL fedearation of magic, puts the leadership of Free-Quebec against the wall and blows them to atoms, and has the frogs ACCEPT the fact they are part of north america and NOT a distinct culture. Then the united North American Coalition goes on to be a bastion of unity on Rifts Terra.

-Splycryth wins. 'Nuff said.

-Technology is actually the way it's supposed to work (none of this 4000ft max range for 99% of the weapons..jeez! What was KS smoking?).

-Space is NOT blocked off by some contrived, idiotic, completely absurd plot-hammer-device, and the orbitals and the re-emerging nations of Earth unite to make the best of a bad situation.

-Demons truly ARE demonic, and faith is the only deffense. Normal weapons do NOTHING to the infernal. :D

-Vampires aren't Hollywood cheesey and are truly terrifying (moving water does nada to these guys..and you don't have faith? Whoops! Too bad! You're lunch-meat).

-Palladium books doesn't try to go back on their "Megaversal" concept, and Wolfen ARE wolfen are Wolfen...PERIOD! :x All the original dragons are back, and all the normal cyberware implants and spells are back in place like they should be in the R:UE, instead of being co-opted by 'Authors Notes'.

-The Empire of Brittania rises again to conquor the world! Thatcher was actulay an Immortal avatar of the appocalypse demon 'War'! ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:01 pm
by Carl Gleba
DhAkael wrote:-Prosek actualy is a great humanitarian AND inter-species diplomat. Forges an aliance with Lazlo & Tolkeen, smashes the EVIL fedearation of magic, puts the leadership of Free-Quebec against the wall and blows them to atoms, and has the frogs ACCEPT the fact they are part of north america and NOT a distinct culture. Then the united North American Coalition goes on to be a bastion of unity on Rifts Terra.

Ok, maybe not the most PC thing to say, but I still LMAO!!!


Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:34 pm
by taalismn
Athens invents the dice-roll RPG and incorporates it as a necessary facet of democracy...over a thousand years later, GB Jr. loses FloridaCon when he rolls a critical fumble on a 'To Strike' roll and the GM rules his Barbarian Warlord has cut off his own feet with his magic ax...thus losing the Presidency...

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:10 am
by Giant2005
Gene Splicers come to Earth and mutate the hell out of prehistoric humans.

The Forge is still being controlled by the one.

Prometheans have noses

The "Lord of the Deep" is known as the "Lord of the Land"

Vampires are hurt by darkness (instead of sunlight)

Splurgoth are a force of good

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:50 pm
by JTwig
Braden, GMPhD wrote:

All of the Cursades are succesful. .....

If all the Crusades were succesful, then wouldn't it be Cursade since there would have been only one. :-D :lol:

Plus, I think the "Lord of the Deep" should be "Lord of the Shallow", not "Lord of the Land". :-D

Re: Alternate Dimensions

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:38 pm
by JTwig
duck-foot wrote:Ok im going to run an alternate dimensional campaign and i need some ideas (please keep them short and sweet)
Ive already got down.
Dinosaurs never went exinct. became sapient humanoid species
All male Humans have died off due to 3rd world war and plague
Japan and Germany won WW2
Rome never fell
Egpyt never fell
Alien invasion
Confederacy won civil war
Aztec empire never fell
Naploeon conqured Europe
and many others but what im looking for is your ideas.

Einstein was not jewish, and was one of Hitlers top advisors and trusted friend.

Magic has always existed and is publicly known. Only it is seen as old fashioned (and a little fascist) when compared to technology, were mass production and standardized education has allowed everyone to operate on a more equal footing.

The fork and spoon were never invented separately, only the spork exist.

Vanilla taste like chocolate, and chocolate taste like vanilla (I know, scarrrrrry)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:25 pm
by shiiv-a
technology hasn't progressed past the steam engine for power, and everything is stuck in the victorian era.

hmm ... thats been done in the heavy metal magazines if you need to get an idea. then i gues that would be infringeing on copyrights or something?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:38 pm
by cornholioprime
Splynncryth still captures Atlantis after it re-emerges; meanwhile, cooler heads than Nostrous Dunscon's and those of the Coalition High Command, come to power.

Under the watchful eye of the Vanguard, humanity climbs out of the Great Cataclysm with the combination of Golden Age Tech, Magic, Psionics, and Techno-Wizardry.

As word of the humans' achievements spread, the True Atlanteans return, and share their even more advanced technology and magic with the Humans of Earth. Soon, North America's NEMA Armies field magical tattooed men by the millions, backed up by crack troops in Nema TW Chromium Eagles and elemental-powered Glitterboys that never need a power pack recharge.

As all this goes on, Splynncryth the Anarchist sends a peace envoy to the Magic Nation of North America and a truce is reached; after members of North America's High Command are taken on a tour of Splynncryth's three entire planets' worth of troops, they are more inclined to believe him when he tells them to keep Atlantis off limits even if they don't agree with what goes on there; even the true Atlanteans are cowed and drop their plans to take Atlantis once they see how truly powerful he is.

Later, ARCHIE reveals himself to the world at large; he quickly gains the public's favor by being one of the only known storehouses of Pre-Rifts world history. As time goes on, under the expert tutelage of magical grandmasters, ARCHIE properly learns magic and the possible consequences of using same. With his ultra-fast processing capabilities and ability to actually think at speeds many times that of a human, in time ARCHIE becomes one of the greatest magical grandmasters in the Megaverse, rivaling the magical knowledge of such beings as Belimar, Hecate, and even Odin himself.

ARCHIE is unanimously elected President of North America not long afterward.

Splynncryth, meanwhile, remains true to his word; he has no incentive to back down on the peace treaty, since the trade in magic and magical knowledge raises the Splynn Market to undreamed-of heights of fame and profitability. As the people of Earth soon find out, a profit-rich Splugorth is a happy Splugorth...and Splynnie ain't so very bad a guy as his species goes.

AND THEN.......

Hela, who has sucessfully and finally crafted for herself a new, inhuman body, leads the now magically-enhanced Mechanoids to Earth as the first stop in a campaign of Megaversal Genocide.......

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:23 am
by taalismn
shiiv-a wrote:technology hasn't progressed past the steam engine for power, and everything is stuck in the victorian era.

hmm ... thats been done in the heavy metal magazines if you need to get an idea. then i gues that would be infringeing on copyrights or something?

Nope, it isn't....HM(or Metal Hurlant as it was originally known), didn't originate the 'Steampunk' genre.....Check out the movie 'Steamboy', or Gibson's novel 'The Difference Engine', among many fascinating takes on this idea....

But, what if the Victorians created the atomic bomb(or similar nuclear device) before fully understanding its implications and underlying physics?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:41 am
by Lagos
I dunno if its been posted already but, the Duncon's dad doesn't attack the CS and they unite as one.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:19 am
by KLM
taalismn wrote: But, what if the Victorians created the atomic bomb(or similar nuclear device) before fully understanding its implications and underlying physics?

They would be radiation proof to begin with :D


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:10 am
by KLM
Darkmax wrote:are we still talking PW or Rifts?....

Alternate Earths mainly, but sometimes alternate 3 Galaxies.

"et ab Ungarorum nos defendas iaculis"


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:07 pm
by gaby
WW2 is U.K and France vs USSR over Middle East,Germany and Italy are Neutral and US fights only Japan.

CS is like Starship Troopers.

CCW and the TGE are a smaller size and Newer.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:50 pm
by taalismn
Mars successfully colonized by United Nations before Coming of Rifts. Damage on Mars contained(no mutant insects running around) and the planet becomes a fallback position for forces stranded in orbit(with the Moon serving as a staging area)...Orbitals fail to factionalize under the unified command of the UN-in-Exile...Centuries later, MEMA(Martian Eagle Military Alliance) stands ready to launch Operation Normandy to acquire beachheads on Earth and commence the 'liberation' of the planet....

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:13 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:Mars successfully colonized by United Nations before Coming of Rifts. Damage on Mars contained(no mutant insects running around) and the planet becomes a fallback position for forces stranded in orbit(with the Moon serving as a staging area)...Orbitals fail to factionalize under the unified command of the UN-in-Exile...Centuries later, MEMA(Martian Eagle Military Alliance) stands ready to launch Operation Normandy to acquire beachheads on Earth and commence the 'liberation' of the planet....

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:22 am
by Aramanthus
I'm not sure if anyone thought of these. It's late for me with my new shift.

What if the Roman Empire never fell and are still around with Ultra modern technology.

What is The Empire of Alexander never fell.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:51 pm
by Greyaxe
Darkmax wrote:what if all the "sub-species" of humans never went out of existence?.....

Good one. We would have Hobbits running arround.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:34 pm
by taalismn
The Muslims take Vienna and conquer Europe....

The Earth acquires a second moon during historical times....

Rather than establish Constantinople as the 'Second Rome', the Roman Empire chooses London instead....

Martin Luther is assassinated.

Martin Luther King becomes Preisdent of the UNited States....

Mexico wins the Texas War of Independence...

It's discovered the Earth REALLY is hollow....

A British nuclear aircraft carrier and escort group emerges from a sudden the middle of the Spanish Armada...

Three Mile Island goes critical, irradiating large portions of the American Eastern Seaboard....

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:33 am
by Aramanthus
Hope your enjoying them! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:07 pm
by taalismn
Global Catastrophe buries the Earth in a new Ice Age....only a handful of enclaves(constituting some .05% of the original world population) survive, predominately magically-shielded communities at Moscow, London, Rome, and Japan(of course!) that are now fighting for possession of the scant naturally ice-free equatorial regions...
Meanwhile, deep within an ice-shrouded New York City, a Rifted group of Madhaven mutants and others are turning the lights back on....

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:49 pm
by taalismn
Second Coming of Christ....Unfortunately, he gets busted for obstructing traffic, gets a psych evaluation, and is subsequently institutionalized....

...Next to 'Satan'.....

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:50 pm
by shiiv-a
sad huh?

einstien has had some of his theories and formula's proven wrong ... and thats real life .. so why would they want his brain hooked up to a comp?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:06 pm
by taalismn
shiiv-a wrote:sad huh?

einstien has had some of his theories and formula's proven wrong ... and thats real life .. so why would they want his brain hooked up to a comp?

So Hawking could gloat....

But what if Einstein WASN'T proven wrong and he HAD stumbled on a fundamental and inalienable truth of the universe?
How would Humanity react if parts of Einstein's theories hadn't been proven wrong, and that is theories were the end-all of physics?

Or what if the Einstein in this particular universe(not our own) somehow went further and discerned certain other properties of it, and actually came up with the foundations(if not the actual equations) for practical anti-grav and other wonders? The Cold War might have gotten even colder(or hotter) with revelations of the USA possessing A-G tech...or zero-point energy....Or would Einstein have revealed such worldshaking discoveries to EVERYONE?

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:12 pm
by DhAkael
Castlerock...Maine, exists.

...and Steven King goes for a visit when the PC's get D-ported through a random rift :D

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 1:36 am
by shiiv-a
*god ... don't remind me ... now HOW to get out of the house and disarm it? ... aha .. the wild card with nothing really left to loose. man i really hate putting my char on the line like this .. *shrugs* oh well .. should be interesting ...

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 4:50 am
by Aramanthus
Ho9w about a world filled with Super heros and Super Villians.

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:03 pm
by taalismn
An Earth that co-exists with three or more other versions of itself slightly out of phaze with each the other worlds appear as ghostly images or ghosts that walk through solid matter...the worlds really can't touch, but they can communicate (albeit with some difficulty) by sign language....

Imagine the paranois of being watched in your own home by voyeurs from another universe who you CAN'T have arrested...and have to fear that that your intellectual properties or personal information is being stolen by somebody hidding in plain sight and conveying that information to confederates in YOUR universe....

Imagine being a police officer who works with your ghostly opposite numbers to prevent crimes like the above from taking place...

Imagine seeing crimes taking place, people being hurt who you can;t help...because ypu cannot reach out to them....

Now every now and then, at certain times, and at certain places(primarily leyline nexuses) the worlds CAN touch, materialize, and a giant version of Phazetowns.....and scientists in the various worlds are studying how to make it possible(or impossible) to do that at any time....

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:08 am
by 9voltkilowatt
taalismn wrote:An Earth that co-exists with three or more other versions of itself slightly out of phaze with each the other worlds appear as ghostly images or ghosts that walk through solid matter...the worlds really can't touch, but they can communicate (albeit with some difficulty) by sign language....

Imagine the paranois of being watched in your own home by voyeurs from another universe who you CAN'T have arrested...and have to fear that that your intellectual properties or personal information is being stolen by somebody hidding in plain sight and conveying that information to confederates in YOUR universe....

Imagine being a police officer who works with your ghostly opposite numbers to prevent crimes like the above from taking place...

Imagine seeing crimes taking place, people being hurt who you can't help...because ypu cannot reach out to them....

Now every now and then, at certain times, and at certain places(primarily leyline nexuses) the worlds CAN touch, materialize, and a giant version of Phazetowns.....and scientists in the various worlds are studying how to make it possible(or impossible) to do that at any time....

That makes for a setting with even more creep factor then NightSpawn. It would become all the more frightening if the inhabitants of one of the parallel worlds began to develop Meta-powers of some sort! :eek:

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:45 pm
by shiiv-a
lets see ... *tosses a couple of ideas to the wind*

all 'modern' tech [aka, anything past the medieval ages] doesn't work. its rendered inert and incapable of movement

the planet sucks up all PPE like a sponge. PPE wont recharge when its been cast. and ISP is rendered inert.
[ to ensure that pc's use skills to survive and do things than do the cope out and rely on other things other than brains ...

to traverse the systems .. they need to cross thru the chaos realms ... masses of fluffy pink clouds that constantly shape change and attempt to get you off the trail/track and get lost and remain lost

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:36 pm
by taalismn
shiiv-a wrote:lets see ... *tosses a couple of ideas to the wind*

all 'modern' tech [aka, anything past the medieval ages] doesn't work. its rendered inert and incapable of movement

the planet sucks up all PPE like a sponge. PPE wont recharge when its been cast. and ISP is rendered inert.
[ to ensure that pc's use skills to survive and do things than do the cope out and rely on other things other than brains ...

to traverse the systems .. they need to cross thru the chaos realms ... masses of fluffy pink clouds that constantly shape change and attempt to get you off the trail/track and get lost and remain lost power, no internal to animal and tension power...windmills and maybe some biofuels....Combine it with NO magic, and things look grim for any advanced civilization(certainly nothing that could support the sort of population densities of today)...maybe they raise hydraulic power to a new art?

How about a solar system/pocket dimension that really does work along the Ptolemic model lines of nested concentretic crystal spheres?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 12:20 am
by Giant2005
taalismn wrote:
shiiv-a wrote:lets see ... *tosses a couple of ideas to the wind*

all 'modern' tech [aka, anything past the medieval ages] doesn't work. its rendered inert and incapable of movement

the planet sucks up all PPE like a sponge. PPE wont recharge when its been cast. and ISP is rendered inert.
[ to ensure that pc's use skills to survive and do things than do the cope out and rely on other things other than brains ...

to traverse the systems .. they need to cross thru the chaos realms ... masses of fluffy pink clouds that constantly shape change and attempt to get you off the trail/track and get lost and remain lost power, no internal to animal and tension power...windmills and maybe some biofuels....Combine it with NO magic, and things look grim for any advanced civilization(certainly nothing that could support the sort of population densities of today)...maybe they raise hydraulic power to a new art?

How about a solar system/pocket dimension that really does work along the Ptolemic model lines of nested concentretic crystal spheres?

Sounds like Splicers and they aren't so grim. Well they are grim but that is a little more about the army of robots trying to exterminate the human race than their lack of technology and magic.