Misfit KotLD wrote:9voltkilowatt wrote:Did anybody stop to think that its not really upto the dragon as to wether they become a Nightlord, it's the Darks choice. And theres not much of a chance that it will suddenly pick a strong-willed, independent supernatural creature when it can offer that power to a lesser being who will have no true comprehension of what they just agreed to. One is the pawn of virtually every being with even a hint of power while the other managed to secretly lead the rebellion against the Old Ones!
Theories be damned, let common sense tell you how it is.
So why are there only two nightlords with any traffic with the Dark?
As far as I can tell, the most logical answer would be because Moloch kills every other Nightlord who tries. Moloch's clearly a dude who doesn't take threats to his authority kindly. He's ganked other Nightlords for trying to rebel, he's ganked other Nightlords for refusing to do what he tells them, and he's presumably ganked quite a few Nightlords just because they looked like they were getting too big for their boots. Hell, he downright encourages them to compete among themselves and turns a blind eye to them killing each other as long as they don't destabilise his rule. He uses a combination of ruthless brutality and an environment of fierce competition to ensure that nobody becomes a threat to his rule.
Meanwhile, let's look at Mocker. He signed up as a Nightlord some time near the dawn of ancient Egypt, yet he didn't develop the same sort of connection to the Dark as Moloch until the early 20th century. He went to what would have to have been some of 4000 BC Nightland's least desirable real estate: Russia. He then spend the next
six thousand years staking a claim as far as possible from Moloch. He'd have had to wait millenia before any cities in his part of the world got large enough to spawn Nightlands versions of themselves. And when the place finally had some assets worth looking at, he'd have had to spend pretty much the entire most recent two thousand years fending off the various Nightlords from China, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe who tried to muscle in on his territory, gradually building his power base and accumulating more vassals and doing a delicate balancing act of keeping Moloch's influence in his territories to a minimum while not seeming too independent to suit Moloch's tastes.
Basically the only reason a second Nightlord with a link to the Dark exists at all is because that second Nightlord spent six thousand years quietly building an empire and becoming the second most powerful Ba'al in the Nightlands before he finally decided to go balls-out and forge that link. If he hadn't built up such an unassailably strong position, Moloch probably would've bamfed in and ganked Mocker ninety years ago.