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RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:20 am
by sHaka
Robotech Macross Saga vol.1! well excited!

I 've never seen RT at ALL and all this fuss about re-acquiring the licence got me interested, been doing a lot of reading up on it on wikipedia and decided to take the plunge.

Hopefully I'll love it and have more books to buy! My wife will be thrilled :-D

**NOTE** Spoilers below for other newbies like me!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:19 am
by MikeM
Welcome aboard.
Im sure you will love it.
(the animation is a little dated, but the story is still fantastic)


Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:26 am
by Rayven
I agree with MikeM completely.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:11 am
by sHaka
I hope so, looking forward to getting the whole saga.

Out of interest, how child friendly is the series? Could my six year old nephew watch it ?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:48 am
by Snuffy
I've never watched with keeping an eye out for stuff I wouldn't want a child to see. People die throughout the series (nobodies and main charcters). And without giving up the entire story, a lot of people die at one point. I'm not sure how a six year old would handle that.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:28 am
by sHaka
OK, I'll wait until the media has softened him up slightly before letting watch it.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:02 am
by sHaka
wow! just found out that my favourite mech from Battletech - The Archer - was inspired by the Spartan Destroid! awesome 8-)

Do they make much of an appearance in the Macross saga?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 8:03 pm
by MikeM
Yeah it's actually featured in an episode near the end of the Macross portion of the series. The lead character Rick Hunter pilot's it.

Other than that it just mostly in the background.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:18 pm
by Kagashi
Most of the Macross scenes that are "child unfriendly" have been edited out of Robotech. Id say your 6 year old will be fine with this one.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 6:19 am
by sHaka
Kagashi wrote:Most of the Macross scenes that are "child unfriendly" have been edited out of Robotech. Id say your 6 year old will be fine with this one.

Oh ok - It's actually just arrived in the post today so, wife and baby permitting, i'll give it a play tonight! :)

The cover on the DVD box is a little different to what I was expecting though. The picture on Amazon for the extended remastered version was of a veritech in robot mode toting a gun of some description. The version that arrived has some chap on the cover (I imagine it's Rick Hunter from what i've read here) - possible a new design for the current run or some such.

Anyway, RT, here I come! 8-)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:12 pm
by MikeM
Im not sure because I dont have my DVDs at work, but I think Rick Hunter is on the cover of the box of Volume 1. Volume 1 has 2 DVDs in it and the cover on the case of DVD 1 is of a Veritech...I think.


Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 6:38 pm
by sHaka
Well I've watched the first seven episodes now and I must say, it's pretty cool stuff - it's age shows for sure, but there is a gripping story underpinning it all.

My initial worry was that as I never grew up watching the show like the majority here, I wouldn't be able to get into it without that nostalgia factor. But, I've certainly enjoyed what I've seen so far and I'll definitely be looking to get vol.2 asap.

My only criticisms are perhaps to do with "realism" (though I'm aware this is sci-fi). There seem to be an inexhaustible supply of veritechs aboard the SDF-1 at the moment - the bridge crew are constantly remarking on how x squadron is wiped out - how many does the SDF-1 carry? The info hasn't come out in the show yet. Also, they seemed to whip up the city inside the SDF-1 pretty quickly and attached those aircraft carriers, two weeks seems a bit far fetched even for future earth tech augmented with Robotechnology

Plus, what was that giant tuna all about?!?!

Other than that, a great start and I can feel the addiction setting in!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 11:01 pm
by Sgt Anjay
None shall question the TUNA....IN.....SPAAAAAACE!

Tuna are a very big fish. Quite yummy. That one stayed pretty intact on folding out to Pluto, but that is the mystery of the great Space Tuna. :lol:

You'll have to excuse me, in an odd mood....

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 6:04 pm
by sHaka
Ok just finished the first 12 episodes and it really is getting awesome now - can't believe I'm going to have to wait till I can afford vol.2!

Now I see what the fuss was about, about from Minmei's singing that is!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:08 pm
by taalismn
I don't know what's better...remembering the 'oh wow' feeling I got watching Robotech for the first time..
or watching somebody else go through the thrill for the first time... 8)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 10:37 pm
by Novastar
According to the RPG, the SDF-1 carries about 140 VF's initially, but ratchet's that up to about 250 over time.

I always figured that the reason for the discrepancy in how many civilians were aboard the SDF-1, was due to 80,000 being saved at Pluto, but only 70,000 making it back home... :shock: (not a canon stance)

Remember too, that after ever battle they have a fresh source of scrap metal to manufacture from (thanks, Zentraedi!)... :P

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 11:59 pm
by Novastar
Nulsyn wrote:
sHaka wrote:I hope so, looking forward to getting the whole saga.

Out of interest, how child friendly is the series? Could my six year old nephew watch it ?

I watched on Saturday mornings when I was 5-6 years old!

Same here. :D

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 4:44 am
by sHaka
One thing that puzzled me though, at the end of the episode Miss Macross, Rick's in that Battleoid that gets pretty mashed up - we don't actually see him get back safetly to the SDF1 and during the next episode (Blind Game?) Lisa Hayes spots the wrecked machine in a field of debris and it looks like there's a pilot in the cockpit - what was that about? Maybe I missed a key bit of dialogue or something?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 2:21 pm
by devillin
You know, I always wondered about that myself.

Maybe he just got out and walked home. :?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 11:27 pm
by Alpha 11
Just wanted to say, welcome to the Robotech world! And just to warn you, be prepared for some wow times and some sad times.

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:16 am
by sHaka
Alpha 11 wrote:Just wanted to say, welcome to the Robotech world! And just to warn you, be prepared for some wow times and some sad times.

Cheers mate!

So, once I finally work my way through Macross, it's onto Masters right? How do the two compare out of interest - is the animation similar? Storyline as good? I've read a bit about Dana, but don't want to uncover any big spoliers!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 10:17 am
by MikeM
Southern Cross is probably the least favourite of most Robotech fans.
I personally love it. (Nova Satori rules!)

Yes it goes

Macross Saga
The Sentinels Movie (It was included on a bonus disk in the original DVD realease)
New Generation
The Shadow Chronicles

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 11:54 pm
by devillin
MikeM wrote:Southern Cross is probably the least favourite of most Robotech fans.
I personally love it. (Nova Satori rules!)

I love it too. I love the fact that while it is just as bubbly as the other two parts, it is a serious war story. I also love the fact that despite the fact that they were outgunned and out-teched, the ASC still managed to kick the Robotech Master's @$$ despite everything they had going against them. Something about their phyricc victory that just touches my heart.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 1:29 am
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
sHaka wrote:How do the two compare out of interest - is the animation similar?

The animation style is different (well, the character art). As far as animation is concerned, it has the best overall quality of the 3 series that make up Robotech.

Storyline as good?

Thats subjective. There ae no love triangles and the angst is of an entirely different calibre than Macross. Its also far darker in many cases when you get down to it. Its also far more subtle than Macross, with many themes only partially touched upon (The 'Body Snatcher' element being the most obvious one).

More than anything its just plain different. If you're looking for a retread of 'The Adventures of Rick Hunter', you're not going to find it here. Be patient with the story as it gets moving somewhat slowly. However, in my opinion, it does more character development in a far shorter period of time (24 episodes compared to 36).

I've read a bit about Dana, but don't want to uncover any big spoliers!

First and foremost. realise that Dana is not simply Max and/or Miriya 2.0. She is a badass in her own right, even if she acts like a typical 'flakey' blonde 16 yr old. It may take a while for you to like her or recognize her growth as a character (which reached its penultimate, in my opinion, during Mind Games).

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 6:50 pm
by sHaka
Cheers for the above on the Masters!

Just ordered Macross vol.2 - come on Amazon, arrive by Monday!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:52 pm
by Alpha 11
sHaka wrote:Cheers for the above on the Masters!

Just ordered Macross vol.2 - come on Amazon, arrive by Monday!

Go to hear! Even though Sothern Cross it my least favorit of the 3 chapters, I still love it and enjoy it. You have just got to love those hover tanks! And Dana is cool too!

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:42 pm
by Novastar
I think SC suffers the worst for being re-written for an American audience.
From what I've pieced together over the years, SDC:SC had a much better story, than the SC portion of Robotech...

But Hovertanks are cool, no matter what! :D

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:40 am
by sHaka
Well it arived yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to see much other than some cross-dressing zentraedi!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:35 pm
by panzerfaust
sHaka wrote:Well it arived yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to see much other than some cross-dressing zentraedi!
:lol: Chuckes... I remember that.... Chuckles..... :lol: Darn it, every time I have the money to buy the series, it seems I have to spend it on some unexpected necessities. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:22 am
by sHaka
Haven't had much time to watch the rest of Vol.2 yet, but....

Roy Fokker!!! NNNOOOOOO!!! (kinda saw it coming)

Ben Dickson!!!!! NNOOOOOOO!!! (Didn't see it :( )

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:13 am
by MikeM
I think that's one of the things I loved about Robotech. Is that important characters died. You didn't see them jump out of their vehicles at the last minute like G.I Joe.

I remember being so bummed out when Ben died. Probably because it was over the Ontario Quandrant which is were I live!


Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:22 am
by sHaka
Me again :D

Well, Haven't picked up the required vol.3 of Macross saga yet, but I'm hoping to purchase the entire robotech saga boxed set soon (and flog the two volumes I bought seperately).

But... I have just bought Shadow chronicles. A bit out of sequence I know, but just had to see it before I got my mits on the RPG - seen the first 20mins.


Come on printers!

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:43 am
by The Galactus Kid
Yeah I bought the complete series and the Shadow Chronicles one day during my internship and Wayne Smith and I went to best buy. It was a good day.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:01 pm
by Aramanthus
That is a great deal! Enjoy them! It's well worth the price! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:42 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
sHaka wrote: Plus, what was that giant tuna all about?!?!

Pacific Tuna get that big.
They reach up to 10 feet (3 m) in length and can weigh 1,200 pounds (555 kg).

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:50 pm
by Kagashi
Gotta say, ive enjoyed reading about you watching Robotech for the first time. Its kinda cool and reminds me of when I saw it the first time as well!

It was my first saga I ever followed. Each episode was based on the last one...something other cartoons of the day didnt do.

It also makes me remember when I had a crush on....Minmei...*shudder*

Yeah I know...I look back now and say "What the heck was I thinking?" but to a 6 year old boy, she was the cats meow!

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 4:51 am
by Aramanthus
Robotech was like my third or fourth anime series I follow after I discovered it. Which was after the RPG originally came out. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:16 pm
by Pax Concord
Well, this thread has inspired me. I'm thinking that I'll upgrade from my dubbed-off-scife-network, missing several episodes, recorded in EP-mode VHS tapes of the Robotech Masters, for a new set of DVDs. It's time.

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:56 am
by sHaka
Just arrived today - the entire Robotech saga dvd box set! REsult! :D Only £23 which isn't bad, and I can finally watch the whole series before I get my copy of RTSC :ok:

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:51 am
by Kryzbyn
Woot! Another RT fan in the making.
I too missed growing up with Robotech...
They chose to show Battle of the Planets and Starblazers where I RT lovin :(
I didn't get introduced to it until my best friend since 3rd grade (i'm 34) introduced it to me at the age of 19. Shortly there after, I played my first RPG ever: Robotech RPG. Been hooked ever since.
It's awesome seeing your reactions to the Macross Saga, becasue I remember them myself! I started watching it and was hooked since the first firing of the reflex guns on the SDF-1 in Booby trap!. I spent an entire weekend watching all of the macross episodes back-to-back. Then worked my butt of so I could order the PB edition of Southern Cross (I had all 8 tapes :)), which is my favorite of the three, because I think the war seemed more real...and the VHT's kick much arse. And Dante laughing at that horrible movie :bandit:
Anyhoo, welcome to the club mate :P

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:18 am
by Aramanthus
Nothing wrong with a late start! I had a late start with Robotech too. I got the RPG before I ever saw an episode.

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:29 pm
by Carl Gleba
sHaka wrote:Just arrived today - the entire Robotech saga dvd box set! REsult! :D Only £23 which isn't bad, and I can finally watch the whole series before I get my copy of RTSC :ok:

You'll have to give us your impression of the series sHaka. Like many of the others I discovered Palladium by purchasing the Robotech RPG. Been hooked ever since. I have to say too watching RTSC just reignited my passion for Robotech.

Here's to many hours of enjoyment :ok:


Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:47 pm
by Arnie100
Dang it, sHaka, you made me wanna watch it again! I got the big@ss protoculture edition of the entire series! Must watch again...time for a Robotech marathon!!! By the way, welcome aboard, sHaka, and have fun watching and playing Robotech! Like we all do!

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:52 am
by sHaka
... well, raced through disc 1, vol 3 of Macross.

I was surprised the big showdown with Dolza's fortress happened so soon (which was awesome :ok: ) as there were still so many episodes left to go. Loved Max and Miriya marital team up and their colour coded VF-1Js (?). That's one thing I've noticed, the series never really goes into depth on the various models of mecha used, you have to do a bit of interweb research on that - I imagine having the orginal RPG sourcebooks or novels would help on that one too.

I never realised this series would deal with the aftermath in such depth. I assumed it would do the typical "we've beat the bad guys, all ends well, man gets girl, roll credits" but I'm really enjoying the post-apocalyptic vision of Earth with the uneasy cohabitation of humans and Zentradi. I couldn't believe the total carnage inflicted by Dolza's fleet on the Earth - 4,000,000 ships :eek: . I knew the Earth was in for a bit of a spanking, but on that scale! Pretty hard hitting stuff when you see citizens getting vaporised too :( . That earth based mega cannon rather evened the score somewhat! I suppose the mutual mass destruction theme was quite topical back in the 80s.

And boy do I hate Lyn Kyle, the ungrateful alcoholic lefty swine! :x

Next up - Khyron's Revenge, work/life/baby/wife permitting!

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:21 am
by Lenwen
RT as well as Splicers are the only two games I've yet to seen being played or tested out by myself personally ...

Having said that I am curious .. Is RT compatable with Rifts or the rest of the Megaverse or is it off on its own like ManHunters and Recon ??

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:37 am
by Novastar
ArmySyko wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Having said that I am curious .. Is RT compatable with Rifts or the rest of the Megaverse or is it off on its own like ManHunters and Recon ??

Binary Answer: Yes. Oh, it'll work with Rifts. We ran MDC campaigns all the time with stuff flown in from RT. The Rifts Conversion Book 1 provided rules and I'm sure you could find threads on the pros and cons of those. Nothing like a TechnoWizard with a VT in his hands.

The scale of range and damage has been debated a ton. You can look around for it.

Southern Cross & Next Gen work better for RIFTS, than Macross (the technological divide isn't as steep).

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:41 am
by Lenwen
Novastar wrote:
ArmySyko wrote:
Lenwen wrote:Having said that I am curious .. Is RT compatable with Rifts or the rest of the Megaverse or is it off on its own like ManHunters and Recon ??

Binary Answer: Yes. Oh, it'll work with Rifts. We ran MDC campaigns all the time with stuff flown in from RT. The Rifts Conversion Book 1 provided rules and I'm sure you could find threads on the pros and cons of those. Nothing like a TechnoWizard with a VT in his hands.

The scale of range and damage has been debated a ton. You can look around for it.

Southern Cross & Next Gen work better for RIFTS, than Macross (the technological divide isn't as steep).

Thank you both :-D for such fast responces heh

When you said the Tech divide isn't as steep .. I take it thier light years ahead of civilization on Rifts earth then ?

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:01 pm
by Tiree
I think the Shadow Chronicles is by farm the most compatible book dealing with Rifts. The only problem lies in the fuel supply. The fuel supply issue was not as big of a problem in the Older books, as they tended to last a Year, while now it's about a month.

As for the technological divide - it really falls down with the aircraft, and skills of the average Robotech Character versus a Rifts/Coalition Character. When you can get into a Beta and fly at Mach 8 around the world, it becomes a bit awkward to say the least.

In my Rifts Campaigns - unless your utilizing aircraft the maximum distance you are going to get is around 300 to 400 miles per day (more than likely less) unless you are on one of the main roads between coalition cities - then you can get up to 1000 miles per day. A difference of going 30mph versus 80mph (or better).

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:45 am
by sHaka
Well... Finally finsihed the Macross saga.. :(

Overall, I'd have to say it's pretty darn awesome :ok: Sure it's a bit cheesy and dated in places, but the story line carries it. It's certainly made me anticipate the macross sourcebook, assuming I can get hold of a copy over here. I really liked the final, bitter-sweet episode. Bitter that the story was finally over, but sweet that that was jut the first act in saga :) Pretty sad to see Minmei running off into the burning city, even if she was a bit annoying. :cry:

On to The Masters - I'm at episode 43 already and i'm really enjoying this! I really like the Spartas and the pace of the story and the art work is rather decent, certainly an improvement on Macross. How many gratuitous shots of Dana in the bath/shower do we need - nearly caused an at work incident, but luckily my minimise skills are still sharp. :oops: So far this could be shaping up to my favourite robotech war. :-D

Re: RT Newbie Just ordered..

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 6:37 pm
by Sgt Anjay
sHaka wrote:So far this could be shaping up to my favourite robotech war. :-D

Welcome to the dark side :twisted: