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Question for Open House GM's...

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:29 am
by NMI
How many of you are still writing up pre-gens/NPCS/etc...???
I know I am. (slacker that I am)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:20 am
by Braden Campbell
Since I'm now running three events, which means a total of at least 25 characters... I still am.

However, I should be done by tonight.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:44 am
by Reelman
My characters are finished but still trying to complete backgrounds. Also working on details, props, story tweaks. I just play tested my Saturday Rifts games last night, it went well but needs a few adjustments. Instead of finishing my games stuff not to mention packing, here I sit surfing the OH forums, I can't wait :D

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:50 pm
by J. Lionheart
I've already got all the characters and NPC's made, I'm simply in the process of making them pretty (typed instead of hand written, or formatting issues).

I ran a loose form of my game as a play-test with my gaming group about 6 weeks ago, so have had all the stuff since then. I believe in play-tests!

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:57 pm
by Spectre
Yeah, I still slack. This week is going to be fun. :? Typing up all the PC's (NPC's can stay on notebook paper for all I care), making the final adjustments to map, and finishing minis. Plus I have finals.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:03 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
I still have 4 pre-gen P.C.s and all the NPCs to roll up for my V.I.P. friday game.

Only one of my BTS After Hours games is started. Though that's not as big of a deal as I feel that BTS is most conducive out of all Palladium games to improvisational GMing.

~ Josh

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 5:44 pm
by Warwolf
Me. But what's new? I'm sure I'll still be working on my game Thursday and Friday. :-(

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:27 pm
by Xar
Yup, still working on my pregens.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:56 am
by Xar
The beautiful thing is that I'm in all day meetings tomorrow and Wednesday. So that's two lunches down.


Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:23 pm
by Grand Paladin
Yeah, I've got a TON of pre-gen to work on- we just bought our first home and moved in last weekend. So things are in shambles.. I think I can pull it together by the weekend.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:01 pm
by J. Lionheart
It may be a little late for this, but here's a nice secret for helping get pre-gens done, and getting a better final game as a result.

Run a play-test with your normal gaming group. Explain to them in advance what sort of a scenario it is, and what sort of things might be useful/appropriate for it. Acknowledge that the game may need some tweaking, as it is in test phase, but that you want to see how it goes...

Now tell them to make characters for it.

"Allow" them to start off at an advanced level (whatever level you want your pre-gens). "Allow" them they can pick X additional amount of cool equipment (whatever amount you want for your pre-gens). They'll feel like they're getting to make a fun character to use for a one-off, and you get lots of free labor. Play the game through, using those characters, then collect the character sheets.

Tweak whatever didn't work (Oops, don't want them to have THAT spell!) and give them what they need to succeed (Hmm, they could have used a person with auto mechanics). So long as your players aren't the type that look on character generation as a chore, you get instant pre-gens, valuable feedback on sticky spots in your game, and a bunch of fun.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:24 pm
by NMI
Unfortunately my regular group is newbs to Heroes Unlimited and my other group hasnt touched Heroes at all. (All though they do play PFRPG). But you are right, it is a good idea.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:15 pm
by Spinachcat
Gadrin sent me a file with 350 fully done Phase World characters. They are all statted out with a very clean format so they look great.

Email me and I will pass along the goodness. I will also try to remember my zip drive at the Open House just in case people need characters for pickup games.

I will be posting my Rifts Rapa Nui characters on the forum under my Open House Characters thread so everyone is free to grab those as well.

- R

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 8:49 am
by Jason Richards
I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:11 pm
by Reelman
Jason Richards wrote:I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Not going to wait until game time to do characters like last year?

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:13 pm
by Braden Campbell
Just to brag... I'm all done.

25 totally complete characters, 7 keepsake booklets for the main Saturday game, four flight manuals for the Flying Fang game after hours on Sat.


Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:19 pm
by The Galactus Kid
I'm a slacker

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:46 pm
by Rabid Southern Cross Fan
Im lazy too, but I have an excuse. This past month (April) was Hell on Wheels since I had to spend almost every single day I was supposed to have off (and this is not an exaggeration) either working (because the other person working for my client called in sick) or spent dealing with family (specifically commuting back and forth between the Tampa area and Atlanta) because my Mother decided she wanted to move back to Florida.

I hope to get the writeups mostly done during the bus ride up to Michigan and type them out on my laptop (Im bringing my laptop and a printer).

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:06 pm
by The Galactus Kid
I'm planning a wedding, and trying to get my masters degree at the same time. I will get married 3 weeks after the OH, and my head is about to explode.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:28 pm
by Jason Richards
Reelman wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Not going to wait until game time to do characters like last year?

Quite possible. :) I went to lunch instead of working on it today, so more and more time without it being done is slipping away.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 3:57 pm
by NMI
Reelman wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Not going to wait until game time to do characters like last year?
I did the same thing last year. Heck, I had the players finish out the characters for me. But they had fun. Hopefully they have as much fun this year as they did last.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 4:45 pm
by Warwolf
The Deific NMI wrote:
Reelman wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Not going to wait until game time to do characters like last year?
I did the same thing last year. Heck, I had the players finish out the characters for me. But they had fun. Hopefully they have as much fun this year as they did last.

Add me to that pathetic list. Although, I don't think my players had as much fun... :-(

This year, I'm committed to having evreything in order by Friday night. It helps that I'll have Friday day to write. :)

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 7:05 pm
by NMI
Warwolf wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:
Reelman wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Not going to wait until game time to do characters like last year?
I did the same thing last year. Heck, I had the players finish out the characters for me. But they had fun. Hopefully they have as much fun this year as they did last.

Add me to that pathetic list. Although, I don't think my players had as much fun... :-(

This year, I'm committed to having evreything in order by Friday night. It helps that I'll have Friday day to write. :)
Yeah I plan on having Friday to write up any last minute pre-gens, npc's and make actual game notes. ( I keep changing the game idea, making sure that I stick to 4 hrs and not run into 7+ hrs like last year).

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:46 am
by Eryk Stormbright
Warwolf wrote:
The Deific NMI wrote:
Reelman wrote:
Jason Richards wrote:I've written background text on 20 characters in the last two days, and am now statting them out. I'm pushing this one to the wire, boys... let's see which of you ends up with hand-statted sheets that I write on the plane. :)

Not going to wait until game time to do characters like last year?
I did the same thing last year. Heck, I had the players finish out the characters for me. But they had fun. Hopefully they have as much fun this year as they did last.

Add me to that pathetic list. Although, I don't think my players had as much fun... :-(

This year, I'm committed to having evreything in order by Friday night. It helps that I'll have Friday day to write. :)

hey it was still cool, what we got to rp of it *g*.. but i'm sure this year will be Much better since i know you have most everything done :lol:

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:10 pm
by J. Lionheart
Hmm, let's see, I just finished printing off 128 pages of Character Sheets and Player Packets for my Valley of the Pharaohs game. I think I'm going to try and whip out some bonus material tonight, but I'm not sure yet. It could be fun. I just want to make sure the VotP intro session has a good lesson plan prior to working on fluff for the game portion. The fluff won't be very useful if the players don't understand the game!