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Is it really worth it?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:37 pm
by Shadyslug
I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:46 pm
by Rimmerdal
Yes, spring for it. Who knows when you might need it.

-It can make a good Coast
-To flatten leaves or folds out paper.
-to balance on your head
-to toss kittens about in a game of Kittenton (like tennis, only with Kittens..

Serouosly it's worth the bones you'll spend. allot of the game ideas blend well with other games, and they have snazzy art.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:42 pm
by Nxla666

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:44 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
GO FOR IT!!! :D :)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:48 pm
by Ravenwing
I guess I'll be the only negative voice on the subject.

Why you ask?

Well I just prefer the old layout. I admit that some of the OCC's got some better abilities, and alot of behind the scenes writer notes were in it. But most of whats in R:UE is in the other world books, except bionics, that section got shorten so bad that without the gionics book I bet playing a borg or partial would be difficult. Maybe just me but thats my two cents.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:25 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
Personally I saw buy it. It's well worth it.

I bought two copies myself (1 for me and 1 for my son).

I like it a lot better than the original.

But, then again my opinion is biased seeing as how Rifts is my favorite RPG and I truly believe that Palladium Books is the only RPG company truly dedicated to it's players and not a price gouging corporate owned money maker *cough*Wizards*cough*.

Just my humble but biased opinion :-D .

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:51 pm
by Ravenwing
Chuck McDaniel wrote:

I truly believe that Palladium Books is the only RPG company truly dedicated to it's players and not a price gouging corporate owned money maker *cough*Wizards*cough*.


I whole heartedly agree to that :ok:

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 10:51 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

Get it.

I don't play anymore either, but it's nice to have.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:45 pm
by Sureshot
My advice is to get a second printing of the book or wait for the errata for the first printing to pe posted.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:09 pm
by Novastar
Pick it up!
Come to my game at ConQuest SF!!!


Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:28 pm
by Mithrindir
Seems to me if you are not playing and just enjoyed the reading material they may not be a big reason to pick up this book. Just wait till the next RIFTER or book to come out.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 1:38 pm
by DocS
Ok, I'll also play Devil's advocate...

If you already have the original rulebook, RUE doesn't change the rules that much, so it's not really worth the big price tag to get the rule changes, especially since most of the stuff is written for the original rules anyway.

RUE has some additional text, with some nice color plates in the middle (Art from the card game), but not that much new concepts and ideas. At least, not enough to warrant the big price tag (That is one *expensive book!*). It just seems to me a bit of a waste to lay out that much money for a book, the majority of which you already have. However, if you want to just start, and you don't own any rifts books. Then start with the RUE.

RUE is *expensive!*, isn't it the most expensive book PB makes? I'd not buy a book like that unless it was all new!

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 2:06 pm
by Lord_Dalgard

35.95 is not expensive...that is at least $4 below industry fact, it's probably more, because the $39.99 h/cs from other companies are about 2/3 the size of the RUE.

Buy the book! ;)


Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 5:37 pm
by Warwolf
Darkly Dreaming Sureshot wrote:My advice is to get a second printing of the book or wait for the errata for the first printing to pe posted.

If you direct order from Palladium, I'm pretty sure you get the second printing now. I totally forgot to check the ones they had stocked at the OH to see the new color art... :-(

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 8:58 pm
by DocS
Lord_Dalgard wrote:Chello!

35.95 is not expensive...that is at least $4 below industry fact, it's probably more, because the $39.99 h/cs from other companies are about 2/3 the size of the RUE.

That doesn't follow.

35.95 can both be expensive *and* industry standard. Except industry standard is 35+$ for a book with whole-ly new material. Or at the very least, a completely new edition.

35.95 for an expansion from the previous that doesn't even earn '2nd edition' status? As much as I'd like Palladium to flourish as much as the next guy, I have a hard time getting behind that when I already have a rifts main book. Similarly, the Rifts Ultimate Sourcebook one.... useful, unless you already have sourcebook one, then you're essentially paying for mostly material you already have. Some new concepts, some new pictures, but mostly stuff you've already purchased.

If you don't have a Rifts main book, I say go for it. But if you already have a rifts main book, spend the 35$ on Palladium supplements you don't already have. PB gets the cash, you get completely new supplements, everybody wins.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:59 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Definitely pick it up.

It is without a doubt well worth the pricetag, even if you are only buying the books to read them.

~ Josh.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 10:28 pm
by Sureshot
Warwolf wrote:If you direct order from Palladium, I'm pretty sure you get the second printing now. I totally forgot to check the ones they had stocked at the OH to see the new color art... :-(

Thank you for pointing that out. You can get the second printing from PB.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:28 am
by Shadyslug
Novastar wrote:Pick it up!
Come to my game at ConQuest SF!!!


If you build it...they will come!!!

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 5:30 am
by verdilak
Darkly Dreaming Sureshot wrote:My advice is to get a second printing of the book or wait for the errata for the first printing to pe posted.


I say get it. I'm compleatly happy with the one I bought and I would consider it a necessary book.

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 11:10 am
by Greyaxe
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

If you dont play you dont need it.

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:03 pm
by Nxla666
Greyaxe wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

If you dont play you dont need it.

But then if you want to play you need it.

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:04 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Greyaxe wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

If you dont play you dont need it.

Technically, because he doesn't play at all, he doesn't need to pick up any book from PB

However, Shady is one of the gents that buys the books simply to read/collect them (as he noted).

And in lieu of that: pick it up Shades! :D

~ Josh

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:07 pm
by Library Ogre
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

If you dont play you dont need it.

Technically, because he doesn't play at all, he doesn't need to pick up any book from PB

However, Shady is one of the gents that buys the books simply to read/collect them (as he noted).

And in lieu of that: pick it up Shades! :D

"In light of that", Josh. "In lieu of that" would mean "In place of that".

This is what happens when they let Yankees get a hold of the English language.

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:14 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Mark Hall wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

If you dont play you dont need it.

Technically, because he doesn't play at all, he doesn't need to pick up any book from PB

However, Shady is one of the gents that buys the books simply to read/collect them (as he noted).

And in lieu of that: pick it up Shades! :D

"In light of that", Josh. "In lieu of that" would mean "In place of that".

This is what happens when they let Yankees get a hold of the English language.

I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:16 pm
by Shadyslug
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:23 pm
by Nxla666
Shadyslug wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Odd, I didnt see an excess of cursing or the word "youse" in his posts. :lol:

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:33 pm
by Library Ogre
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:I've been resisting it...but I need to know...

Is it really worth getting R:UE?

Seriously folks...I mean...considering that I don't really play anymore...and all I do is...ummm...collect the books and occasionally read them...

Do I spring for it or do I just live without it?

If you dont play you dont need it.

Technically, because he doesn't play at all, he doesn't need to pick up any book from PB

However, Shady is one of the gents that buys the books simply to read/collect them (as he noted).

And in lieu of that: pick it up Shades! :D

"In light of that", Josh. "In lieu of that" would mean "In place of that".

This is what happens when they let Yankees get a hold of the English language.

I don't speak English, I speak American.

Even that's debatable.

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 1:57 pm
by Shadyslug
Nxla666 wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Odd, I didnt see an excess of cursing or the word "youse" in his posts. :lol:

That would be Bostoneanese...

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:02 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Nxla666 wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Odd, I didnt see an excess of cursing or the word "youse" in his posts. :lol:

That would be the Brooklyn subset of the New York Dialect.

The dialect I speak has its roots in the Bronx and in Italian expressions and mannerisms..

Which means that I don't pronounce the "R" sound at the end of here (Get out of hea'), pronounce "Gre" as "Ger" (so it is "Gernade" instead of "Grenade" and "Gernada" instead of "Grenada"), "forget" becomes "foe-get," and that I actually use words like mook, schmuck, and schlep. (though the latter have their roots in Yiddish, which has also colored my dialect).

~ Josh

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:06 pm
by Nxla666
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nxla666 wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Odd, I didnt see an excess of cursing or the word "youse" in his posts. :lol:

That would be the Brooklyn subset of the New York Dialect.

The dialect I speak has its roots in the Bronx and in Italian expressions and mannerisms..

Which means that I don't pronounce the "R" sound at the end of here (Get out of hea'), pronounce "Gre" as "Ger" (so it is "Gernade" instead of "Grenade" and "Gernada" instead of "Grenada"), "forget" becomes "foe-get," and that I actually use words like mook, schmuck, and schlep. (though the latter have their roots in Yiddish, which has also colored my dialect).

~ Josh

Thats why I love Illinois, no accent. :lol:

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:08 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Nxla666 wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nxla666 wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Odd, I didnt see an excess of cursing or the word "youse" in his posts. :lol:

That would be the Brooklyn subset of the New York Dialect.

The dialect I speak has its roots in the Bronx and in Italian expressions and mannerisms..

Which means that I don't pronounce the "R" sound at the end of here (Get out of hea'), pronounce "Gre" as "Ger" (so it is "Gernade" instead of "Grenade" and "Gernada" instead of "Grenada"), "forget" becomes "foe-get," and that I actually use words like mook, schmuck, and schlep. (though the latter have their roots in Yiddish, which has also colored my dialect).

~ Josh

Thats why I love Illinois, no accent. :lol:

What're you talking about?

You guys pronounce the name of your own state wrong.


~ Josh

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 2:13 pm
by Nxla666
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nxla666 wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:
Nxla666 wrote:
Shadyslug wrote:
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I don't speak English, I speak American.


~ Josh speak New Yorkenese...

Odd, I didnt see an excess of cursing or the word "youse" in his posts. :lol:

That would be the Brooklyn subset of the New York Dialect.

The dialect I speak has its roots in the Bronx and in Italian expressions and mannerisms..

Which means that I don't pronounce the "R" sound at the end of here (Get out of hea'), pronounce "Gre" as "Ger" (so it is "Gernade" instead of "Grenade" and "Gernada" instead of "Grenada"), "forget" becomes "foe-get," and that I actually use words like mook, schmuck, and schlep. (though the latter have their roots in Yiddish, which has also colored my dialect).

~ Josh

Thats why I love Illinois, no accent. :lol:

What're you talking about?

You guys pronounce the name of your own state wrong.


~ Josh

At least we can spell it. :P

Re: Is it really worth it?

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 3:14 pm
by Library Ogre
Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:Which means that I don't pronounce the "R" sound at the end of here (Get out of hea'), pronounce "Gre" as "Ger" (so it is "Gernade" instead of "Grenade" and "Gernada" instead of "Grenada"), "forget" becomes "foe-get," and that I actually use words like mook, schmuck, and schlep. (though the latter have their roots in Yiddish, which has also colored my dialect).

I'm still waiting for verification that you actually speak American.

Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 7:57 pm
by Vinny
I think the cover alone is worth the purchase.