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Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:18 pm
by Carl Gleba
Welcome to the boards Vorlon Servant. :ok:

I don't know what the status is either. I know Carmen was going to work on it, but not sure how far along he is.


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:31 pm
by Josh Sinsapaugh
Keep in mind that the latest Press Release is mainly for products that will be coming out relatively soon. A more exhaustive and far looking Press Release will be out next week,

Whether or not Lazlo will be on it remains to be seen. Carmen is supposedly writing it though.


Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 7:54 pm
by Ravenwing
The hippies living in Lazlo decided to save the trees and not make a book :lol: :lol: :lol:

j/j I to am wondering the same thing.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:55 am
by Chuck McDaniel
I believe it's supposed to come out around the time that rabbits write books and men are but a myth :lol: .

All joking a side, Palladium is doing their best unfortunately (or fortunately) they aren't the mega-publisher that witches....I mean, no wizards, yeah Wizards of the Coast are :D.

I'm sure it will be well worth the wait.

I just hope that Plato gets p.o.ed at Ms. Nosey-Know-it-all and eats her.



Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 7:01 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
At least when you buy a Palladium book you don't feel like you've just been mugged.

Especially when you compare the price of a WotC book to the amount of pages in it.

I would rather have a well, done reasonably priced book that is late comin' out than a price gouged one that isn't (IMHO) near the quality of a Palladium book.

I'm not calling Palladium a savior by any means. They are just better with player relations and and fair prices.


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:19 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
Alejandro wrote:It depends on the book you're buying. When you consider the artwork in each book versus the two companies as well as rule cohesion and the balance between fluff and substance, Palladium can often feel like a ripoff.

I still love it, but there are tons of problems that fill pages that could have been cut out. A thousand carbon copy OCC's does not mean a diversified setting and selection. Needing to buy a copy of Beyond the Supernatural to find out about the Perception rule and how to use it is a ripoff. There are tons of things I feel are messed up regarding PB and filling a book with useless fluff does not make a book suddenly a better value. Take the reality that every WotC book is in full color and almost no PB book even has color beyond the cover.

Both companies have their ups and downs...but what you get from each is a lot more equal than you'd think.

I can see your point.....but I really don't care if a book is in full color or not.

The thing about WotC is the same problem TSR started after Gygax left. A damn book for everything under the sun.

PB has had very few (compared to TSR and WotC) books that you have to buy to go with another. Take WotC psionics' handbooks.

How many are there now? Look at how small they are and how much artwork takes up word space, and they want around $40 per book.

I refuse to buy anymore WotC books due to the price. They care only about the money they can make and not "how can we make this affordable for the customer".

And the artwork isn't all that great anymore (IMHO).

When was the last time that the CEO of WotC told you in a post how things were going or thanked the fans for something.

I personally will pick PB over any other RPG publisher any day. When I come on these boards I feel like I belong.

I don't expect everyone else to feel the same as I do. I think it's great that we have so many people with differing opinions on how well Palladium does.

I am not trying to ram my ideals down anybodies throat. I just think that a lot of publishers could learn from Kevin and crew. And I like Fluff :-D .

Thanks, Chuck

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:24 pm
by Sureshot
Alejandro wrote:Que?

We're talking about the same company that has its rules spread across multiple books of multiple genres, does not put its rules online, updates its errata about once a year (if that), and is reknowned for delays that stretch into the years, right? I like Palladium...but please PLEASE don't act like they're some kind of saviors to the RPG world.

Agreed and seconded.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:21 pm
by Ravenwing
::Darkstone:: wrote:
As for the Artwork, well, as far as I'm concerned it's in the eye of the beholder. Some people look at a Pollack painting and see nothing but amaturish crap while others hold it in high reguard. I look at Duchamp's work and think he was lazy, others think he was a genius. I look at most renassance paintings as little more than boring wastes of canvas, with a few exceptions of course, but others see nothing but mastery in them. Art is subjective. What you don't like, someone else obviously did, and what I like you may hate..

Agreed, and agreed. Myself I'm a comic fan, and I'll admit, I buy it for what I consider Art. Yes I'll buy a book with very poor characters if the arts good.

And for me I like the art in both. But Wotc books(to my mind atleast) seem awaste anymore. Yes theres great work in many Wotc products, but it isn't worth the price tag attached. IMHO atleast anyway.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 2:56 pm
by Talavar
Geting back to the original topic, I for one sure hope Rifts: Lazlo is coming soon! For an area in the relative heartland of Rifts North America, and for a place referenced as often as Lazlo, we know next to nothing about it, especially considering its been a known location since the original Rifts book was published. I think everywhere else listed in that first book has since got a more-thorough examination by now, except Lazlo, and possibly New Lazlo.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:09 am
by ApocalypseZero
Talking with Carmen at the Open House......

He took time away from writing for Palladium to finish his children's book. I can't remember the details, but I believe he said something about finishing it for someone in his family. Either way, he did tell me that he has a good chunk of work on Lazlo started.

It's still alive, just on the backburner for something more sentimental at the moment.

Please remember, this was from conversations with Carmen at the Open House. Small details may change.

Don't need you all going lynch mob on me. :D