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Re: Medic!

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 5:41 pm
by Rockwolf66
ISS Inspector B. Brother wrote:In my current game the group is a CS squad with a NPC Medic (using the CS Technical Officer OCC with Medic MOS). However, the standard equipment listed is pretty generic. So I have been looking through the medical equipment as described on pp. 263-264 of RUE. What do you think the CS would issue to a field medic as standard medical equipment?

Thanks in advance.

As a side question: Do you think the CS would put an additive in their medicine that would make it poisonous to non-humans?

First off Read:Force Recon Diary 1969 by Major Bruce H. Norton (Ret) for referance. the best information he was given was that he was not going to be treating patients long term. just long enough for them to survive untill dustoff.

secondly my firend Mark Cook came up with This. it's for a different game system but it's very accurate as to what one would find in a medical vehicle. A Former Trama Surgeon said the following about the page.
Ah Mark,

You came through where a lazy bastard such as myself would not (I knew someone would scream and do it for me!)

That page and the ajoining pages are pure sex on a stick. Thankyou deeply for your addition (although I would just 5x some of the disposable things like needles and stopcocks, since we use them up alot faster than you would expect.)

Thankyou, Danka, Hey yeah!


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:50 pm
by Mack
For fun you could make the Medic a minor psychic with a couple powers from the Healing category.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:49 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
okay this is all you need......

One bullet (for the grunt to bite on)

Whiskey (pain killer and antiseptic)

Now have the grunt bite the bullet, then pour two shots of whiskey (for your self and some on wound), then find a non-injured stop and break a bone there thus transferring the pain :clown:


Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 12:28 pm
by Blight
Portable Bio-scan (this thing is awesome) 58lbs, RMKs (Lots of them.), IRMSS (each hold 48 surgical robot with 4 uses so a few of them as well) Comp-drug Dispenser, and lot of protein Healing Salves.. all are on page Pg 246-247 RMB
It the future isn't grand!

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:14 pm
by Greyaxe
Chuck McDaniel wrote:okay this is all you need......

One bullet (for the grunt to bite on)

Whiskey (pain killer and antiseptic)

Now have the grunt bite the bullet, then pour two shots of whiskey (for your self and some on wound), then find a non-injured stop and break a bone there thus transferring the pain :clown:


Golly, are a...great medic.... :shock:

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:50 pm
by Prince Artemis
Greyaxe wrote:
Chuck McDaniel wrote:okay this is all you need......

One bullet (for the grunt to bite on)

Whiskey (pain killer and antiseptic)

Now have the grunt bite the bullet, then pour two shots of whiskey (for your self and some on wound), then find a non-injured stop and break a bone there thus transferring the pain :clown:


Golly, are a...great medic.... :shock:

Well, there's always the dark ages medicine. Namely, if you stub your toe, cut the foot off. If you have a headache, flu, ect, slice their wrist and bleed them. There was a medic in Louisburg that used to chop off hands for tooth aches....

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:59 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Prince Artemis wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
Chuck McDaniel wrote:okay this is all you need......

One bullet (for the grunt to bite on)

Whiskey (pain killer and antiseptic)

Now have the grunt bite the bullet, then pour two shots of whiskey (for your self and some on wound), then find a non-injured stop and break a bone there thus transferring the pain :clown:


Golly, are a...great medic.... :shock:

Well, there's always the dark ages medicine. Namely, if you stub your toe, cut the foot off. If you have a headache, flu, ect, slice their wrist and bleed them. There was a medic in Louisburg that used to chop off hands for tooth aches....
but I'll bet you forget all about that toothache after

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:06 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:
Prince Artemis wrote:
Greyaxe wrote:
Chuck McDaniel wrote:okay this is all you need......

One bullet (for the grunt to bite on)

Whiskey (pain killer and antiseptic)

Now have the grunt bite the bullet, then pour two shots of whiskey (for your self and some on wound), then find a non-injured stop and break a bone there thus transferring the pain :clown:


Golly, are a...great medic.... :shock:

Well, there's always the dark ages medicine. Namely, if you stub your toe, cut the foot off. If you have a headache, flu, ect, slice their wrist and bleed them. There was a medic in Louisburg that used to chop off hands for tooth aches....
but I'll bet you forget all about that toothache after

Well, I tehl ya thar sssooonnnyyy. That's how duh Corpsmen usta do us when I whas in da Marine Corps back in 19 and 94.

Anht we liked et. We felted privileged to 'ave gotten that. Up hill en duh snowz boff ways. Dats how John Wayne wooda wanted et.

ChucK :lol:

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 10:53 pm
by Rockwolf66

Major Bruce H. Norton you are not. :-D

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:08 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
Rockwolf66 wrote:Chuck,

Major Bruce H. Norton you are not. :-D

What? A Marine?

Yes sir I was. 0311

As for medic or John Wayne......

My dad was the Combat Medic and John Wayne is my alter ego.

MOUNT 'EM UP COWBOY!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 9:13 am
by Library Ogre
Semisonic9 wrote:I think the Coalition and other tech-empires would definately try to steer minor, and especially major psionics with healing powers into these fields. The healing powers don't really require that much, or any Super powers to be effective, so Major psionics, especially, can be very capable.


I agree; and, at least, get them some training in that area so, even if their MOS isn't Medic, they're competent at it when the drek starts flying.