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Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:28 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
I would say no.

This is why-

Their body would probably reject any type of bionic change to it (TW or not) due to the physiological nature of their body.

But........then again if you are the GM. Then you make the rules on how stuff like that would work in your campaign.

Just my two cents :) .


Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:25 pm
by Dr. Doom III
Bionics yes. They of course would never want it.

Bio-Wizardry? Never. Won’t work. The same for Cosmo-Knights

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:41 pm
by Ravenwing
I always assumed that the TA's ability was more akin to immune to polymorph. Prob wrong, but thats always been my call on it when a player in my groups have played one.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:23 am
by Chuck McDaniel
:shock: Wow. I interpreted that wrong :oops:. Sorry for the bad advice.


Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:19 am
by Prince Artemis
Semisonic9 wrote:
Ravenwing wrote:I always assumed that the TA's ability was more akin to immune to polymorph. Prob wrong, but thats always been my call on it when a player in my groups have played one.

True. It does seem to indicate transformations in the physical sense, as in changing shape (to mist, etc). Since it's worded so expansively without any clarification on why or how the immunity is there, it's very confusing and open to interpretation, imo.

I'd tend to allow bio-wizard modifications on the same ground as I'd allow bionics, as physical modifications the TA has no means to defend himself from. Likewise, martial arts powers or other MDC "transformations" would be ok with me, as a GM.

It's hard to argue against physical (surgical phanges). And since some classes depend on the character being able to harden his body (martial arts classes, elemental fusionist, etc), it's hard to argue against that, too.

This would seem to lead to the conclusion it's a ban on shape-shifting powers. But, I have to admit, the wording in Atlantis is pretty strict. *shrugs*


Just a few things, only humans, not any of their off shoots, can become elemental fusionists period. That's made quite clear in their description.

Now, the way the atlantean's ability works, based on how it says all those bonuses come from dimensional travel, is the following.

Imagin traveling through the fabric of time and space using various door, most of which are unstable and uncontrolable. Now, these rifts are able to warp time and space so it stands to reason that some could warp any travelers going through it in bad and dangerous ways. The atlanteans have been dimension hopping for a millenia, so the immuity to transformation stems from their grown resistance to the ravages of spacial distortions.

What this means is that any mystical changes made, no matter what their power level, simply don't work. That would include bio-wizardry since the tanks and fluid are magical in nature. They would come out at the end of the cycle completely unchanged. They can't become CK's since that would be along the same lines.

That being said, any surgical changes would work. They don't regenerate so they can't regenerate them out, and nothing says they can't be surgically altered. If they couldn't be surgically altered than they wouldn't be able to altered in any way, meaning they would be bullet and blade proof too which is just stupid.

But then again, the transformation from sdc to mdc with tattoos still works on them, so in the end I just say they're a stupid race that was given shiney abilities for no reason without fulling thinking it out and as a Rule they don't exist in my game. I have a certain amount of patience for stuff to make sense, but this class is so off kilter that i just don't want to deal with them at all.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 8:25 am
by Giant2005
A definite yes to Bionics and a maybe to Bio-Wizardry (I'd personally say yes).
The reason I'd say yes is simple, the Atlanteans themselves seem to think they can undergo genetic modification, otherwise they wouldn't believe so intently that those humans in the Skraypers book were True Atlanteans because they have been modified to a massive extent, even becoming super-powered because of it.
I'm sure the Atlanteans themselves know their race and their limitations far better than we do, so I am willing to take their word on it that it IS possible.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 11:02 am
by Ravenwing
Semisonic9 wrote:
Ravenwing wrote:I always assumed that the TA's ability was more akin to immune to polymorph. Prob wrong, but thats always been my call on it when a player in my groups have played one.

True. It does seem to indicate transformations in the physical sense, as in changing shape (to mist, etc). Since it's worded so expansively without any clarification on why or how the immunity is there, it's very confusing and open to interpretation, imo.

I'd tend to allow bio-wizard modifications on the same ground as I'd allow bionics, as physical modifications the TA has no means to defend himself from. Likewise, martial arts powers or other MDC "transformations" would be ok with me, as a GM.

It's hard to argue against physical (surgical phanges). And since some classes depend on the character being able to harden his body (martial arts classes, elemental fusionist, etc), it's hard to argue against that, too.

This would seem to lead to the conclusion it's a ban on shape-shifting powers. But, I have to admit, the wording in Atlantis is pretty strict. *shrugs*


I also could have sworn the Sunje sometimes get bio-wizard implants. I'll have to look.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:44 am
by Giant2005
Ravenwing wrote:I also could have sworn the Sunje sometimes get bio-wizard implants. I'll have to look.

Without bothering to look, I'm going to assume you are wrong. The Sunaj purposefully keep themselves covered head to toe, permanently so they don't get identified as Atlanteans.
Disrobing so they can undergo a Bio-Wizard transformation doesn't cater to that...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:24 am
by demos606
The Splurgoth know full well what Sunaj are considering they are Splurg minions (per Atlantis). Disrobing for a biowizard makeover wouldn't both Sunaj in the least if they need biosystems or just an extra edge beyond what their impressive tattoo count gives them.

Re: True Atlanteans...can they be partial-conversions?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 7:13 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Semisonic9 wrote:Topic.

I'm thinking they were captured by a Splugorth High Lord and subjected to involuntary bionic conversion, possibly with some TW bionics the High Lord had been wanting to test out.

Also, can they undergo Bio-Wizard MDC conversion? This is a real sticky-wicket for me. According to Atlantis (pg 16), they basicly can't be "transformed" by any means. I take that to mean their physical shape cannot be altered. Clearly they can be made MDC via magic tattoos, and, I would imagine, spells or martial arts abilities, as long as their shape doesn't change.

Imo, they can definately have their arms chopped off and replaced with bionic limbs. They're relatively puny SDC humans, after all. Whether a MDC conversion would be successfull is unclear to me.

(no, the same character will not undergo both, btw)

i would say no, but perhaps those BW were experimental and the creator is now dead and the sercet is dead with him

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:59 pm
by Greyaxe
Semisonic9 wrote:See, imo that only works for creatures with significant automatic bio-regeneration. The write up for Cosmo-Knights, for example, states that they cannot be subjected to bionic conversion because the CK will simply regenerate and force the bionics out of his body. TA's have no such ability, other than the possible protection of the racial protection from transformation, which has no mechanical explanation (bad writing, imo).

That brings up another interesting question: Can TAs become CKs? Why, or why not?


Bionic conversion= yes
MDC transformation=no