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The Hat Method for Character Creation

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:45 pm
by UR Leader Hobbes
So my friend Moe calls me last night letting me know that he's gonna be starting up a campaign. But unlike normally when we create our own characters everything is gonna be done literally with a draw of the hat. RCC and OCCs will all be the luck of the draw.. So he asks me to pick three of each to have tossed into the hat.

So while I figure everyone will be picking all of the popular races and some of the more powerful combinations I opted to go the other direction.. I figure it will give the others a chance to expand their RPG skills from the usual..

My choices were



I sooo hope someone pulls Trog Noble. :lol:

So anyone else ever do any sort of random character creation?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 2:22 am
by verdilak
I wrote up nubmers in my book, so you roll a d20 or d100 to decide your race and class. Works pretty well, though I usually give them 2 rolls and they can pick which they'd prefer.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:03 pm
by Goliath Strongarm
verdilak wrote:I wrote up nubmers in my book, so you roll a d20 or d100 to decide your race and class. Works pretty well, though I usually give them 2 rolls and they can pick which they'd prefer.

Used to have a list of all teh races and classes. And a breakdown for actual percentages for how common they were. Made players roll randomly for a few times. After all, you don't really CHOOSE what race you're born as, do you?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 5:36 pm
by Lukterran
The characters Race/Species is actually different than an RCC.

From Page 13 of the Main Book;
Occupational Character Class (O.C.C.): This is the character's educational background and occupational training. It will indicate specific skills, skill selections, goals, equipment, and salary.

An R.C.C. (Racial Character Class) is basically the same thing but restricted to a specific race.

And not all Races have R.C.C.s.

Sorry just a pet peeve.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 1:05 pm
by count zero
I've never been a fan of this type of randomness. If you like it and it's fun for you, by all means, knock yourself out. But if I'm sitting down to do some gaming, I prefer to play a character that's of my choice, that's of a class that interests me and has abilities I think I'd like to have.

It would be such a disappointment to ponder it and decide there'd be nothing cooler than to be a wizard with all kinds of magic I could never have in my normal day-to-day existence, or a bada** swordsman who can stand toe-to-toe with the fiercest of baddies, and then be told, "You're choices are Noble, Artisan, and Juggler but you don't really get to pick--it'll all be random chance that decides what kind of character you're getting."

True, a lot of what we are is an accident of birth, but c'mon. . .this is fantasy we're talking about. You pick up your character sheet and some dice and get to live out (in a sense) the kind of life you'll never otherwise get a chance to. And make some choices that allow you to have some exciting and fantastic experiences (however brief and imaginary) that the vagaries and demands and limitations our existence in this space and time won't allow us to have.

I'm not for abandoning such random elements as rolling for stats and so forth. And again--if you think it'll be fun and and everyone else is into the idea, I can't fault it. But I'd rather allow players (and myself) the ability to choose the essence of their characters and play someone they're fully invested in than thrust a part upon them and expect them to conform to something they may not be all that crazy about.


Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:39 pm
by bigmac8583
Goliath Strongarm wrote:Used to have a list of all teh races and classes. And a breakdown for actual percentages for how common they were. Made players roll randomly for a few times. After all, you don't really CHOOSE what race you're born as, do you?

do you still got those percentages?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:20 pm
by UR Leader Hobbes
Well it looks like it's gonna be a fairly interesting group.. We have..

Troll Paladin of Rurga
Raman Noble
Elf Wizard (Played by a player who has only ever played one elf ever)
Rahu-man Bard. (My character)

Should make for an interesting campaign.. I think the GM is gonna put it somewhere in the Wolfen Empire due to the high number of nonhuman friendly creatures..

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:09 pm
by lather
Keep us posted if you will.