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Lazlo, the Mythical city of Dreams

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:51 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
So all you anti-coalition supporters seems to love the city, but what do we ready know about this city of dreams

Re: Lazlo, the Mythical city of Dreams

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:19 pm
by Marrowlight
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:So all you anti-coalition supporters seems to love the city, but what do we ready know about this city of dreams

That it is made up of cotton candy and strippers.

oh wait, different city of dreams.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 2:49 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
mattyj77 wrote:
If they do make a dedicated sourcebook though I'm sure all my illusions will be shattered when it becomes apparent the whole shows run by some Alien Intelligence :-D

It is and Erin Tarn is it's foothold into Rifts: Earth :lol: .

Soooooo, Go CS kill the evil Erin Tarn and save Rifts: Earth :ok:


Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 3:02 pm
by Ravenwing
Chuck McDaniel wrote:
mattyj77 wrote:
If they do make a dedicated sourcebook though I'm sure all my illusions will be shattered when it becomes apparent the whole shows run by some Alien Intelligence :-D

It is and Erin Tarn is it's foothold into Rifts: Earth :lol: .

Soooooo, Go CS kill the evil Erin Tarn and save Rifts: Earth :ok:


:ok: Prosek supports this message.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 4:39 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
It's getting pretty big. That was stated in the aftermath book about taking in thousands and thousands of Tolkeen refugees and what not.

It's probably as big or equal to the capital of Tolkeen, but just think. "More tree hugger, less corrupt nastyness"

That being said they have a military force and stuff and arn't so stupid as to not KNOW they might be next in line. So they're probably gearing up, if secretly.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 4:48 pm
by Ravenwing
That would be kinda cool if Erin Tarn is a evil SI :twisted: . Say she has plans of dominating earth and is trying to paint a bad picture of the CS so that it is less likely they will recive aid form other nations. Ohhhh, I'm gonna run with that for my campign restart here next week.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 5:59 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
Ravenwing wrote:That would be kinda cool if Erin Tarn is a evil SI :twisted: . Say she has plans of dominating earth and is trying to paint a bad picture of the CS so that it is less likely they will recive aid form other nations. Ohhhh, I'm gonna run with that for my campign restart here next week.

DO IT! DO IT!!!!

We all know she's EVIL :demon: . And she's slowly corrupting Rifts N.A.

The Triax people have already had their brains washed into thinking she's Hot
:puke: !

She must be destroyed! She has already corrupted a Cyber-Knight into thinking her cause is noble :frust: .


Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:34 pm
by Ravenwing
My Erin Tarn SI write up is complete, she could smoke a sploogie in a heartbeat. As well as my CS death-knight write up :twisted:

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:44 pm
by Chuck McDaniel
Ravenwing wrote:My Erin Tarn SI write up is complete, she could smoke a sploogie in a heartbeat. As well as my CS death-knight write up :twisted:

Yes, my friend, Ravenwing.

Together we shall bring down the evil temptress "Erin Tarn" and save all of humanity.

Then, just then, will the d-bees and foul magic-users realize that they are indeed the inferior race and don't belong on "our" Rifts: Earth :twisted: !

Viva La Emperor Prosek :-D !


P.S. Can I get a copy of that CS Death-Knight write up :wink: ?

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:58 pm
by Ravenwing
Actually for my CS death-knight, I used the cyber-knight, but changed the Code.

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:08 pm
by Talavar
If there's another alien intelligence as the ruler of a major kingdom I'm going to scream, and if there's another alien intelligence as the ruler of a supposedly good civilization I'm going to punch somebody in the nuts.

Lazlo desperately needs a book of its own though, or at least to get described in a book. I mean, Rifts Canada basically said, "we're not going to talk about Lazlo, because it deserves its own book." Well, that's well and good, except that book doesn't exist. Lazlo is basically the major magic-based community in North America, as well as the community in Rifts Earth that's been presented as the most 'good,' but it's hard to do anything with in games without the GM making all the details up themselves.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:41 am
by Library Ogre
Ravenwing wrote:That would be kinda cool if Erin Tarn is a evil SI :twisted: . Say she has plans of dominating earth and is trying to paint a bad picture of the CS so that it is less likely they will recive aid form other nations. Ohhhh, I'm gonna run with that for my campign restart here next week.

Of course, don't forget that her books contain a subtle hypnotic suggestion to hate the CS and embrace magic and the DBees...

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 2:17 pm
by Ravenwing
Mark Hall wrote:
Ravenwing wrote:That would be kinda cool if Erin Tarn is a evil SI :twisted: . Say she has plans of dominating earth and is trying to paint a bad picture of the CS so that it is less likely they will recive aid form other nations. Ohhhh, I'm gonna run with that for my campign restart here next week.

Of course, don't forget that her books contain a subtle hypnotic suggestion to hate the CS and embrace magic and the DBees...

Already in there. 8-)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 2:25 pm
by Marrowlight
Ravenwing wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Ravenwing wrote:That would be kinda cool if Erin Tarn is a evil SI :twisted: . Say she has plans of dominating earth and is trying to paint a bad picture of the CS so that it is less likely they will recive aid form other nations. Ohhhh, I'm gonna run with that for my campign restart here next week.

Of course, don't forget that her books contain a subtle hypnotic suggestion to hate the CS and embrace magic and the DBees...

Already in there. 8-)

wait, she wrote the Siege of Tolkeen? ;)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:14 pm
by Toc Rat
We know that it is called the "Empire of Magic" in the core book, both the original and RUE. It is a democracy with a two house system. One is lead by a ancient great horned dragon and the other a human cyber-knight.

We know FQ would love to burn it to the ground and believe without a doubt that one day Lazlo will attack them but FQ, true to its beliefs of independance and isolationism, will not attack them first.

We know that New Lazlo was a town that got started by Lazlo during a archieological excavation.

I'd list its population as of Rifts :Aftermath but I am a few thousand miles away from my books at the moment.

The one really important fact we know is that we STILL don't have a book for it yet and if we ever do get it one, it had better NOT be a repeat of our wonderful Tolkeen book. Meaning, "Hurray we finally get to see this city they have been talking about since 1989 and the 1st printing of the core book!"...flips a few pages. "What?! They turn it to scrap?! Argh!!!!!"

While I have a soft spot for Palladium Books, that little stunt caused me to stop buying their books for many years. It was late in 2004 before I started buying them again. I'm not sure how long it would be if the Lazlo world book was done the same way, before I was able to buy another Palladium Books product.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:12 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
Siege of Lazlo : the Free Quebec story, I love it :D

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 10:45 pm
by Ravenwing
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:Siege of Lazlo : the Free Quebec story, I love it :D

FQ supports this message :ok: