DamonS wrote:you know, I did a whole analysis of CS notables, but I'll abbreviate it.
Which leads to inaccuracies.. but yeah I didn't look though 50 books either.
DamonS wrote:
For five years (1990-1995), the only CS noteworthy people depicted were white guys. All of them. Also all of the "Helmet-less" CS troops. All white, all male.
With CS War machine and Lone Star (1995-1996), it was expanded, and now we could compare generals. Same rank, high up in the CS.... the problem...
Generals is a good tool.
1) they're powerful and influential
2) There are enough of them to get a reasonable sample size.
All the generals who were drawn... white. The others who aren't drawn, mostly male (one female is mentioned)
See this is where you start loosing stuff.
DamonS wrote:Gen Marshall Cabot
Gen Ross Underhill
Gen Charles Baxter
Gen Loni Kashbrook
Gen Apollo Lucitonis
Gen Thomas Lopez
Gen Sean Oulette
Gen Reed (Gender unspecified)
--- So on gender, it's absolutely stilted. 6/1 On race, very probably so (at least the only ones worthy of pictures are white)
Then we get another general in Lone Star
General Ivan Kalpov, yet, another, white guy.
And Kashbrook is drawn as a Supermodel blonde woman (now we have more white generals, and a 7-1 ratio of men to women).
Ok I'm gonna interject here. Starting with my RuE I went a looking and things arn't quite as bad as they've been made to look.
Ross Underhill:: Male: White
Jericicho Holmes Male: Black
Charles Reed Baxter, General of the army. Male: Race UNKNOWN.
Marshal Cabot Male: White
Loni Kashbrook Female: White. (( and for the record, I looked her up last night, she's a 28 year vetran who's heralded as the ONLY person, in the entire CS that could pull Lone star together and make it fly right. Somethig 4 generals before her failed to do, like wise no where in the entire 3 or 4 pages on her does it say anything about her being a super modle blond other than a PB of 18 and having admierers, but then it says the same thing about Jericho Holmes... and he's not a bunny fru fru.))
Apollo Lucitonis. Male: UNKNOWN
Thomas Lopez Male: Gonna go out on a risky limb here and guess Latino but in truth it's another Unknown
Judge Bradley Martindale Male UNKNOWN
Tyer Wilpepper Male. Unknown.
Dr Victoria Lamsport Female Unknown
Dr Thomas Clinton Male Unknown
Col LJ Klonick Unknown Unknown
Professor Carla Korehura (Sp? Can't read my own notes)) Female Unknown
General Ford Unknown Unknown
Carol Black Female Unknown.
Desmond Bradford Male Black
Ivan Kalpov Male White
Dr Laura Cunningham Female White
Dr Ammanda Santiago Female Latino
Admirl Rene LeBlanc Male Unknown (( pic makes him look black on one side, white on the other))
Vice Ad Nathan Copeland Male Unknown, (( Pic could be Latino, White or Asian.))
Fletcher Sanders Male Unknown.
Michander Drogue Male Black
Kira Moss Female Unknown.
So that's 5 that are shown to be clearly Caucasian
Then there's 3 are shown to be African American.
Then there are 2 to be guessed as Latino
Then... here's the kicker. 14 Unknown to ethnic type. More than the others put together.
Even taking the ones we know. Fully half of them arn't white. Your numbers don't hold up when you look at the wider cross section of named CS members over the rank of Captain.
15 males
7 females
2 unknown gender
So even there, fully half of the named personalitys above the rank of captain are female. with two unknowns.
So, yes, there seems to be a proclivity to white males, but it's no where near, no where NEAR the way you're trying to present it. Half the ones we know are white. Not 9 out of 10. Half are males. Neither of which is what you're trying to present.
I could give a list like this....
Loni Kashbrook Female: White.
Jericicho Holmes Male: Black
Charles Reed Baxter, General of the army. Male: Race UNKNOWN.
Judge Bradley Martindale Male UNKNOWN
Tyer Wilpepper Male. Unknown.
Dr Victoria Lamsport Female Unknown
Dr Thomas Clinton Male Unknown
Col LJ Klonick Unknown Unknown
Professor Carla Korehura (Sp? Can't read my own notes)) Female Unknown
General Ford Unknown Unknown
Carol Black Female Unknown.
Desmond Bradford Male Black
Dr Laura Cunningham Female White
Dr Ammanda Santiago Female Latino
Michander Drogue Male Black
Kira Moss Female Unknown.
Which shows 7 males 7 females
2 white
3 black
2 Latino
But... as this list was chosen to (( Drasticly)) Proive a point, And show what I wanted it to.. suddenly the CS look fully racially and gender non bias....
See.. that's what you did with your list. You listed off some guys names. Skipped most of the gals, and just went "oh well they're all white"
Which you didn't have in evidence.
It's skewed data.
DamonS wrote:
By the time of Seige of Tolkeen (Rifts is Ten years old at this point)
In CS Overkill we get
General Miceander Drogue (White guy with a heckuva name)
General Jericho Holmes, yep, after ten years, the CS finally is depicted as having a black general.. sorta.. No picture or description of him is given in Cs overkill.. I presume it gives a picture in another SoT book, but in general (pardon the pun), the SoT books were reall bad! And I couldn't take 'em.
So, on the one hand, the generals are absolutely gender biased. As for race... well, for starters, CS Generals are mentioned in order of importance.
Already have addressed your purposefully skewed data on gender and the fact that the vast majority of race is "unknown" I'll step in here to go "WHat do you mean "For startes the CS Generals are mentioned in order of importance"
It's never said that. Ever. Nor has it implied that.
Kashbrook is a 28 year vetran and her write up says about 50 times how brilliant she is and how she's done the impossible in her command how she's strict but tactically brilliant, ect ect ect on for pages and pages.
Holmes... once defended an out post by himself when the troops flead. And in ONE DAY was credited with 230 kills, by himSELF. Alone.. aginst 300. Oh my god... In his career he's got over 1000 kills documented. That's uncanny. The highest sniper kill ratio in the US army for confirmed kills is 93. Holmes more than doubled that in one day. With 10 times that many and still active.. Just as with snipers, your "Confirmed" kills make up a ratio of your "actual" kills, sometimes half, sometimes far less. (( there's no true number to multiply by as it differs)) But it's safe to say Holmes has killed many more that wern't directly confirmed to his vibroblade or pistol. (( and no those 1000 don't count the ones he sent troops to kill. The book claims a PERSONAL 1000+ for him.))
Holmes also did the impossible and lead a field army though the Hivelands and came back in the final hour to WIN the Tolkeen war.
Now... saying the most important are listed first, just seems silly.
DamonS wrote:
And as you count down in order of importance, Gen Cabot, mentioned from the get-go! As is Underhill! Both so important they're statted TWICE and labeled not under "generals" but under "The Prosek Regime"! The years go on... Palladium feels the need to mention less important generals, like Baxter,
Less important? Baxter is one step under Prosek and general of the armys. There's only one. Him.
DamonS wrote:
on to Kashbrook (She's big in Lone Star... but Baxter can over-rule her on some matters).... then Kalpov (whos' really not that big of a deal.. subordinate to Kashbrook)... then we're getting to Drogue (in charge of a major military operation, useful for that, but Kashbrook runs an entire CS state, she's a bigger deal and was mentioned earlier)... and finally, we're well into a minor, low-selling, small part of a series of books.....
And only then do we get to a single general who's not white.
If there's a better analysis, please do it. But do it exhaustively.
Ok, so I sat down and looked though the RUE the CSWC, CS Navy and the Tolkeen war books.
It took me a while (( That's alot of pages)) but just doing that totally blows your stuff out of the water.
Yes.. Technically you're correct. It shows 5 white people to 5 other ethnic types so it's slanted a bit more to whites, with blacks comig in second and Latino's third. (( but then, that's about where our current population numbers are.))
The males and females in the military, yes the males have twice as many as the females, but 2 to 1 ratio of males to females in an armed forces is AMAZING. And far more than we have today.
But basicly the "unknowns' Have it. There's alot we can't account for and what we CAN account for doesn't back up the Super Nazi Regime you seem to be pimping for them.
Again, the books go out of their way to say how the CS hate DBees, how the Dog boys are seen a animals and never equal, how the PsyStalkers are second class citizens, but never, once can be shown to say they're sexist or racist in the books.
I just don't see them saying the other 100 times and leaving out sexisim and racisim if it's a MAJOR problem.
Sure.. some people are going to be idiots.. but then some people kill you for what imaginary guy in the sky you believe in. Idiots abound.
but your average CS citizen on the street, in the books isn't made out to be a bigot or misogynist.