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Why do YOU love Recon?

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:42 pm
by Aaryq
Lucky and I (and someone who isn't a member here) just started playing recon not too long ago. This game F*self edit*ing rocks. It is the bee's knees and the cat's pajamas.

I love Recon because you can create a character in under 10 minutes.
You don't have to roll to sing.
It's very fast paced during combat.
It's not all just action, there can be a lot of non-combat interactions and playing in character.
It's so much closer to reality. In standard Palladium rules, you can stack physical skills, choose the right OCC and take a point blank from a .44 Magnum without flinching. In Recon, you can get stabbed with a knife and almost die. This is good trash right here, you understand?

Why do you love Recon.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:58 pm
by Jefffar
Simplistic yet plausible game engine.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:14 pm
by Rockwolf66
it's easy to play and is fairly realistic. The only thing that I find wrong with it is the rate of fire rules. Having some experiance with a wide variety of small arms the hit rate they have for automatic weapons seems to indicate blind spraying.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:45 am
by GreenGhost
Rockwolf66 wrote:it's easy to play and is fairly realistic. The only thing that I find wrong with it is the rate of fire rules. Having some experiance with a wide variety of small arms the hit rate they have for automatic weapons seems to indicate blind spraying.

I agree with you completely. Being a former Marine Corp Heavy Gunner I know from personal experience how accurate an automatic weapon can be. They "can" be used for "spaying" and can be quite effective in that way as well, but it isn't its only function. With proper training they can be accurate as Hell.

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:51 pm
by Rockwolf66
GreenGhost wrote:
Rockwolf66 wrote:it's easy to play and is fairly realistic. The only thing that I find wrong with it is the rate of fire rules. Having some experiance with a wide variety of small arms the hit rate they have for automatic weapons seems to indicate blind spraying.

I agree with you completely. Being a former Marine Corp Heavy Gunner I know from personal experience how accurate an automatic weapon can be. They "can" be used for "spaying" and can be quite effective in that way as well, but it isn't its only function. With proper training they can be accurate as Hell.

I take it you have seen my sister shoot an L-7 GPMG(M-240G). There is nothing to humble a man like watching his older sister shred a target with a GPMG and out of a 100 round belt find 94 holes in the target.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:26 pm
by GreenGhost
Rockwolf66 wrote:
GreenGhost wrote:
Rockwolf66 wrote:it's easy to play and is fairly realistic. The only thing that I find wrong with it is the rate of fire rules. Having some experiance with a wide variety of small arms the hit rate they have for automatic weapons seems to indicate blind spraying.

I agree with you completely. Being a former Marine Corp Heavy Gunner I know from personal experience how accurate an automatic weapon can be. They "can" be used for "spaying" and can be quite effective in that way as well, but it isn't its only function. With proper training they can be accurate as Hell.

I take it you have seen my sister shoot an L-7 GPMG(M-240G). There is nothing to humble a man like watching his older sister shred a target with a GPMG and out of a 100 round belt find 94 holes in the target.

Nice! :P

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:14 pm
by Peacebringer
Since I was a former member of theال-سرمسن جيهد (Crimson Jyhad), I've had some experience with automatic fire and....just kidding.

I've stayed away from Recon as I was already familar with the Palladium system (D&D's hit points :roll:) and I didn't like that system and I assumed Recon used a similar system. Does it? If not, I have a few questions.

How does the Recon rules compare to Cyberpunk 2020 system? Are the Recon rules more realistic? Are they faster/more efficient, etc?

Are there vehicle rules for Recon as well? Has anyone thought of creating "Mechs" for the Recon game?

I'm having a problem in CP2020 with area effect and automatic fire. An AV or an IFV can take a hit of, say, 44 20mm rounds and survive, however, rolling for each round's hit and possible penetration is time consuming and takes away from game time. Though, it can be kind of fun to figure out if your AV is going to be too crippled to make it back to base and you have to ditch it and walk, 500miles though arid, desert terrain with an oxygen content of around 10%(for another game), but anyways, oh, and I use ACPA rules for vehicles.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:15 pm
by Jefffar
Recon uses a fundamentally different system oreinted towards wargaming instead of role playing.

Each character has 3 attributes (Strength, Agility and Alertness) and a umber of weapon and non weapon skills. Evrything is percentile checks with modifiers.

One of my favourite parts of the system is that Strength not only represents your lifting capability but also your endurance and your movement speed. As you take damage it comes off your strength - meaning a sevrely wounded character is substantively impaired rather than fighting at full power.

Characters are designed to be made up in under 15 minutes and a few poor decisions in combat can cause the entire party to be wiped out in short order.

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:08 am
by GreenGhost
It's much more realistic than anything else I've played.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:49 am
by GreenGhost
Capt. Amundson wrote:Definitely have to agree, it's realistic. I just missed 'Nam myself, so I can actually play the game without PTSD ;-)

LOL! I was a bit young for Nam- lol (born in '70). My father had 3 tours with the 173rd. I just found out that he earned 4 Bronze Stars during that time. If I knew that when I was a kid I would have cleaned my room a little better :P

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:05 pm
by GreenGhost
Capt. Amundson wrote:
GreenGhost wrote:
Capt. Amundson wrote:Definitely have to agree, it's realistic. I just missed 'Nam myself, so I can actually play the game without PTSD ;-)

LOL! I was a bit young for Nam- lol (born in '70). My father had 3 tours with the 173rd. I just found out that he earned 4 Bronze Stars during that time. If I knew that when I was a kid I would have cleaned my room a little better :P

Almost wish I had served and gotten those Bronze Stars. Maybe my son would have cleaned his room better. lol

LOL! My son is 15 and I told him if he can't sweep a floor he can't drive a car. He's getting better.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:36 pm
by GreenGhost