Hades is on track for Gen Con release

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Hades is on track for Gen Con release

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Hades is on track for Gen Con Indy release!

We remain very busy, but it’s a good busy, as we’ve gotten a great deal done these past few days.

This afternoon, I drove out to the printer to review the proof of the cover and interior pages for Dimension Book 10: Hades, Pits of Hell. It all looked great, I signed off on them, and we are on track to have the book in time for Gen Con Indy. :-D

I’m starting to get excited by Gen Con Indy as we get ready for the show. The truck and my mini-van have been prepped for the road trip (both needed some minor repairs and maintenance), we’ve been in touch with our various helpers and guests meeting us in Indiana, confirmed our hotel reservations, and I spent half the day gathering up convention supplies, books, prints and specialty items as part of our booth display.

I’m really dying to see how people react to the Rifts® and the Megaverse® art book and the Hades sourcebook.

We always have a good time at Gen Con, and I’m looking forward to visiting with pals I only get to see once or twice a year. There’s fellow professionals like Teresa Mead, Jolly Blackburn, Larry Elmore, and many others, and then there’s our gaming pals and fans, like James Brown, Shawn and Lisa Hall, Zachary Houghton, Lonnie Langston, Dennis Hughes, and a true multitude of others.

Feeling positive about Palladium’s future

I’m also starting to feel really good about Palladium’s future. After the scary and hard times resulting from the Crisis of Treachery, it’s hard for me to believe things may be starting to look up at Palladium. Consequently, I was pleasantly surprised to have a number of business professionals gush about how we survived the Crisis, what wonderful fans we have (that part I knew), and Palladium’s potential for the future. I’ve had a number of business meetings this week and everyone I've spoken with seems very positive about everything we’ve accomplished this past year, and where Palladium is headed in the future.

Things are still a bit rough and uneven, but if our upcoming role-playing sourcebooks and other products sell as well as we think they will, Palladium’s recovery will speed ahead that much faster. The folks I talked to outside of the company certainly seem to have great expectations for us. Cool. I hope they are right. Now if only I can hire a key person or two, increase our production, hit our schedule with releases and do more online . . . Palladium would really be hopping.

Sorry, I’m beat. It’s been a long day and going past midnight, so I think I’ll hit the sack. Maybe I’ll murmur some more on Saturday. Keep the faith and game on!!!!

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer, Artist and Conventioneer
© Copyright August 10, 2007
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